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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Gav and Debs have a dilemma. They only managed to get one ticket for Burnley and can't decide who uses it. Gav has suggested they both put their sides forward and then YOU decide who goes ! How much more important a decision could you make in life ? So, Gav, Debs, the floor is yours.
  2. Unlikely as this years away kit is red and black. Hopefully 06/07 then .
  3. Main Sponsor will be changing (it's been confirmed that HSA have chosen not to renew) so both shirts will be changing.
  4. What's more, Welcome To Hell was a Turkish thing and we've been lucky enough to follow our team to Turkey already. As it's 37 years, 44 weeks and 3 days since Burnley last played in Europe, I can't imagine too many of their fans have followed them outisde the UK for competitive football, ever.
  5. Glenn. I'm going to be in, Bob Lord, should have a great view of you guys. I was planning to take pics. Can I help with this to send shots of the Rovers support? If you've got a camera phone, just send any pics to my phone and I'll do the rest.
  6. I'm on 11. I'm just working on something that should allow me to send pics from inside the ground, staight onto our photo site at http://brfcs.fotopic.net . I obviously can't take any of the game (unless we want a lawsuit), but I should hopefully be able to get some of the crowd in near real-time (don't expect too many, they cost me).
  7. Clicky ! (Orcan's Roof Top Bar) You'd forget him telling everyone EXACTLY what he thought of Burnley, very loudly and finally, with the aid of several paper knapkins, learning all the words to No Nay Never. Orcan at t'turf
  8. So you did it because you were concerned about the safety of fellow Rovers fans, a noble gesture, I'm truly impressed, if a little sceptical. 5 minutes research would show you that Miriam Clucas is the ticket office manager, I am not on first name terms with her, in fact I think she may have taken a slight dislike to me (after I was somewhat vocal on the policy of putting tickets on sale the day after a home fixture, ensuring folk like me, who live outside the area, have to pay the extra £2 booking fee to get tickets). Despite your little conspiracy theory, as previously stated in this thread, having been to sufficient away games, I just rang up at 9am on Monday like everyone else. Fair play. The pricing for unattractive games has been discussed at length and the club has tried innumerable methods to address it. Sadly it's a problem with no ideal solution, if you feel you have one, let me know and I'll happily put it forward. I agree that cat A prices throughout would be financially best in the short term (the die hard will whinge, but still turn up) but it does little to entice new fans. Like everything in life worth doing, it's just a simple matter of getting off one's arse and actually doing something (rather than bitching about it down the pub or on an internet forum). In my case, a simple letter to the chairman of the FF sent via the club asking "how one gets onto the fans forum ?" was the starting point. On the plus side, you've had the good grace to spell my name correctly, something most people don't bother to do
  9. The clubs charter has changed so that they can now change the home shirt every year and as they now cost half as much I think thats fair enough.
  10. Have a ring around your local Sports Soccers / Sports Worlds, there are several stores out there with stock (LS27 branch in Leeds had a load let just befor Christmas) and you may be able to persuade them to move stock between stores.
  11. What's the betting they haven't had the same legal threats in the past we have
  12. Ticked Off ! I'm chuffin livid and I already have my tickets. Telephone was an advertised way of getting tickets, no mention was made in the run up to the game that people in the queue would be given preferential treatment, so why the hell should the view of a fan and a safety officer change the clubs policy without prior warning ? Why did you not ask them to bin all the post applications too ? After all, they are people just "too lazy" to queue too aren't they ? I've written to Miriam asking if there a policy change regarding the phones mid-morning and if there was then I'm going to kick up one hell of a fuss of this because it's completely out of order. Talk about moving the goalposts. This isn't about me whining because I didn't get tickets, because I did. It also not about me being in Leeds and you lot getting an extra one and a half in bed after I'd have to set off (as Abbey, Rev, Ewood Spark and RoverTheMoon will testify, for Celtic I was on the concourse around 5:30am, having been forced to take a full day off work) because if I hadn't already got tickets I would have not only been in the queue at Ewood but on the phone too (as I was for Celtic). If you want a ticket that badly, you'll do what it takes. No, It's about the fact that when the club advertised three methods of getting tickets (one, as always, pretty much gaurenteeing them) to expect one to be cancelled mid morning because to some people it's unfair is outrageous. This would have been no fairer than saying to everyone in the queue, "Look, the phone lines are jammed and those people are having to PAY to queue. where as you're sorry asses are costing the club extra money by having the concourse open". Silly and unfair ? Yes, but no more so than stopping phone sales. Odd, I haven't missed a FF meeting in the last couple of years and I don't remember ticketing for Burnley coming up ? In fact, I think the only time away ticketing came up was post-Celtic and I don't remember anyone complaining about the phones then. So what ? Shock horror, not every Rovers employee is a die-hard Rovers fan. I wouldn't mind betting a fair percentage openly admit to being fans of other clubs. IT'S A WORKPLACE ! People do a job their for a living, not devotion to the club. I will however concede there is some logic in your theory of away tickets NOT benefiting the club financially.
  13. DON' T ! See the note above about us not being allowed to facilitate the re-sale of tickets.
  14. 20 mins in the queue and I'm now sorted Nice to see they ARE taking the time to check you've been to the away games.
  15. is it just the picky part of me, or is the 'blame grooby' speech on every thread really not that funny The point of a Grooby option on most polls (admittedly not the best player ones) is a chance for people to abstain/vote none-of-the-above. ... and besides, who's to say everything ISN'T Lee Grooby's fault
  16. Yeah .... lets turn this thread turn in to another I'm-a-better-fan-than-you thread too. I won't be there (or at the Colchester game either). Live with it. I attend as many games as I can reasonably attend (however I am fortunate enough that this is the vast majority of games). I can't attend this one. Such is life. I'm sure everyone else is in the same boat, just with differing values of "reasonably". Anyway, back on topic. Nice preview Scotty and Sox Mr Souness.
  17. I can remember Cooper Pale, Coopers Sparkling, Cooper Dark, Cooper Mild, Coopers DB, and Coopers Regency Light ..... But not Coopers Dave ! Maybe that's what DB stands for, Dave's Beer
  18. I can say with 100% confidence the only changes between the various regional releases of GTA:SA the default video outout (NTSC/PAL to suit the difference in TVs) and some very minor "localization" stuff (spellings in menus etc). The was a rumour the Australian version was going to be slightly "sanitized" (some of the gore removed) but I believe this never actually happened. So, no, there is no chance you could ride a horse. You can tell you freind from me that he's a big fat liar
  19. Somebody is bound to want this thread so I'll bring it to the top just to be nice
  20. Just the one at this stage I seem to remember (there are some more "storyline" races later on in the game, but not for a while yet).
  21. Waggy may be able to confirm this (I was just earwigging his conversation with a Cardiff fan) but I believe this includes transport.
  22. It's actually pretty easy, like all most all the races, hang back into the first corner, then take the lead as they all crash into each other then drive fairly sensibly around the rest. Knowing the route help quite a bit but it should take no more than half a dozen attempts.
  23. Low rider is the one that progresses the storyline.
  24. That would seem to suggest that your statement is only 2.94% correct One of the reasons I created this poll (and others like it) is many people seem to take the views of disgruntled messageboard posters as a consensus view on a subject. I always figured that despite the pricing obviously upsetting a number of fans, there would be just as many who wouldn't care enough to a. Not stump up the cash regardless and b. Post a message about it on here.
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