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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. The problem is that such a belief implies that all players are assets, when that is not the case. Thankfully, Bennett as well as Bell, Mulgrew and a few others are out of contract and will no longer burden the club. For example, Gallagher and Ayala I would consider to be liabilities. If we offered them out for free, I suspect that interest and the willingness to take over their contracts would be still scarce.
  2. It is definitely bordering on an obsession of an agenda. He is greedy and selfish like strikers are supposed to be, perhaps a little too much at times, and the Bristol City game was a particularly bad example of a player frustrated and being far too selfish, but that was ONE stand out occasion, not the first of many or a signal of a game change. I actually think in recent months he has become far less selfish which has led to him being far less effective. There was seemingly a narrative brewing that now he is injured, that the new attack would thrive in his absence, especially post Millwall. Armstrong has missed 4 games and we have scored 3 in those 4 games, 2 of which were from Dack who is now injured again. Between Dolan, Gallagher and Brereton, who all started all 4 games, the sole goal came from one that rebounded off Gallagher's torso. We need Armstrong more than he needs us.
  3. I am ok for spending hours looking through random specially selected clips of players, I will leave that for the people that get paid to do that. I am not interested in the data. Pedantics aside, Crewe fans will have watched him week in week out, on ifollow for the last year and in the flesh prior. That is for me a more reasonable judgement than Rovers fans or neutral fans watching random highlights/pre selected video clips or making conclusions based on random data. My point was that I would like to think that data is only used to whittle down to a shortlist, I would like to think that our scouting network have seen him play numerous times to conclude that he would be a good signing.
  4. It might not be full of rubbish but it is just a (very enjoyable and addictive) computer game. And Mowbrays time should have been over a while ago, but he has done a good job overall and is not a total idiot.
  5. They arent going to say at a meeting like this that Mowbray is hanging on by a finger nail or that he would be replaced in the summer. Mind you, I still think that Mowbray will be here well into next year In his last 20 appearance, he has 8 goals.
  6. With Hughes, I feel like he wouldnt have got mention was it not for his previous connections.
  7. Is he back? Does he spend large periods of time not here? Would he be sent over to sack the manager? What does he even do? If you are expecting the imminent sacking of Mowbray, I fear that your hope is blind.
  8. You wont get a reasonably fair view in regards to your opinion of a player without seeing the player play numerous times yourself, of course. Let me make clear that I would never make a final judgement on a player before he has signed, but as far as I can see, the opinions of people who have seen the player every week is as reliable a barometer as you are going to get, and are much more useful than random bits of data from people who have not watched him play, or who have only seen clips. For me, rigorous analysis of a new signings data is a tedious, long, drawn out and totally pointless exercise. In regards to the players you mentioned, I had seen Ayala a number of times, Boro fans that I did see commenting of which there were numerous seemed collectively to think that he is a good defender but his exit left a bad taste and his injury record is really poor recently, as has been proven. Adarabioyo I had not seen much of aside from 2 games v us and a couple more on TV, but he was not rated by West Brom fans in the main, but he was played at right back so there are mitigating circumstances. Johnson I have seen many times, and he seemed popular for Derby fans albeit they said he was inconsistent which he has followed with here, and he cost a lot of money which they didnt see him as value for. I had seen him many times at Norwich in his peak when he was a totally different player, box to box and goalscoring, now his body is starting to show signs of age, his main strengths are being nullified and his clumsiness on the ball becomes more problematic the further back he gets. Data analysis of course is useful, problem being that bedroom analysts I think seem to focus too much or rely too heavily on stats, and often believe that their opinions on players are factual solely based on these facts, when in reality although the actual data is factual, it is irrelevant in isolation and it doesnt mean their overall judgement of a player is correct. For example, lets say that Pickering has put in the most successful crosses in League 1 from left back in the last year or whatever, it doesnt mean anything on its own. It doesnt prove that he is the best left back in the league or even the most creative, there could be a number of other reasons. If he has made the most sliding tackles, maybe that is good, maybe it means that he keeps getting caught out of position. Point is that this data is something to be interpreted and at times by some manipulated to justify an opinion, it is not worthwhile on its own and it is no more valid than data-less opinions. I would like to think that data analysis is used to narrow down transfer recruitment rather than determine it. If Harry Pickering has been signed based purely on data, then I am worried. I would like to think that out of the thousands of left backs that exist, baring in mind it is impossible to scout them all, Pickering made the shortlist based on the data and then following that, the player was scouted in person and the decision to sign him was based on that. Whether that is actually the case, I don't know.
  9. I dont have the time or desire to spend so much time watching extensive highlights of random League 1 games (even then, based on edited highlights, video reels, match reports etc, you wont get a true and balanced view) just to see how good he is. To me, Crewe fans saying that they rate him and that they feel he can play in the Championship having seen him play every week is more meaningful than people who dont watch him every week collating how many interceptions per game he does, how many crosses he does or how many xG he creates for his teammates. People analysing miscellaneous numbers in their bedrooms of players they have seldom if ever seen full games of is to me anyway, of no real value whatsoever. How do you "analyse" what makes a good left back? Or indeed any position apart from more clear cut things like goals and at a push, assists? Would a left back with the most interceptions or tackles suggest that he was out of position more often in the first place? Would a left back with 6 League 1 assists in any way help me know if he is going to improve our defence. Going off on a tangent slightly, but I read an article lately which showed how Brighton were near the top of the xG league, which is in reality a load of bollocks as they are in a dogfight at the bottom. Does that show that Brighton are really unlucky or that they have shit forwards? If a ball slides across the 6 yard box and a striker misses the ball by a millimetre, it goes down as 0 xG I think, how is that right? But ultimately back to Pickering, my opinion of him will be formed once I start to see him play here. I am cautiously optimistic based on how highly rated he seems, albeit mainly on his attacking play.
  10. I would agree that Barnsleys squad is perhaps on paper not a top 6 squad, and it is indeed their manager that is the main difference maker. But I also do feel like a new manager here will need to do a bit of a clear out this summer and indeed people do overrate our squad at the same time. Other managers may be able to get more out of some players we have already but I just think that most of our squad arent particularly good. We need a new manager first and foremost but also a number of new players.
  11. No I havent been following Crewe's results, performances, highlights, nor have I watched videos highlighting random statistics that in reality mean very little. The responses from Crewe fans to the announcement provide some enthusiasm though that he is a talent, obviously we will need to hope that he is capable of making the step up as a young lad playing for a mid table League 1 side with an unremarkable defensive record. I feel like your opinions on your Woodrow scenario are filled with understandable bias when in reality, no neutral of a sane mind would suggest that he would come to Rovers, which is a galling thing to say considering he is at Barnsley. Brilliant post, nail on the head.
  12. Maybe but to be fair its not as if at any point in his career, Rothwell has regularly been scoring/assisting and standing out. I have long held an opinion that the squad is considerably overrated by the majority. To clarify, that isnt a defence of the manager, but I regularly see it described as a top 6 squad and I dont think it is close to being one, and that is down to the manager who has spent time and money assembling it. At the end of the day, this squad even with so much time and money put into it is not getting results any better than the one we came up with. One in which the likes of Mulgrew, Smallwood, Evans, Bennett etc featured regularly and was very one dimensional. Could a new manager get something out of some of our squad that hasnt yet come out in their careers or indeed not for a while? Perhaps, but I look at the squad, only made worse by the contractual negligence with quite a few, and think it needs gutting really, the "journey" needs to be started again.
  13. I would love Rothwell to suddenly and unexpectedly start impacting on games on a regular basis, sadly I think he is one of many players who never actually kicks on and does so. He is now 26 and has never done so so far, there is time to do so but David Bentley was a 22 year old with only one full season under his belt, so it is not a direct comparison.
  14. To suggest that Cauley Woodrow, currently starring as the main striker for a side 17 points ahead of us, in the top 6, very much upwardly mobile with a good manager and a very impressive set of players, would join a mid table Rovers squad to replace one of our 2 key players whilst the other spends all season injured, for the reason of "the ambition of the club and being our main striker" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Sadly, we have somehow got to the stage whereby a Barnsley player would almost certainly have no interest in joining us. The third player you mentioned at Sheffield Wednesday is Moses Odubajo, a squad player whose season highlight was angering his own fans when laughing following a goal went in against them earlier in the season. He has not played at Brentford for 2 seasons. And any player can look good on a highlights reel. Regarding Rankin Costello and Pickering, I will stick to my uncertainty without being armed with the knowledge you clearly have on the 2 issues. As with far too many players, Rankin Costello has shown no signs of signing a new deal, and I believe that you have equally seen nothing of Crewe to suggest that Pickering will improve our defence, as much as we hope he can, and of course not based on the desperately low benchmark of "being better than Bell." He sounds like a talented attacking full back but I have no idea if he can excel at Championship level.
  15. I would agree, mind you I suspect that next season may be another in which promotion is not something that we come close to. Travis is the best bet there, and even he isnt a top 6 player. Not sure what role he plays either, think he is best in a midfield 2 behind a number 10, dont think he has the tactical discipline to sit on his own, nor the attacking ability to play further forward. Trybull has spent most of his loan spell injured or underwhelming when he does play, plus his contract is set to increase upon promotion, so even if we want him, that will make a deal harder to do. Davenport as you said is always injured. Rothwell is a highlights player, a couple of wonder goals, in the main, precious little contribution and often invisible. Buckley has started to come out his shell but how much can we rely on him? Not sure yet. All a bit of a mess.
  16. I definitely agree that Rankin Costello is not in his natural position. Doesnt stop crosses coming in for a start and his positioning is suspect. He is definitely worth keeping around if we can, and perhaps moulding into the position he is going to be long term, full back or indeed winger, and the injuries are a concern too, but if there is truth in 2 players who are still not sure of a place in our best 11 are unsure whether to resign, that is a sad indictment on the club really. Why should he? Bar an occasional wonder goal he rarely contributes.
  17. That remaining core of players is doing nothing to enthuse me. Kaminski and Travis, yep. Lenihan I would keep, but has a year left (a common theme under our incompetent establishment) so he may need to be sold if he is unwilling to renew. Pickering will be expected to play a key role, whether he can, nobody knows at the moment. Rankin Costello is soon to be out of contract and based on the admittedly flimsy source that is Lancs Live, a renewal is far from certain. Which position should he play? Id want him to stay but worry about his injuries and as a full back he lets a hell of a lot of crosses in, not a natural there. Buckley has emerged in the last week, although unconvinced he is anything other than a squad player. Rothwell, again out of contract, and doesnt do enough anyway. Brereton has a year left, and is in the main underwhelming, perhaps worth keeping around, not sure he starts games every week. Gallagher has never been particularly good, sadly we are stuck with him but not one to build around. Dolan is at best an impact sub at the moment, I dont see him as a threat really when he plays. Wharton has a long term injury like Dack. The others havent featured even in an injury cri Signings wise, Cooper is a good defender, but why would he make a sideways move? 3 squad players at Sheffield Wednesday mentioned, are they going to improve us? Reach was always a highlights player, scores a couple of screamers a season but otherwise bog standard, the other 2 are in and out. Trybull has had a couple of good games this week, but otherwise has been underwhelming and again injury prone, and on big wages seemingly, so unconvinced there. Why would Woodrow join a team on the cusp of promotion to a team so far down the table? Jephcott, I have never once seen. Ribiero in and out at Forest, would be a squad player. Sorry to seem like I am just pissing on your parade, indeed I do not have a readily made list of alternatives myself either so am no better. We are both presumably incredibly limited in the scope of players we have seen enough to suggest, surely that is the job of the "European Scouting Network" which at one point played a key part in your argument to keep Mowbray? It just feels so flat, it feels like it basically all needs gutting and starting again.
  18. Not a clue. My point was more around the state of the squad we have already.
  19. Never said that, just that neither has done much. Rothwell constantly flatters to deceive so not arsed, probably prudent to keep, Rankin Costello is injury prone, unsure of his best position and again hasnt nailed down a spot, best to keep him but im just saying in general if there is truth that such underwhelming players have all the power in negotiations.
  20. If there is any truth, which I would doubt with the Lancs Live being such a flimsy source, then it is depressing to see players who have done barely anything in a Rovers shirt holding us to ransom. Have either done anything to mean they would be a huge miss?
  21. Jordan Rhodes scored again for Sheffield Wednesday although Norwich came back to win.
  22. I think there are similar discussions on the Rovers Analytics twitter chat but I just look at that team and the various ones underneath and fear a dog fight.
  23. Its frightening as to the state of the squad at the moment even if we was to use the squad to plan towards next season, there is very little to go with. Goalkeeper wise, Kaminski is obviously fine, Pears is dodgy backup but not the most pressing concern. Defence is a bombshell. Lenihan needs to stay but has a year left, as with many, no sign of an extension so maybe we will have to sell? Lumbered with Ayala who we cant rely on and Wharton who will seemingly be out well into next season, and then kids beyond who may have had a few decent games at lower levels but there are still massive question marks. Full back is little better, we have a left back on loan at Crewe who garnered much excitement, will he come in and improve things dramatically? Then 2 out of contract left backs, one inconsistent and one totally awful. At right back, Nyambe seems destined to leave, Rankin Costello is also out of contract, I question if he is even a right back, there are no signs of renewal and he seems prone to injury, and then Bennett who should leave hopefully. Midfield is full of players who are out of contract at the end of the season, Rothwell, Holtby, Evans, Trybull and Johnson. Would anyone be gutted if we lost any of those in particular? All players who you could argue if they stayed fit, if they became more consistent, if this happened or that happened they would be good, but so many ifs and buts. Then you have Downing who should be allowed to leave and Davenport who like Ayala and Rankin Costello seemed to be made of glass which means we cant rely on them. So then you look at what is left, who prior to the last week had not shown real signs of competence at this level, and Travis who is perhaps a little overrated but will need to be key going forward. Its a minefield in regards to decision making and forward planning. In attack, again we need an overhaul when our sole source of goals inevitably leaves, with a huge chunk of money going elsewhere. A potential secondary source of goals and also entertainment is out for another season, and our primary creator will go back to Liverpool. I fear that the expectation will be for Gallagher and Brereton to be expected to step up, with no signs that suggest that they are capable of doing so. And Dolan, for me the question is impact sub or loan out, obvious assets but equally even a 5 yard pass comes only after 5 stepovers, so raw at this stage. And then the manager who I wouldnt be surprised to see still in a job next season. So what is there to build around?
  24. Mowbray also prides himself on the squad we have and all of the assets. I see one really, with a year left and a big chunk of any fee going to Newcastle. The squad is horribly lacking in basically every area.
  25. No, surely it should be the job of a supposedly revamped scouting network to come up with signings across the team, but my point is that we need a few attackers as the front 3 yesterday would struggle to get 20 between them in a season and without serious reinforcements I expect we will be very much in a dogfight next season. Nothing to look forward to with Rovers. I have no idea, I havent watched Pickering as havent the majority hence why I am skeptical as to how brilliant a signing he is.
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