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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Exactly, any non-geek that calles me a geek gets a kicking
  2. Earlier today, two young men reported to be in their early 20s voluntary attended Blackburn Police station are were arrested on suspicion of committing a racially aggravated public order offence. Lancashire Police said the pair contacted police following the appeal and arranged to come to the station and were now being interviewed. UPDATE - David Ashcroft, 21, from Leyland in Lancashire, and Jason Perryman, 22, from Chorley in Lancashire are due to appear before Blackburn Magistrates charged with racially aggravated public order offences. FURTHER UPDATE - Perryman has pleaded guilty and has been fined £1000 and banned from attending football matches for 5 years. Ashcroft's has pleaded not guilty and his case will be heard at a later date.
  3. I guessed that, but I was just making things clear for the hard of thinking out there
  4. NO NO NO NO NO NO ! Unless I'm mistaken the CPS aren't likely to proceed if he's named because it would predujice his trial too much (or have I been watching the bill too much). Tell the club, tell the police, tell us in confidence and we'll pass it on, but FFS DO NOT name and shame him on here. ... and in answer to the question, "Who has not heard racist abuse on the BBE" ... me, not in a good number of years andyway. 3 or 4 years ago it happend a bit and pretty much always lead to a backlash from surrounding fans.
  5. NO MORE MENTIONS OF BURNLEY ! There is a serious discusion here, and we're turning it into point scoring with the Dingles.
  6. It was a ROMA scarf he was wearing. Nothing to do with Burnley, and the issue at hand here is how do we deal with OUR racist fans. EDIT - Kick Racism out of football have issued a statement on last nights incidents, which seems to be a far more measured response than from Jims colleagues in the gutter press. It was possibly a Roma scarf, after watching the footage yet again (coupled with my own memories of last night). I'm not 100% sure it is now. It sure as hell wasn't Claret And Blue though (which was the point Ste was trying to get across).
  7. Quite a few sources are claiming that, I can only assume it's on one of the Press Association articles (can anyone with access to the PA news feed confirm this ? Or are lots of individual journos making the same mistake ?).
  8. I actually spotted the odd scarf on the concorse before kick off or at half time and thought "what an odd scarf to wear at the Rovers". I'm pretty sure it was a Roma scarf (I have to be honest, at first glance I thought it was a Bradford Ciry scarf, but Roma is near identical colours and is more likely).
  9. Stange Times indeed. I agree with Jim whole heartedly.
  10. Great. Second story on Sky news (just after baby selling) complete with video footage of two muppets on the front of the BBE, one flicking the "v"'s the other, I have to say by his body language it was far more imitating the stance of a monkey than giving a w****r sign with both hands. However, at least Sky are getting the point across that it is Three fans (although one seemed to be doing nothing more than standing at the front flicking the Vs). The club HAS to do some damage limitation on this quickly, the footage is pretty damage. The HAVE to get the point out that this was ONE FAN. We've obviously asked the clubs press relations company for their official statement, as soon as we get it, we post it for all to see.
  11. Just watch the media spin this one into "Blackburn, The Racist Football Club". Remember Dublin last year when the papers accused us of calling DY both a Wuss (in several papers) and a Wog (in one) when we were actually singing WASP (black and yellow stripes), so I ha've do doubt that with a clever bit of sound editing the whole hearted boo he recieved when he came on (one of the loudest I've ever heard at Ewood) was soon be perceived as Monkey Chants. When in truth what is proably happen is one drunk arse threw a bit too much abuse (which I'm not condoning). I have a seat in pretty much the middle of the BBE and I didn't hear ANY racial abuse what so ever, sure I saw one guy go toe to toe with DY and I was way too far away to hear was he personally said, but sadly, I'm sure the tabloids will be full of how there were hundreds if not thousands partaking in rascists chants. Radio 5 tonight reported that one fan was ejected for making offensive hand gestures, whats the guessing it gets reported as ejected for racial abuse. Radio 5 were already implying the abuse came from "the crowd" not "a fan". I'm sorry but I can't see how the club's PR machine can combat this one, by midweek the Big Club Biased media is going to give us another kicking and there is only one way to combat it, make sure we get our side across on every national phone in, letters page and that paper editor KNOWS how we feel. GET ON THE PHONE INS, WRITE TO THE EDITORS, GET PUBLISHED ON THE LETTERS PAGE. This week the LET has shown how peoples letters can distort the perception (if their letters page was truely representative of the fans then 72% of people wouldn't have voted pro-Hughes in on survey), we should do the same to get the truth out, otherwise our fan base will have another reason not to turn up.
  12. It's the one at the back of Albion Mill. You get to it from LBR by turning down the hill on the bend on LBR. Used to me a night club I think and has just be re-opened by a guy who also runs a restaurant on George Street in Chorley. Can't remember the name at present He was telling me abot the place a few weeks back, but I hadn't realised it was already open. He is very interested to attract fans on match day, also very keen to know what fans would want to eat. I suggested chicken Balti Not being local, I could well be wrong but I think 1864 is talking about the Navigation or The Moorings and Paul is talking about The Waters Edge (same canal, but some distance apart). I'd love the Waters Edge to reopen, it was my pre-match pub for quite some time, plenty of room, pool and pinball, reasonable beer (cheap too), giant screen, pretty much all you needed.
  13. How do you get into the driving school? There's always someone talking to the highlighted girl in the school who turns around and says I have to eat more. Even after quite a few pizzas, she still says that. Am I missing something? Ignore the girl (it's just a potential girlfriend), I think there is a red corona in front of the TV to start the driving school bit.
  14. Amen to that. This is precisely why I started the poll (and left it so long after the event). I was trying to gauge if, had it been done properly, would people object quite so much. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks almost every problem at the club (off the pitch) can be traced back (in some way) to poor PR. I'm going to choose my words carefully on this, I don't want to right royally offend Paul Agnew in the same way I did Gerald Jackson. Across the 92 clubs I'd agree, but I'd still argue that despite the poor PR, Rovers is still one of the most fan friendly and human clubs in the country.
  15. “This is the poem Slough, by Sir John Betjemen, probably never been here in his life. ‘Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough, it isn’t fit for humans now.’ Right, I don’t think you solve town planning problems by dropping bombs all over the place, he’s embarrassed himself there. Next ‘In labour saving homes with care, their wives frizz out peroxide hair, and dry it in synthetic air, and paint their nails-’ they wanna look nice, what’s the matter, doesn’t he like girls? ‘And talks of sports and makes of cars, and various bogus Tudor bars, and daren’t look up and see the stars, but belch instead.’ What's he on about? What, has he never burped? ‘Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough, to get it ready for the plough. The cabbages are coming now, the earth exhales-’ He’s the only cabbage round here. And they made him a night of the realm. Overrated.” - David Brent. As much as I enjoy John Betjeman, David Brent and the ins and outs of tactical voting I'm sure Den would be a lot happier if we meandered back onto the topic.
  16. I think Tony's "I want to remain a coach" kind of rules an ambasadorial role out even if the club offered one.
  17. In an attempt to judge the overall feeling on this (not just based on those who can be bothered posting something meaningfull here or writing to the LET) I've set up a poll here
  18. Just opened the third island, but haven't done much with it yet (other than parked my helicopter on the vegas strip ). I'm still tidying up bits of SF (I've done the Wang Cars missions and am part way through the Import/Export ones but I still can't do Zero's). From a few bits gathered around the net from before the game is released, the lawyer is back, Kent Paul is back and Macca is none other than Shaun Ryder (the audio sample on the teaser site http://www.maccer.net/ gave it away some time ago). Wasn't Mike Toreno from an older GTA game too ?
  19. Based on what ? I've had numerous meetings with JW and one thing that comes across is he cares very very deeply for the club. I also think he's doing an amazing job on the financial side, because there is no way on earth we should be playing with the big boys with our meager income. I can see two possible scenarios for this debarcle, either someone responsible for press releases stuffed up and released it early (as several people have pointed out, it's not unusual to make the decision to terminate someones employment before long before you actualy tell them) OR someone privy to the info (which I'm imagining is the board, the trust and MH) decided to tell the press. The one scenario I can't see is someone (JW or someone else) intentionally made the decision to release the story to the press but not tell TP. Think about it, it's just not going to happen. As PAPR (the Press Agency Rovers use) have ignored all our requests to send us press releases (despite the club OKing it) I can't confirm when the release was sent out but it does seem, yet again, for the umpteenth time, Rovers screwups have been down to bad communication. Let me repeat that for the skim readers THE NUMBER ONE PROBLEM AT ROVERS IS ITS COMMUNICATIONS (i.e. PUBLIC/RELATION RELATIONS) The standing / stewarding issue could have been nipped in the bud if only Rovers explained what they are doing to combat it. The Tony Parks debarcle is down to letting unofficial leaking out too early The whole SWI/Sports Soccer/Late Shirts would have been much less of an issue if the fans had been told WHY. We've got rapidly falling attendances, but the club does little to end the myth that you need to be on the database to get Rovers tickets. The list is endless, when you see the tireless work many inside the club do to make the club what it is today, but they leave themselves so criticism because they never get the message out to the people. </rant> One good thing has come out from this, at least tomorrow it'll give everyone something to bitch about other than the stewards.
  20. The only assets I have working for me so far in San Ferino are the Valet Parking and The Hippy Shopper (both $2000 in 24 (game) hrs) but then I'm not far into SF. All those people who thought "Wrong Side Of The Tracks" was tough, wait until you try the "Zero" missions I have however managed to get All Silver (with a couple of golds) at the Driving School and my girlfriend gives me free Pay N Sprays.
  21. Woooooooshhhh .... Very few Hughsey, hence why I don't wear colours for City. MCMC1875 > No idea, one of 9:53/10:02/10:08/10:23/10:28 from Leeds probably.
  22. Citeh is one of the few games I don't wear colors for (so I can get a drink) but I'm sure last year when I met Jordan in The Moon Under Water he was wearing colours. I'm on the train tomorrow and intend joining Scotty, Manchester Blue et al in the Marble Arch.
  23. Nice cameo in the final Catelina race isn't there (I knew I knew her from somewhere).
  24. Today's "Casuals" miss the point completly. In the early to mid 80s when the whole designer/label/casual/terrace thing properly kicked off you went out of your way to be *different*, the last thing you wanted was clobber someone else had, you'd trawl around obscure golf/camping/yachting/etc shop along with independant *real* sports shops (not leisure stuff like JD and JJB) to try and get something cool that nobody else had, having something from the high street, no matter what the label or price tag just didn't cut it. I'd always look forward to summer holidays abroad to make sure I got hold of stuff you couldn't get in England. Nowaday I'm far less fussy about my clothes (although I'm still partial to old school designer stuff) and I've even stopped wearing a cap all the time and always wear a replica shirt at footy* mainly because of how people may perceive me. *Except where it's likely to stop me getting a beer, like Citeh next weekend. Anyway, this is got very little to do with Norwich so can we head back on topic please.
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