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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. As it's a PA article it'll be most of them, all slightly reworded. However, whilst Jim's always bob-on about the artciles, the articles themself are often bobbins.
  2. Guys - Easy on the big images (especially quoting them). Not everyone has broadband and it's not a trend we want started. Ta. End of public service announcement.
  3. Early doors pre match we normally meet in the Wetherspoons in town (just across from the shopping centre, massive place), then move on to a pub just up the hill above the ground (wlaking past the away end) opposite a petrol station which I think is the Black Bull. It's normally rammed in there, but friendly enough.
  4. Well, BBC Wales think its a likely enough possibility that they've arranged an interview with a member of the mb to discuss just just that. (More news later).
  5. Jan, If you think we might get Hoddle, save your money becuase you can have my season ticket. I will not be involved in anything that that man is, the guy isn't fit to walk the earth, let alone have a position where he is given the chance to interact with the media (plus I don't rate him much as a manager either ). I've forgiven Shearer for saying he won't go and then going. I've forgiven Sven for saying he was coming and then not coming. Hoddle's comments are simply unforgivable.
  6. Try looking at the member maps muppet boy. You are taking the michael ? How many times between first visiting the site, applying for an account, signing one up and making your first post does it politely ask you to READ THE POSTING GUIDELINES BEFORE POSTING ? About half a dozen I believe. And despite being asked politely you either chose not to or chose to ignore them. We're not against younger members, in fact quite a number of regular quality contributors are in their teens. We're just anti muppets.
  7. You. We'll a bloke with a "Club That Jack Built" banner sat next to my wife in the first half and me in the second.
  8. Not sure, but it's ...... 1 years, 18 weeks, 4 days since Blackburn were last awarded a penalty ! (Coming to a front page near you soon).
  9. Unless you banner has spawned some offspring then you're sat next to me (or at least were on Saturday).
  10. All this talk of 80's thrash metal caused me to delve into the darker corners of my CD collection today and found that Metalica's Ride The Lightening and Kill 'em are still blindingly brilliant after all these years. To calm down a bit I've now switched to Primal Scream Scream's Screamadelica, which whilst being a million miles from this morning's thrash is still a damn fine album.
  11. The Drayon Park is normally where all the Rovers fans meet, it's 5-10 mins walk from the ground (a quick google for it should help).
  12. Sadly modern banking has changed a lot. A modern bank manager is little more than head sales person with little more power over the finances of his/her customers than the lowliest of bank clerks. No real decision making (other than what charges to let people off) seems to be done in branch any more. The days of being a pillar of the community with a decent pension and benefits package and Rover on the drive are now gone. (Quick, after the topic, it went that away -> ). Erm .... anyway ..... Andy D'Urso ...... Muppet or what
  13. Dear Natasha Beddingfield, Your latest compositition "These Words" goes to great lengths point out how hard it is to write your own lyrics. I believe it is more important to actually understand the words someone else has written down for you before you start to write your own. Whilst you try build your interlectual standing by namechecking Shelly and Keats, I would suggested you look up hyperbole in a dictionary, especially the pronunciation. Pronouncing it HYPER-BOWL just shows you up for the ignorant pop-tart you really are. .... But at least it made me laugh out loud on the way to work this morning.
  14. A quick google reveals Mr Chris Foy is a policeman from St. Helens (which possibly explains why sometimes he's from Lancashire, other times from Merseyside).
  15. Now I know this is a silly confession to make on here ..... but ........... I've just got back from Madonna at the M.E.N. Arena in Manchester (anything to keep the Smurf happy ). ... and I tell you what, she may be knocking on 50 (Madonna, not the Smurf), but you still would.
  16. ... and you don't think they will be next year ? As they say, the first time is always free.
  17. My point exactly, having spent most of the last five minutes of the first half on my feet swearing at the ref and linesman *I* knew it was aimed at the ref, however someone not watching from where we were (i.e. from the pitch, press box, tv gantry, away end etc) they would have heard the boos as the whilstle was blown and would have assumed it was aimed it the team (normally done on the whilstle) not the ref (normally done as he's about to enter the tunnel). I wasn't saying people were wrong to boo, just that by doing it at an inapropriate time it will probably be picked up on (by the press) as us booing the team.
  18. Cool, I forgot about it at 8pm so I guessed I missed it.
  19. I rarely comment on football on here, but all this negativity has forced it out of me. I feel compelled to try and level this out a little. I felt we looked really good for the first 20 minutes, every 50-50 ball was challenged for, and more often than not won. I've not seen so much fight and spirit in the midfield for such a long time. Sadly things started to slow a little as the first half went on, but I guess by the huge amount of liquids some players were taking on during the game that fitness may still be an issue. Upto the WBA goal I'd thought we'd had the run of the game, certainly WBA didn't seem to have any real threat. The wall looked weak for the free kick, not that us being susceptable for set pieces is anything new. Wd then simply rode out the storm until half time. De Pedro looked ineffective and off the pace, but souness warned us of this as he did last season with Barry Ferguson (ok ... and Baggio .... and Grabbi) The second half we looked a different team, I can't imagine how people are finding much to criticize about the second half display (with the possible exception of the infuriating Emo). Souness could see his team selection for the first half wasn't working, so he changed it and it worked. Tugay had a great second half, but I wouldn't expect it too often, last season everyone learnt that giving him room was a dangerous game to play and so he was man marked out of every game. It seems nobody told WBA about him and the Tugay of old returned. The problem I see now is that either Souness will pick him for Soton, he'll be marked out of the game and the fans will have a downer on him again or Souness won't pick him and the fans will have a downer on Souness for not picking one of the last games top performers. A couple of silly lazy mistakes at the back towards the end by the back 4 (or was it 3 or 5 .... fair play to the nay-sayers, it was hard to tell) put pay to what otherwise would have been a good solid performance (weak wall excepted) but we kept pushing forward and I thought my 25/1 HT/FT bet on WBA/Rovers looked safe and when Shorty scored from a class cross I was already working out what my winnings were going to be spent on. Sadly the second goal never game, but you always felt like it could. Not a feeling I came across much last season. Running through the team. Friedal - Can't be blamed for the goal, the reason you have a wall is so the keeper can watch a smaller area of the goal. Made a great save towards the end when a WBA player was one on one after a sloppy back pass. Mickey Gray - Looked solid in defense and threatening going forward, seemed to overlap with whichever player happend to be playing left wing at the time very well. He can also cross a ball pretty well. Matteo - Looked solid, perhaps a little to "argicultural" once or twice. Couple of silly mistakes, but overall a good game. I still think we've got a good buy here. Short - Great game. Even without the goal it was just what you'd expect from him. Reliable. Amo - See Matteo ! Emo - First half made a decent stand in right back (or was he just a right winger that played deep in the first half), maybe we've found a use for him after all. Second half was typical Emo (unable to take players on or cross). We need either Tommo fit again or give his second half replacement (Gally) a run in his position. Gresko - After looking a very promissing midfielder in the pre seasons seemed somewhat anonymous. Linked up well with Mickey Gray for the bit where he was on the left wing. Ferg - Chased, battle, tackled, deployed. Everything a battling CM should be. Unlike Peter Jackson I wouldn't have given him MoM but a good performance al the same De Pedro - Half a yard off the pace, in effectual and still some way to go. But then we said that for Barry's first few games. Stead - Playing like someone plucked from D3 and whilst talented is struggling to live up to the hype in the Prem. Not a bad performance, but we've seen better, Yorke - Excellent. Fought, battled, chased, jinked, dinked and looked dangerous. My man of the match, long may this level of effort continue Subs Dickov - Did what we bought him for, got in there and made a nuisence of himself. Not keen on his blatent dives in the area. Tugay - Bossed midfield, the Tugay of old, but will he get that much room again this season ? Gally - Looked far better as a winger than Emo. Maybe we've found a new role for him. All in all, not a bad performance. Sure it should have been 3 points, but it's not like the muppets on Talk Sport were making out, that WBA were a better side. We played some good football, nothing too much was wrong and on a different day we'd have won 3-0. Cut out some of the silly mistakes and we'll easily get a result and Soton and I even fancy out chances at Man Utd. As for the Boo boys. IF YOU GOING TO BOO THE REF YOU DO IT AS HE WALKS OFF THE PITCH NOT AS SOON AS HE BLOWS HIS WHILSTLE. It sounded today very much like large sections of the Blackburn End booed the first half performance today of the team, that must had done the team a world of good. Nice One ! Rant Over, Football Talk Over, I'll go back to my technical stuff again now and leave all you doom and gloom merchants to rueing the loss of Andy Cole.
  20. Just for you Bryan, I've added some more descriptions. On Jordan's pics, Train To Bray features (left to right). Rich (not a member), Ricky, Manchester Blue, Scotty, Me and Smurf.
  21. My Pics From Dublin See them now before SteB removes the ones of him
  22. Just got back. I'll write up my views a little later but for now I have a transcript of an interview Mr Souness gave me. Me: (Shouted at him whilst he was signing autographs) : Graham, Is Dwight here to stay now ? GS: (Give me the most evil "killer look" I've every had): <Pause> Yes. So, there you have it ! Not the worlds longest or most formal interview (in fact, from a distance it could be mistaken for a semi-drunk fan shouting embarassingly at a manager who has better things to do than humor beered up supporters ), but there you have it, another BRFCS world exclusive !
  23. I'm currently listening to This Et Al. ... actually, I'm not because I'm at work, but it was the only way I could shoe-horn this into this thread. They are a Leeds based band who claim the are "... Hugely atmospheric and captivating songs comparable to the likes of Mogwai, Radiohead and Interpol but with the raw power and energy that whom such as Q.O.T.S.A and At the drive-in pride themselves on ...." Other than being a bit of a fan boy, the reason I'm giving them a mention here is last night they beat 30 other bands at Leed Cockpit's Futuresounds competition to gain them a slot a Leeds festival ! Check out thier website for some free downloads. They are currently unsigned, but I don't expect them to be that way for long.
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