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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. To be fair, especially with Bell, its not a high benchmark to set! Lets hope you are right, do you think he will be a good Championship defender from the first day? One who will increase our chances of clean sheets? Have you seen many full games in which he has played out of interest or is this based solely on data and highlight reels?
  2. Its a case in point of something ive seen more than once, the continuation of an argument (in this case the twitter account admitted recently that Mowbray needs to go so its not even a point he agrees with himself) simply to back up and champion the use of data. xG is an inherently flawed system that implies that it can be expected that over time, over and underperforming in the actual league table v the xG table will revert to the mean but that simply isnt true, it implies that all teams are equally clinical for one. Brighton would be in the Champions League if it meant anything, we would be in the play offs and Swansea would be in mid table.
  3. Because you have again taken a conclusion from me that I quite clearly havent said. I have not in any way blamed Pickering for any of the goals on Saturday, I havent seen them or any of him in general hence I dont have an opinion on the player.
  4. I havent at any point said that Pickering wont be good enough, cant defend, was at fault for anything and I dont have an opinion on the player as presumably like you I have never seen him play. I merely flagged up how his team are currently doing as part of a transfer thread in which Pickering is the only definite signing.
  5. It shouldnt be down to fans to make the effort to these pig ignorant bell ends based on assumptions and guesses as to how exactly they work. They clearly dont give a shit what we think and sadly that will never change. Not sure why Pasha is suddenly seen as the key.
  6. Its all a matter of opinions I suppose but I would disagree. I think people take when I say this as a defence of Mowbray and his underachievement but I think his recruitment has been poor. Armstrong is the third top scorer in the league so little doubt for me that he can be considered a top 6 player. Dack also would be for me but unfortunately has been injured all season bar being the catalyst for that win at Millwall. Beyond that, not so much. Elliott scores and assists plenty so maybe a case could be made for him. I personally dont think that Travis would get into any top 6 sides. Brereton even at his best was little more than ok, a couple of good performances but it was based on such a low benchmark, nothing close to a top 6 player. Rothwell has attributes but again nowhere near, same with a few including Gallagher, they not only havent done it here, they havent done it prior, Rothwell wasnt really making that much of a name at Oxford. Holtby lives off a reputation from 10 years ago, fact of the matter is that he came after being released from the German second tier, cant stay fit and even when he can, more often than not ineffective, Evans hasnt done it for 10 years. Lenihan is our most influential defender over a couple of seasons now but still rather rash, Nyambe has attributes and has been one of our better players but even he isnt top 6, Kaminski is (usually) steady but again, top 6? So many question marks. I am not ruling out that one or two of them might suddenly start performing consistently with a new manager, and I dont doubt that we are better than a side that should be 17th.
  7. Of course, we can only hope really that he can make the step up I suppose, its a big leap from League 1 mediocrity and all the data showed off how good he was going forward but I just hope that he is a good defender first and foremost. He seems highly rated but you even look at Carter who seems to have excelled in a team keeping clean sheets and as recently as last season he looked out of his depth for us so its very much a wait and see job. Im not sure many League 1 players can make the step up, when we was in League 1 I didnt tend to find that teams had a couple of stand out players, it was all much of a muchness.
  8. It seems to be commonly accepted theory especially based on the data that we have pulled off a brilliant signing with Harry Pickering and that he will be a huge upgrade when he comes in next season. Obviously im not saying that isnt the case but should we be worried that Crewe have conceded quite a few goals and got walloped 6 nil on Saturday? A lot of the flagged up data was to do with his crossing and his technical ability.
  9. I would disagree, only 1 or 2 I would consider to be top 6 players. Certainly it could finish higher than 17th mind you.
  10. Im not defending Mowbray in any way. My point is that I think the squad he has put together armed with time and money and spearheaded by 2 expensive failures is crap. I dont think its close to being a top 6 quality squad.
  11. Ok, so he didnt say that we have a top 6 quality squad, which even if he had have done, wouldnt have made it true. He said that it is the best squad that he has assembled, which is debatable, and that we had aspirations of the top 6, which he has not only failed to compete for, but has gone even further back from last seasons mediocrity which you staunchly defended.
  12. Im not sure if he ever said that it is top 6 quality, but even if he did, it doesnt mean that its true. It might well be higher than 17th in quality, but nowhere near top 6 because his recruitment has been so poor. Mowbray wont be sacked anyway. Theres no point getting excited that Mowbray will be sacked and a rebuilt will be done effectively this summer.
  13. Dolan is incredibly young and raw, its his first season so im sure he will turn into a very useful player with time. Rothwell has spent 3 years now hiding behind excuses, but if he puts 2 good performances in a row then its a miracle. Good atrributes within and occasional brilliance but usually anonymous. Holtby is living off a reputation from 10 years ago, he can barely stay fit and again he rarely ever does anything. They both have talent but are both beyond deserving the benefit of the doubt. Elliott has been better than most, its not an honour to have him as many would have you believe and like all his form has dipped but he scores and sets up goals more than most. I dont doubt the fact that the manager is a hindrance but I think a huge problem is that the squad is not great. I think it needs gutting in the summer.
  14. We arent a healthy team though, partly because of the managers flawed tactics and also the shoddy set of players that Mowbray has assembled, Gallagher, Brereton, Rothwell, Holtby, Dolan etc, do you think any are potentially really good players who will shine as soon as the hindrace that is Adam Armstrong leaves? Or indeed that we do have a top 6 squad or anything close considering how poor Mowbrays recruitment has been? Brereton has actually has his best season here by far (still not good) when playing on the left with Armstrong central.
  15. When Armstrong was signed, Mowbray did say in fairness that the intention long term was to play him centrally. For 18 months as a wide man, he was ineffective to the point whereby his place in the team was questionable. As a striker in the following 18 months, he has been prolific. I think the only other time in his career where he was used centrally was at Coventry when again he scored loads of goals. I certainly would never try to defend Mowbrays recruitment, Armstrong is a rare success of an otherwise shoddy track record. But it would be counter productive to move Armstrong away from a position whereby he is one of very few players who is actually doing their job. Gallagher and Brereton are 2 really poor signings, one of whom was signed based on familiarity and one on the back of a game in which his team failed to score against us. The former has never shown signs to suggest that he could get close to Armstrongs goal return, and Brereton has shown even less than that to the point where his shots barely tend to reach the goal, never mind go in it. Them playing wide is a seperate issue, Mowbray has strange tactical ideas of which there is no doubt, plus there are also spaces out wide because Mowbray has got a poor track record of signing wide men. I also feel that too much is placed on Armstrongs number of shots. Selfishness is important to a striker and I do concede that Armstrongs single mindedness can sometimes be counterproductive, though never to the point whereby it outweighs his goals. Its not as simple as it is portrayed otherwise everyone should just be encouraged to shoot on sight. It just makes no sense to suggest that a striker on more than 20 goals is a direct cause of our poor results. They would be worse without him.
  16. You place too much on the assumption that a sorry list of players would step up and score those goals. I see no evidence that they would or could, either from their Rovers career or their career prior. I just find it strange that in a match thread of a game in which he scored 2 goals, there are so many posts from yourself and others solely criticising him, never acknowldging his value or how his goals earnt us a point. You cannot bring yourself to admit that even if his goals benefit himself or indeed the manager, they benefit us too. Hes the only striker who is criticised for his misses more than praised for his goals. The manager needs replacing but to make out that his sole game plan is to get Armstrongs goals tally up even if that is in spite of points is just agenda driven nonsense. Armstrong is far from perfect but his goals are a positive in a shitty season.
  17. I suspect that Swansea are looking rather envious at us right now. Also interested to see how Brighton will do in the Champions League. xG is a load of bollocks.
  18. Thankfully, him playing for himself has consistently benefitted us throughout the season with goals that wouldnt have been scored otherwise by the sorry supporting cast.
  19. 1 in 15, pathetic as we all know. Most of the criticism again towards the only reason we got a point, and the only reason that we arent destined for relegation. Makes no sense to me.
  20. I know it is "their" way but do you agree with it?
  21. I dont feel like you have addressed my question. Do you think that an absence of communication between Mowbray and the owners, and also a narrow minded and dodgy approach of only considering managers from a particular agency are healthy ways to run a football club?
  22. Even if your optimistic theories are true, what would it make you think of owners who decide when they have lost faith in a manager rather than dealing with it and sacking him, they just dont deal with him at all and fob him off to Pasha, and also that they will only get a manager from one agency? Even if hes not under pressure with the owners, he still will feel pressure from the media and try to justify himself. He will still be here next season. We have collected 6 point from 7 games since that Reading game when he supposedly sounded under pressure, so its clearly not from the owners.
  23. Looks like that he has struggled for goals now he is in the SPL.
  24. He seems to have been asked as to the absence of Travis so has just answered. Its not very critical because hes just come back from a big injury. Nyambe and Raya moreso were criticised at times a little too much.
  25. Is Travis being scapegoated or lied about? Mowbray said that he wasnt fit enough and that he was a yard off the pace, which he has been since he returned in January where in the main he has been poor. Thats not a defence of him overall, but ultimately what we have seen on the pitch has become so dire that we are analysing every word that comes out of his mouth, so in a way he has brought it on himself.
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