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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. .... however the local press has made similar claims in previous years and it's always been a "second" team. Still, if the semi-drunken chatter at the testimonal is anything to go by, I think a bunch of us may be going up for a days beer around Morecambe (actually, I suggest pre-game in Morecambe and post-game in Lancaster).
  2. Well, we managed about 6hrs straight, which isn't bad. Tonight winner was definately CookieMonster (although, for a while, the gap was narrowing ). So, who wants to set a date for another game ?
  3. On the left is a list of tables, "real money" ones at the top "play money" ones below. One of the play money ones should be "Slam Tilt's HE", click it and away you go. Make sure the format (at the top) is set to "Ring Game" rather than "Tournament". Current STandings nottsrover $687 Slam-Tilt (me) $1370 Shivni87 (Eddie) $280 1llama $574 CakeMonster (CookierMonster) $2323 angelofdeth (Rock Steady) $979 Mee 2 (Hughsey) $200
  4. The standings at the moment are - llama $800 Ricky $596 CookieMonster $1398 RockSteady $1328 Me $962 ... there are places at the table for anyone who wants to join at any time.
  5. Play Money. Anyway. I've just opened "Slam-Tilt's HE" under "Private Tables" and intend to be there most of the evening. Once you've selected the game it'll ask you to Send Me a Message, just send your board username and I'll invite you in at the end of the hand. I'm playing as Slam-Tilt by the way.
  6. One of us starts a room (and make it private), and set the description to BRFCS or something. Other players then look down the list of available games for that player, easy as. After spending most of last night fixing the site, I think I'll spend most of tonight playing poker instead.
  7. The RSS news feed is working again (if you don't know what an RSS news feed is, then don't worry about this ). Firefox users may like to know that you can use our RSS feed to have brfcs.com news scrolling across their browser as it gets posted (even when not viewing the site) using this extension - http://inforss.mozdev.org/
  8. Removed member number, warning level and number of posts from post display (don't worry, all these can still be viewed by clicking the persons name).
  9. Smilies fixed too (I'm on a roll tonight).
  10. Avatars Ahoy ! (Although the new moose and Adopted Scouser ones are still to add).
  11. I've recently started playing online poker a bit. If anyone fancies joining some BRFCS games then post something here. www.holdempoker.com has free membership, allows anyone to play with "play money" (i.e. prentend money) , has quite nice software (java based, works ok under linux, windows and Mac OS), allows private games and doesn't seem to have sold my email address to anyone yet. If we get enough interest we can arrange a propper tournament, if not just a few friendly hands every now and again.
  12. Regarding Warning Levels. We did actually have the on the last version of the software but we figured they'd confuse people (along with the member numbers) so I hid them. As both have caused confusion I may well do the same again.
  13. Front Page Now Fully working again.
  14. Sadly the "retro look" we had given the forum didn't survive the recent messageboard update.
  15. Front Page Fixed ...... Well the info is there, I think the presentation needs some work (much like the rest of the board)
  16. You can't get someone's address from an IP address, only the ISP the IP belongs to 317292[/snapback] Depends how well you get on with Techs are various UK ISPs
  17. We're not wanting to sell it, but the offical brfcs.com flag came from here - http://www.barmyflags.co.uk/
  18. I'm looking into why posts keep vanishing. Symptom of the new software I guess.
  19. ebuyer customer service is legendarily bad. So bad it makes NTL look good
  20. For minimal fuss your best value is Dell, but watch their special offers as they can sometime be exceptionally good (double memory is a common one) and don't be afraid to pretend to be a small business to get different offers. When buying PCs for work I always get dell nowadays. As for self builds, if all goes well it's no more complicated than lego nowadays and anyone capable of weidling a screwdriver some be able to do it with only small ammounts of guidance. HOWEVER the skill of a real system builder comes when it DOESN'T work. Thats when you need a complete set of spares to deduce what is failing (along with the patience of a saint, lots of coffee and an environment where you can swear openly). Once upon a time I used to swear by self builds, nowadays I just point everyone to Dell, you might save a few quid, but you might also create yourself lots of hassle. My home PC is a self build, but only because transparent side panels and blue neon throughout aren't an option Dell offer .
  21. Perhaps I put that badly, I'm not against the current incentives for kids in the family stand, in fact I think they are superb. Keeping them so low is a bold gamble by the club and one that will hopefully pay off over the years. My problem is that exactly the same incentives are available for the BBE lower ! Thus there is no incentive to use the family stand over the BBE lower.
  22. For once Waggy I agree with you (although not quite for the same reason) and I raised it at the last fans forum (leading to the somewhat embarasing sig Ste B has). Currently there is no financial incentive for kids to use the family stand and as a result many have relocated to the lower tier. The in turn has lead to a diluting of the atmosphere in the lower BBE and must be partly responsible for the lack of buzz that everyone has noticed. I know I behave much more reserved at Ewood that away, especially with regards to "industrial language", mainly because I'm surrounded by kids. I am comtemplating my second seat move in two season because once more I have my football spolit by an annoying kid who has little or no intrest in the game. Give the kids an incentive to move back into the family stand and let the "hardcore" fans retake the BBE and rebuild the atmosphere. Secondly, a radical idea I've been touting (along with other such as Ewood Spark and Cap'n K) is in two parts. The two parts could be done independantly, but I feel would work best together. 1. Demolish the Riverside. Period. Don't rebuilt it. Nothing drives up demand like scarcity of supply. Less seats = full house = clamour for tickets again. People will have to come to the small games to get tickets for the big ones. 2. Stand Up To The FLA and open a gently sloping setion of the former Riverside as a safe standing area. As the SASD campaign have proven, there is nothing legally stopping safe standing, only the FLA's recommendations. This would not only bring back some of the atmosphere, but truely make the club stand out from it's peers (not to mention rekindling the intrest of some of the lost support who have become disillusioned with the commercialization of football).
  23. My seat is slap bang in the middle of the blackburn end and it had been sold to someone else by Saturday. However, I only needed to move 4 seats along to get an empty pair of seats. So it doesn't look good.
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