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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Glenn


    Ground Craven Cottage is a great old ground, with the emphasis on old. Previously Away fans are allocated The Putney Terrace and seating in the Riverside stand, however in the 01/02 season they have been moved to the upper tier (seating) and lower tier (terrace) section of the Stevenage Road stand. Unlike the old Riverside Stand, The Stevenage Road Stand has a roof and the atmosphere is still good but a row of support pillars ensure obscured views for most seated fans (and often some standing). Unlike the Putney Terrace the loo's are made of breezeblocks and not just portaloos, but there are still far too few. The is also a food kiosk, with huge queues, but the food quality was OK. All the stands allow smoking with the exception of the Stevenage Rd end which being one of the oldest in the country is constructed partly of wood. No Bookmakers was found inside the ground, but there is one near to the ground. Pubs Most pubs around the ground are home only, so away fans tend to drink in Putney Bridge. There are plenty of away friendly pubs on the south side of Putney Bridge, the favourite being the Eight Bells. For those wanting to grab a snack on the way to the ground, the walk from the Eight Bells to the ground (assuming you go down the road and not through the park) passed several chippies and kebab shops. Travel By Car Getting to Fulham is easy, parking isn't. To find it simply leave the M25 J15 onto the M4, follow it to the end and where it runs into the A4, Hammersmith fly-over runs into a very large roundabout, turn right (by going 3/4 of the way round and actually turning left) towards Fulham and Putney Bridge. The ground is located on your right in around 2 miles. Parking is available on the streets around the ground (but get there early) , their is also a multi-story in the middle of the large roundabout in Hammersmith and possibly more in Putney Bridge. Train / Tube The ground is just a short walk from Putney Bridge Tube, the pubs are an even shorter walk. Fans / Police / Stewards Nothing much to say. Websites Official - www.fulhamfc.co.uk Unofficial www.fulhamweb.com Feel free to add you own info below.
  2. After I called the away end at Villa "The Worst Away End In The Prem" on Awayguide.net I actually got threats of violence from Villa fans ! Still, I now think it has to be the second worst away end in the Prem (after Pompey, who were not in the Prem at the time). Also, people should be able to create new topics now, sorry about that.
  3. I though only one of them was a clown, the other have differnent masks don't they
  4. Actually, I would never sing the national anthem either, but that another story for another thread. But I'd certainly show the oposition enough respect to allow them to sing theirs.
  5. Actually, I've stopped going to England games now because of the neanderthal knuckle dragging clone islanders with their ignorant booing of anthems and singing of no surrender etc. I used the go on the kop at Anfield with my dad as a kid and I've been to Anfield as a Rovers fan many times. However, the time I've felt most threatend their was sat in the middle of the kop for England vs Paraguay when the away following was close to zero. It had that "it's about to kick off air" that every regular footy fan knows and it seemed that every England first team game had it. (Got to agree with OssyRob, the "school trip" feeling of the U21s stopped me going to them too).
  6. Firstly, re-read my post, I am NOT speaking on behalf of all mods/admin, simply my backing of a ban. I am just one voice (and one that stays of day to day messageboard stuff mostly). Secondly, There is no need to remind me of the posting guidlines, as I said in my initial post, I'd just re-read them prior to working out wether to back a ban or not. Thirdly, Your example is blatent, undisputable racism where as the comments we are discussing are crass, disgusting and disrecptful but I don't see them as rascist (whilst it'd be possible to argue he's aguing that as he's a Liverpudlian with an irish passport his life less important, it's also possible he's agruing about the relevence of a minutes silence for an Irish Scouser at an England vs Wales match). His remarks WERE offensive to some obviously, and also blatent trolling (which the post is undoubtedly doing) so yes, there is provision in the guidlines for discipline (and I'm sure the mods will take care of that if they haven't done so already), but banning is something we take VERY seriously (especially to someone with a handfull of posts, who may not be fully aware of the rules and likely penalties) and don't to lightly. Anyway, I don't feel a public thread such as this is the place to be discussing this. FOR THOSE WHO LIKE SKIM READ AND THEN BASE THEIR OPINIONS ON WHAT THEY HALF-READ I AM NOT DEFENDING WHAT HE SAID, JUST THAT I CAN'T SEE WHAT WE CAN BAN HIM FOR ! It's days like today that make me wonder why I bother. I knew there was a reason I keep away from the MB.
  7. Whilst it's a throughly disgraceful and disrespectful post, I believe it falls within the rules (feel free to disagree with me) and therefore I can't back the calls we've had to ban him. If we banned everyone for holding views the mods/admin team find appalling then we'd have banned a lot of high profile posters. I do however expect a number posters to tear him a new one so to speak (and this post took so long to post that in the mean time, they have ).
  8. Now, which post do I follow up ? Do I point out just how good 808 state were (their colaberation with MC Tunes is still one of my favourite albums) or do I talk about just how good an album Slayer's Reign In Blood was ? Today (whilst clearing the gardening a bit) I think I'll be having a bit of a Jean Micheal Jarre day, I heard Oxygene being used as a bed for something on TV the other day and realised I hadn't listen to any of his stuff in years.
  9. What ? You've forgotten ... erm .... what was his name .... bloke that thought glue was a lubricant and threatend me with a horses head .... you know ... him ..... already*. I'd say his first (and only) weeks posts beat MattyBoy's by a mile. * seriously, I know it was only a couple of months ago, but what WAS his name ?
  10. Man, this has just made a crap day a lot better. I'll be there. The Poppies were fantastic ! But DefCon One is better than Bulletproof.
  11. Last couple of days it's ben Kasabian by Kasabian and Antics by Interpol. Two cracking albums.
  12. Map of Pubs, Pies and Parking at Ewood (also known as, what can be achived on a sunday morning when you can't sleep).
  13. Sadly, those protesting today lost ALL credability when they started singing "£2 an hour". Also, nobody seems to have picked up on this (including the Villa fans that stood for the entire games). Langham plea to away fans on Sep 29 2004
  14. The fact the nobody who has seen England play has rated Hendry better than him speaks volumes.
  15. That's the one, ta. Ok, prehaps not sureal, but how many ground guides can boast directions by canal ! Or the location of the nearest abbotior ? Anyway, thanks again Colin.
  16. We could hire a few coaches to do the training sessions and so on, and then we could discuss the lineups here at this forum... SO, who wants Friedel in goal for Sat? I've got the final word, but you can all state your opinions and I'll se what I can do ! We could just run a poll ..... Hang on, we'd end up with Lee Grooby playing all 11 positions
  17. Very little to add to that excellent (if a little surreal at times) entry from Colin, possibly only that in a recent years a grwoing number of Rovers fans have been found drinking on Deansgate (using the Moon On The Under Water, a massive Wetherspoons at the top of Deansgate, as a starting point) before and after the match. Also. the bus on the way back happens to stop outside the Dry Bar, which as well as being a great bar was also once owned by factory records and is where Sean Ryder (alledgedly) tried to shoot Tony Wilson.
  18. This is the second season that City have been playing at the ex-Commonwealth games stadium. To call it "a hole" is technically correct as the playing surface is a long way down from the surrounding ground level. It's a fantastic stadium. It is actually in a part of east Manchester called Bradford, which is about as confusing as a part of Blackburn being called Salford. Bradford was once an area of heavy industry and terraced housing in the "Coronation Street" style but most of it has gone. Unfortunately replaced by a load of 1960s and 1970s housing. There's still a lot to be done, but the efforts of Manchester City Council and others are gradually chipping away at the rot and deprivation. The area is still a bit rough though. There are things to do. Paul can go and have a ride round the national cycling velodrome which is across the road. There is also the National Squash Centre (the sport, nothing to do with soft drinks or flattening things) an indoor tennis centre and an athletics track. On a less positive note there is one of the north west's biggest abbatoirs within blood-spurting distance. The stadium is easy to find as it prettty much dominates the skyline and it's only about 10-15 minutes walk from the centre of Manchester. If you can tell east from west, head to the former and you'll get there OK. Entry is via a swipe card, just like the ST at Ewood. Waft it close to a detector/reader and it lets you in. Smoking is allowed in the concourse, but not once you are seated. The men's loos are OK, don't know about the other set. I suppose the only negative comment I could make was that last year the police tried to make Ian, Bjarte and me walk halfway to Ashton Under Lyne after the match. By Train The closest station is Ashburys which is on the line from Piccadilly to all points east and our lovely white rose neighbours in Yorkshire. However there is little point in getting a train to there because by the time you have waited for your connection at Piccadilly you could have walked it. From the south and west you will probably arrive at Piccadilly. Start walking east & follow the crowds. You could always try walking along the footpath of the Ashton canal which goes past both Piccadilly and the stadium. From the north (Blackburn) and east you will probably arrive at Manchester Victoria. Head off to the left of the CIS Tower (the tall one) and keep it on your right hand side and walk up Miller Street and then carry on in a straight line past the legendary "Band On The Wall," cross Oldham Road until you meet the crowds walking eastwards (to your left.) By Coach The newly revamped Chorlton Street Coach Station is close to Piccadilly Station so just down wander to the train station (downhill past The Churchill pub) and follow the instructions above. By Car The City Of Manchester Stadium is at the junction of the A 662 Ashton New Road and the A6010 Alan Turing Way. Due to pressure from the residents of the area around the stadium, Manchester City Council, has imposed a "restricted parking zone" which applies on match days. You park, you get towed away to the compound in Miles Platting where you will have to wade through industrial waste while being threatened by rabid alsations before some mouth-breather allows you to reclaim your car for £100 or something. Similarly if you risk parking at the massive Asda/Wal-Mart next door you will get clamped/towed. Park up somewhere safer and walk. Or park near a Metro station, go to to Piccadilly and take it from there. metrolink click on the route map or catch a bus using this journey planner Journey planner The COMS' postcode is M11 3FF. For Disabled With A Car I've e-mailed City's disabled supporters club contact for details but (as yet) have had no reply. By Local Bus Go to Piccadilly Gardens and ask. You'll probably not need to, as you will be able to follow all the City fans. Alternatively you can look here to find out where to catch a bus to the COMS buses to the COMS The buses take cash and give change. As with all bus drivers if you haven't got change and have to hand then a fiver or a tenner they will roll their eyes and give you your change in copper which will match your weight. By Canal From Yorkshire, the Ashton and Rochdale canals go pretty darn close, with the former only within spitting distance. From Blackburn, join the Leeds & Liverpool next to the Infirmary, south to Preston, across the Ribble estuary, down to Wigan, join the Bridgewater to Manchester then head east. You'll be there in no time at all if you set off the week before. Pubs If you arrive at Victoria go past the CIS building, up Miller Street and then turn left onto Rochdale Road, You will very soon come to "The Beer House." on your left. A bit further along Rochdale Road, also on your left, you will come to "The Marble Arch." Both are known for their spendid ranges of ales, beers, stouts and lagers.The latter is famous for its sloping floor which makes you think you are as ###### as a fart after only a couple of pints. It is worth a visit as it was boarded up and left to rot in the 1950s. It was restored in the 1980s and when the plywood and chipboard was taken away there was a perfectly preserved Victorian pub. A trick that Paul Daniels would be proud of. If you arrive at Piccadilly I suggest you try the "Bull's Head" which is across London Road from the station (next door to the old fire station, which has some mighty statues of bare & pneumatic ladies on the architecture.) An alternartive could be the hard to find "Jolly Angler" on Ducie Street close to Piccadilly Station. Worth the hunt, if you want a fine pint of real ale (Hydes) in a basic pub. Don't bother if you want a bottle of gassy lager with a slice of lemon stuck down the neck, strobe lights and a juke box. Of course there are many pubs in the centre of Manchester. These four are just my favourites. Pubs between the centre of Manchester and the stadium may be no-go areas so tread gently. Web links to Manchester pubs ex-student's ramblings manchesteronline ("all venues" choose "pubs", "all areas" choose "city centre") Scottyweb? Good Lord, it can't be? also useful if you want to learn about a pink pylon. a select few more Massive thanks go out to Colin for writing this Entry
  19. Cheers guys, exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for, keep it coming. By the way, you may have spotted that currently you have to be logged on to the MB to view this section, but once it gets more info in (especially the Blackburn entry) I'll open it to everyone (so info for away fans visiting Blackburn is welcomed too).
  20. McClarky, Were you one of the two Edinburgh (well Falkirk I seem to remember) based Rovers fans that kindly gave me a lift from Edinburgh (were I was on a staff Christmas do) back to Ewood for the Man Utd game a couple of seasons ago ? Whoever it was I lost their contact details and never had the chance to say Thanks properly.
  21. Why do I get the feeling you're going to have to do a set of subs at the end Den (for those like Newton who are too good to leave out, but didn't win).
  22. We did that before DMF, it was the early 90s and some called it Madchester
  23. Pah, Beatles cover band who finished off what The Stone Roses started, whilst the Roses were tied up in court (OK, there are a few great tracks in there, but they'd be nowt without the Roses). Speaking of which, did anyone hear Ian Brown and one of the Gallaghers on Jo Whiley today ? Is it a track they've worked on or was it just an interview (didn't hear about it until afterwards).
  24. I'm a sucker for decent novelty records (and Weird Al Vankovic is at the top of the pile), so I kinda like The GLC (allthough since Radio 1 playlisted it I've heard it a little too often). I got hold of The GLC's back catalogue and the is some surprisingly witty stuff in there. Their suicide track has the catchiest base line ever and I AM A ROBOT is just fantastic, admittedly stupid, purile, pointless, offensive, sexist and musically deviod of talent, but damn funny all the same. At the end of the day they are just the next generation of Macc Ladds and are probably about to get the same #### storm from people who miss the humor and take them seriously. Besides, I'd have through that with their worship of the shellsuit they'd have been right up your street AS GLC, Safe As ####, You Knows It.
  25. Nirvana's Nevermind is an album that everyone should own and the first time I heard Nirvana's unplugged set for MTV it blew my mind. Likewise I though the The Streets "Original Pirate Material" was amazing when I first heard it (and to be fair, still do) but I was massively disapointed with "A Grand Don't Come For Free", it just doesn't cut it for me, I empathised with Skinner's characters in OPM, but in AGDCFF it's more "day in the life of a Chav". I've just listened to The Stone Roses "Second Coming" album on the way to/from work and I'm plesently surprised. I hated it the first time around (it was such a let down after the first album) but now it has an appeal I missed the first time around, although I still feel John Squire is trying to push his guitar too far and whilst technicaly excellent is just "too much" in parts. never knew you had a Chav culture about you Glenn a totally different picture has been painted in my head I think Mike Skinner is what Chav's want to be when they grow up However, don't judge me by musical stereotypes, as you'll get very confused. On the way to work to day I listened to the soundtrack from the Buffy musical episode and on the way home Anthrax's Among The Living and currently playing on Winamp is OPMs "Heaven is a Half Pipe". Go try and profile me from that little lot
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