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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. The problem with this much suggested idea is that half the gate including the seats taken by ST holders goes to the visiting side, if we give away free seats then half their value (i.e. half what we would normally charge / half what we have charged visiting fans for similar seats) goes to the visitors. For 7000 against Bournemouth this isn't too much of a financial hit, but imagine if we'd have drawn Man Utd/Bolton/Burnley/Some Other Sell Out. Not only would the club lose potential revenue from ST holders (which could be accounted for in the ST price) but also have to shell out £15 per ST holder to the opposition too (which couldn't) ! Obviously the club can't take such a risk announcing such a scheme before the draw is known.
  2. Please start it any time you want. Actually, one of the reasons I changed this as a poll is I suspected many people WOULD still be going despite the price, but wouldn't care to post to justify their actions (myself included). One of the problems with internet forums such as this is those who have the biggest beef shout loudest despite them not necessarily being in the majority. The LET's TP sacking letters page was another example, they managed to drag up weeks worth of letters, despite our poll actually showing that the majority of fans backed the decision (although not the manner in which it was leaked).
  3. I've just put some info up in the Away Guide section for those of you that are travelling (although much of it may be out of date). Personally, it's a rare chance to stand on a terrace again, quite possibly the last one I'll get as a Rovers fan, so I'm not going to miss it.
  4. Warning. The info below was taken from awayguide.net and hasn't been updated since 04/07/2000 and may therefore be very much out of day [full_club_name]Cardiff City AFC [ground_name] Ninian Park [entry_updated] 04/07/00 [ground_pcode]CF118SX The Ground Away fans are normally allocated tickets in the Grange End Terrace. This is covered standing with smoking allowed. There is a snackbar serving food but no alcohol. For some games away supporters may be allocated seats in the Grandstand, some of which have an obscured view. Update - My tickets are indeed for the John Smiths Visitors Terrace Pubs & Food The pubs in the immediate vicinity of the ground tend to be home fans only. Two recommended away pubs are The Cornwall and The Cottage, which are about 1/2 a mile from the ground. The Cornwall (on Cornwall St) welcomes both sets of fans and serves hot and cold snacks. The Cottage is on St Marys Street near to the city centre and the station. It is an old traditional pub and serves food. It is advisable to keep colours covered around the pubs and city centre. There are no food outlets in the vicinity of the ground. There is a fish and chip shop next to 'The Cornwall' pub. Travel Ninian Park is accessed from Junction 33 of the M4. Upon leaving the motorway join the A4232 following signs for Cardiff. Take the second exit off this road. Stay in the left hand lane of the slip road and you will automatically join Leckwith Road. Follow this road to the traffic lights and upon reaching them turn right into Sloper Road. The ground is on the left hand side. Parking is available opposite the ground. To access the parking take the first turning right off Leckwith Road. Cardiff Central station has direct services from London Paddington, Bristol, Birmingham and Manchester. There are regular trains from Cardiff Central Railway station to Ninian Park. Other Info The clubs official website is at http://www.cardiffcity.co.uk Thanks to Cardiff City AFC Ticket Office Assistant Karen Hicks for taking the time to send a large amount of info on the ground and its facilities. Thanks also to Jeff Jones for an update on the ground.
  5. Ahem, Just a small point guys. Peer-2-Peer networks aren't in themselves bad or illegal, which is why we allow people to discuss them. Downloading copyrighted material (without permission) is illegal and discussing it is against both our and our host's guidelines (so please don't). Also you're pretty much admitting to a crime (even if many of our readers don't see it that way) in a very public place, which is never a good thing, especially as the movie and music industries are now both starting to put p2p sharers (i.e. the little folks, not the major league distributors) in court (and I hope the software industry starts to follow suit, because thats were *I* personally lose out).
  6. As the transfer window is now open, it's probably a good time to do a round-up of the rumors. Today's People Rangers are after David Thompson with possibly Ball or Rickson coming the other way (or even Hartson if last weeks rumors are to be believed) and the News Of The World have Ferguson returning to Rangers for a mere £3M. Of course, several of the tabloids have already linked Ferguson with Souness again at Newcastle. Sky Sports however have quotes from Hughes saying that Ferguson isn't for sale. The story also confirms the news that our bid for Robbie Savage has been turned down and that the loan of Manchester United defender Johnathon Spector has been delayed because of the injury problems at United The News of The World (along with a couple of other Sunday papers) has us linked with Benfica's Croatian striker Tomislav Sokota others have linked us with cash-strapped Parma's Grella who is also wanted by Calgari and Lazio . The deal for New Zealand captain Ryan Nelsen which many thought was done and dusted is now looking shaky acording to NZ News site "stuff", but as the article lists other incoming defender as Spector as confirmed and links us with out of favour Liverpool player and ex-Rover Henchoz it may be pure speculation. Elsewhere, Sheff United are rumored to be making a cheeky for Jon Stead acording to the News Of The World One player that is expected to move in the transfer windows is James Beattie and whilst he isn't expected to return to Ewood it is strongly believed that Rovers negotiated a sizeable sell-on clause when he was sold to Southampton, so any move should net Rovers a percentage of the transfer value. Click on Read Entire Article for more ...............
  7. I never expected them to sell well. Just after crimbo and a run of fixtures in short sucession, not a particular inspiring ground, early round cup tie and the whole "soul crew" thing to worry about. it's a very easy one to miss. Thankfully, the cup game at Millwall a couple of years ago was an absolutely top day out (with no agro and great friendly fans in the pub before hand) so I'm expecting nothing less of Cardiff. Plus, it's a nice excuse to stand on a terrace for one last time.
  8. There were at least two drummers there today (although I will admit they were less active than usual).
  9. Ahhh ... The "Terminator II" level (because of the chase down the flood control system chased by a truck). Bloody good that level ... and pretty hard. I'm left with just the last mission to do, but I'm now attempting to get 100%, so I'm leaving the last mission until last.
  10. In the past we've met up in a place opposite the train station.
  11. If you're trying to say Rovers should pay for as many tickets as they can get and then provide free transport, WHY THE HELL SHOULD THEY ! Lots of us puts lots of money into the club, why the hell should we subsidise the hoards that would only turn up because of free transport (as I did for Sheff Wednesday and Grimbsy. Even thought I drove to both myself). If the club has the resources to do such a thing I'd much rather they spent the money on some incentive to get fans attending Ewood more often rather than a one of trip to Cardiff.
  12. Does anyone know for sure he doesn't pay ? I know one of the (now-ex) drummers pays both home and away. Or is this yet another bit of pub-folklore that the more it gets repeated the truer it gets ?
  13. I've just realised I haven't done a ground guide for Palace. I'll try and get something posted tonight, any offers of help greatly apreciated.
  14. You two not been to away games this year perhaps ? Using your logic why should ST holders get preferencial treatment over walk-on customers (after all, technically pay more for their tickets) ? I'm guessing because you DO have season tickets ? Maybe we should give preferential treatment to those that have been to no games at all, after all those that have been to some games are already on the path to becoming a regular supporter so don't need as much incentive.* I'm not trying to start a I'm-a-better-fan-than-you argument, I'm just wondering WHY those ST holders going to away games shouldn't get preferential treatment over those who do (other than that YOU may have to pay for more expensive seats ) ? I think the club has done everythign it reasonably can to be fair and I can't see a better way of doing it. (* For the hard of thinking, this is sarcasm as someone will no doubt point out the stupidity of this).
  15. SG194. So, you'd do first come first served ? So those that have travelled to Palace, Fulham, Southampton, Newcastle, Norwich etc should be forced to pay more for their ticket than somebody that hasn't simply because they managed to get in the queue earlier and managed to secure lower tier tickets ? Under your scheme we should just put the tickets on open sale so that those folks who haven't bothered going to Rovers since 99 but will go to this because it'll be a good session, should get equal chance ? It's not like not having gone to away games will stop people getting tickets, it just means they don't get first grab (and hence, less chance of the cheaper seats), which seems fair enough to me. The lower tier WILL sell out very quickly and given the date I expect the upper tier to sell out too. Now, I agree its a shame that this isn't necessary for ALL our away game, but given it's Bolton and it's Christmas I (and the club it seems) expect the turnout to be high. I say Rovers Ticket Office have got the bob-on for once. The ticket office seem to be on the list of "acceptable targets" whom people bitch about without any real basis of fact. This "hard to get tickets" line is complete rubbish and anyone who has tried to get tickets knows it to be rubbish, but sadly the rumour mill is mightier than Rovers' PR machine and the myth lives on. Has ANYONE had ANY trouble getting a ticket for an away game (that hans't sold out) in the last few years ? NO ? Well why help keep the rumour going ? If you've got a season ticket then ring up when they go on sale to those without stubs. No season ticket ? Same again, unless they've sold out in which case maybe it might be a good reason to buy a ST next year. <Rant Over>
  16. Yes, they ARE checking history (which is a good thing). 30 mins in the queue this morning, which is also a good thing (or at least was once I'd got mine ).
  17. Ah well, I survived Millwall so Cardiff can't be too bad At least it's a ground I've never been to. Dingles have got Liverpool.
  18. As an ex resident of the Riverside-Side of the BBE the drummer does provide a very useful role, he makes the right side (if you were stood on the pitch) aware of what the left side (where most of the songs start) is singing and often gets them singing. Now, I'm sat bang in the center (pretty much in line with the drummer) and I can hear the left hand side and I've noticed a. The Drummer often only joins in after the BBE start something, this helping "pass the chant along" and b. Ones he can't drum with never get sung out the right hand side (inlcuding yesterdays rendition of "You Are My Sunshine"). This is why there is a much better atmosphere at Away games, its because of the smaller numbers and higher percentage of singers, everyone can easily hear someone singing, which you can't at home games. Being sat in the middle is quite funny because someone around row 25 is very vocal and tries very hard to continue songs across the middle, however he has a knack for singing the wrong thing So I say again, until the fans can learn to sing without the drummer, he serves a useful purpose, without him the only fans that would be singing ANYTHING at the moment would the JW-Side of the BBE (and the bloke behind me ). However, I'd be much much much happier if he wasn't needed and wasn't there (the drummers, not the bloke behind me ) because like playing the Final chuffin Countdown it makes us look like the stuck-in-the-past flat cap in whippet owners that people sterotype us as.
  19. Target them (R1 I think, same way you target with a weapon) and then press UP on the D-Pad.
  20. Lots of people seem to be struggling with girlfriends not being there, some sites advise a complete change of clothes, but I've got a feeling its more to do with you becoming too fat/skinny/muscley/wimpy that you GF is so embarased she hides when you come around.
  21. I don't know if it helps with the muscle/fat thing, but I always turned up in the gimp suit, that way she skips the whole drive and dinner thing and get straight to the sex. It may lose a couple of potential date points, but its a shed load quicker (I think I only had to visit her 3 times, 4 if you count the mission visit). Has anyone noticed the roulette table not being sensible, I must have played 30 games and only seen black come in 3 times. Currently I am very rich
  22. Actually, Glenn was last seen wearing a baseball cap, gold chain and leather gimp outfit, wandering around the Las Venturas 24/7 store !
  23. Whilst Billy's, Mikey's (and formerly Martin's) et al's drums aren't my cup of tea, I feel they come in for an completely unfair amount of abuse, especially on pseudo-anonymous forums such as this. They seem to have become an acceptable target for abuse, a bit like The French, Morris Dancers and Gerald Jackson* . These lads only want the same thing as us, to see Rovers win in a good atmosphere but they are actually doing something about it. If you don't like it, simply start chants they CAN'T join in with (there are quite a number) but sadly whilst the crowd is conditioned to react the the beat of a drum they'll continue to do so and the drummers will remain necessary. Regardless, before this turns into another drummer-slag-fest remember they are real people with real families just doing what they think is the right thing. * This ISN'T another dig at Gerald, I'm merely pointing out that people have in the past written some very unfair things about him without regard for his feelings.
  24. Maybe OnePost is trying to develop his/her own style ? Maybe "@#/?" is going to become as familair as Tashor's Fleurks, AESF's journalistic styled essays, Abbey's CAPS, Waggy's , Sox & Bob's satire, Scotty's sarcasm, Jim's pessasmism and my unqiue spelling/grammar/proofreading. ..... Then again, maybe not.
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