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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I'm guessing those of us that can't make the St. John Gogarty (which probably includes myself and the smurf) will be meeting up in Kirsty Kattie Gallaghers then ? Ste, are you bringing the flag so people can find others from the board ?
  2. Ah Ha ! I'm sure the good doctor can confirm this, but i'm guessing you'll want a DART back to Pearse (which run every 15 mins or so) rather than Dublin Connolly (which you have to change at Pearse for anyway). I'm right in thinking that Pearse is a. Near enough the centre and b. right outside the North Star Hotel aren't I Rich ?
  3. I struggled to find a double for less than £100 last night, pretty much everywhere seems booked up. I ended up booking in at the Camden Court Hotel using www.bookassist.com There were plenty of DARTs from Bray last year, but I guess things change.
  4. Agreed, with apologies to Scotty, Mr & Mrs Manchester and Mr Sox, who I hardly got chance to speak to (they got off lightly I guess). Yesterday was what pre-seasons are all about, a crack with some mates, a few beers, a nice walk, some more beer, some moderately entertaining football, an impromptu kick about in the park, another nice walk, more beers and more chat. Cracking day. Around 2am thanks. It wasn't so much as a Scotty as a Hannah . I normally like York train station, but it's nowhere near as nice at 1am
  5. There's still time to book for dublin
  6. We don't normally bother with preview threads for friendlies, but as I know there are quite a lot going to Preston I thought I'd give it a go. That, and the fact it was suggested at Stockport last night that for Preston we meet in in a town centre pub (Wetherspoons ?) before the game and then drink around there rather than head to the ground (where the pubs are less away friendly). So, anyone joining us for a beer ?
  7. It's a long time since the site has been hosted in the UK. We're not ruling out any options at the moment.
  8. Ooops, sorry. I thought you'd gone on holiday already
  9. Paul should have now responded to those people that PMed about hosting requirements, so here are the details for the rest of you. We are getting close to using 1 Gb of bandwidth a day, this is the real problem. A fairly humble PC is capable of runing the site, but the bandwidth it uses is considerable, certainly not the kind of thing we could consider running off an ADSL line. So we have to have it "hosted" somewhere. The second problem with hosting it ourselves (as Paul has outlined) is management. When vulvernerabilties in software are published until whatever action is taken to fix it is a window where we could be a target for attack. Any ISP worth their salt have people constantly monitoring security mailing lists to allow them to fix these holes are they become known. Frankly we don't have the time to do this ourselves, so our server must be a "managed" one. Paul is looking into quite a few possibilites for hosting, however if you think you can help (other than financially, which everyone can help with) then what we need is A connection capable of sustaining 1Gb+ of traffic a day. 300Mb of disk space 40Mb of database space Ideally Linux running Apache/PHP/MySql. So, anyone work for a Rovers friendly ISP ?
  10. What's truely sad is that he still has one account on here, but it's configured so his posts don't show until mod aproves them and he doesn't seem to have noticed that none of his posts have ever been aproved ! Definate case of never reading, just writing.
  11. I take it there aren't so many going this year. My tickets arrived today, numbers 00003 and 00004 !
  12. Ordered my tickets yesterday. Lets hope they are somewhat more sensibly sized than last years (which were like those cheques they use for publicity shots of charitable donations). I should probably sort some accomodation at some point !
  13. AAAAAAARGH!!! Ahem, anyway, following on from reading Seventh Son by Orson Scott Card (and not quite seeing what all the fuss was about) I read the next in the series, Red Prophet, which was a much more complete and enjoyable book with a particular chapter that's possibly the best 21 pages I've ever read. I ignored the hype for soooo long, but watched bowling for colubine the other day for the first time and decided that whilst I may not agree with everything he's saying, he does present it in an intresting way.
  14. I know it's a typical airport booklist, but sat in my bag ready to travel with me to Turkey on Saturday are. Stupid White Men - Micheal Moore Dude, Where's My Country - Michael Moore Googlewhacking - Dave Gorman The latest Terry Pratchett paperback Dope Stories - Howard Marks.
  15. I've changed my flights so I'm only staying over Saturday night now (saving a valuable day's holiday from work) but I haven't booked a hotel yet. I'll have the Smurf with me, but that rarely has any influence on my behavior Especially as she's usually more of a disgrace than me ! As for the girl in the picture, she's a mate of Jordan. Drinking at 9am at Leeds Bradford airport was no problem for Hotspot, Jordan and myself, with hindsight letting Jordan's mate join in was a mistake. She was well gone before we left Dublin airport for the city ! There seems to a lot fewer people from the MB going this year come on folks, flights are cheap enough and it's at a weekend, what more of an excuse do you need .... oh, and I believe Rovers are playing too.
  16. Well it beats a tube of glue doesn't it lofty ? Can someone drag this back in a football direction please.
  17. Sadly as one of half a dozen regular posters whose posts I constantly read and think "why the chuff don't they shut up until they have something constructive/intelligent/with a point/useful to say" I think he has a very fair point. Still, at least you've stopped creating several pointless and often duplicate threads a day and at least you seem to read the rest of the thread (unlike some of the drivel posters who seem far more content posting than reading), so you heading in the right direction. Yes, I am being a Grumpy sod, I've spent half the day getting very depressed about how the quality of posts has deteriorated over the last few years (not just here, but on internet forums as a whole).
  18. Because it's better than spending time in B & Q
  19. Try searching the plugin list. For every little thing that can annoy, somebody will have written a plug in to handle it. There are quite a few that give improved handling of downloads. I found about about the space in filename problem whilst writing a website that allows secure downloads and for hours I though it was my website doing it, it was only when a friend tried it with IE and it worked I realised it was a firefox problem.
  20. Thanks to an old backup and some blood sweat and tears from SteB, we now have the original Bray thread from last year in Messageboard Gold. The reason for it's resurection is the first post contains lots of handy links. Visit it at http://www.brfcs.biz/mb/index.php?showtopic=3879
  21. I can still make the game in plenty of time, but it does mean I may change my flights to come home Sunday and save a days holidays. Going Friday night would be easier though. Anyone booked a hotel yet ? If so, which one ?
  22. Which Hotel in Temple Bar ? (Or is it the Temple Bar Hotel, Next to the Temple Bar Bar located in Temple Bar ? )
  23. Last time most of us stayed in Dublin and caught the DART (local train service) down mid-afternoon (and the last DART back .... just). One or two stayed in Bray itself but I'd imagine it could get a little quiet.
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