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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Why sign a young goalkeeper as a number 2 when he will spend his time on the bench?
  2. The rumour was that Mowbray had lost communication with the owners after choosing his own signings over the ones recommended. I never assumed that the rumour was true, I was just saying that if it is, I do not feel comfortable with people potentially putting players on Mowbray against his will, and have always been insistent that the manager should get the final pick of players. I am very skeptical of this rumour at this point. I have always worked on the assumption that Mowbray has had final say on signings, nothing he has said has suggested otherwise and indeed the supposedly revamped scouting network only allows him further scope to sign different players. I also havent necessarily criticised the players specifically from being signed from old clubs, it is not uncommon as you say. I try and judge the signings on their individual merits. Kaminski for example is a very shrewd addition thus far, Pears has not impressed and seems miles away, and Ayala was a signing that excited me but various factors, ie his injury proneness which seemingly went undetected in medical checks, the duration of his contract, the way we play which I feel exposes him physically and him being a sole addition at CB has made the signing a rather poor one so far.
  3. If the rumour is true that there is trouble based on Mowbray choosing players ahead of those recommended to him based on data then it further strengthens my belief that such a system can prove to be more trouble than its worth. If players are signed despite Mowbray not wanting them then I would like to think that he is enough of a man to resign and he would probably win any claims against the club as we have seen elsewhere before. Not sure on Pickering (all I have seen is "data" and videos that can make anyone good) but Goode has barely played for Brentford.
  4. No idea where such an impression comes from. One thing is for sure, he wont get sacked after a win.
  5. I definitely agree that he meant no malice but the rule book says this and I dont think we can argue that it was anything but: A tackle or challenge that endangers the safety of an opponent or uses excessive force or brutality must be sanctioned as serious foul play. Also, I am also sure that it went out yeah, it looked like it. You would need a sideline view to be 100%, as you would with the offside, as maybe a slight part (a toe, a shoulder, whatever) of Armstrong was offside. But both seemed wrong to me. Difficult that, how do you really enforce that? You cant do any more than encourage it and I doubt there would be a sudden influx, and even so, it would take a bit of time. And there would still be a large element of error even if they were former players as things get missed, thats human error.
  6. The constant stream of poor decisions does create a conundrum that I cant really see an answer for. The only answer that could make an obvious major difference would be VAR and even if it is financially viable, I suspect that it would not be overly well received. So the question becomes, the sanitisation of VAR or many wrong decisions? I personally dont like VAR but it may become inevitable.
  7. I have been a huge critic, he was invisible again today and seems well off the standard for a Championship side. But NO ability and out of making a living from football within the next 3 years? I know you are famed for your hyperbole but that seems a stretch even for you.
  8. Did you think that Douglas was awful? I dont think he is brilliant but I thought he was the better of our 2 full backs today, was far less exposed definitely compared to Nyambe and good on the ball. He has been poor overall although has put in a couple of half decent performances lately and is definitely better than Bell. There has been a lot of mention for Pickering, Mowbray denied any knowledge of a bid although if it is true that we have turned our nose up at a couple of hundred thousand then it is really poor. But has anyone seen much of him play over the course of 90 minutes? I've seen a lot of analysis on miscellaneous stats, things like interceptions, crosses, runs all of which mean nothing in isolation, and little highlight videos, but has anyone seen much of him over the course of 90 minutes? Not that it would take much to improve us at left back and indeed a permanent, young and seemingly promising left back would be good longer term.
  9. If that is the reason then it is is misguided because he was not at all to blame for Dack's injury. It endangered the safety of an opponent so I believe it should have been a red card, intention aside, although someone may correct me on the interpretation of the rules. Dack is at his best in the final third, Armstrong was again isolated today and the balance of the midfield was poor. Next week we should play Dack off Armstrong, and then the question is Travis and either Davenport or Holtby for me. In that last game, we also scored a goal whereby it seemed that the ball went out of play. There were 2 decisions in that game, one going for and against us that seemed almost certainly (no camera angle from a perfect view seemed available for either) to be have been incorrect. People are going over it because it was critical to the game, a major moment and of course something that has caused massive waves in the post match reaction. We would rightly moan if that had gone against us so we shouldnt ignore it if it goes for us, as much as we are glad it did.
  10. Would you agree that we should have conceded a penalty and a red card and were very lucky today? Also, does Dack's cameo change your opinion on building around him as a number 10?
  11. Totally invisible, it isnt just his lack of stature that prevents him from making a mark on tough Championship matches. We dont need him in regards to midfield numbers with Travis, Davenport, Holtby, Johnson, Trybull, Downing, Rothwell and Evans. Loan him out and re-evaluate in the summer.
  12. Really pleased to get a win and a clean sheet against tough opposition. Lucky and not a good performance but at least we got that win. Lets not beat around the bush, we were very lucky with the decision and the game would likely be totally different had we gone down to 10 men and they been given a penalty as should have happened, embarrassing on behalf of the official and to be understand I understand why Warnock was so angry. Mowbray got the midfield balance wrong, not for the first time. The initially selected 3 obviously didnt get much time before Johnson's injury, I thought that Travis was a bit more like himself but still not great, at times he played poor passes/made wrong decisions and I was wondering whether they were down to rustiness or just the limitations in his game. Davenport was fairly underwhelming and we failed to gain any control of the game until after the goal. On to Buckley and he was literally totally invisible. Unfortunately he shouldnt be anywhere near the squad, he doesnt impact on games and its an area where we have Travis, Davenport, Trybull, Downing, Evans, Johnson, Holtby etc so we dont even need him to add to the numbers. Get him out on loan and re-evaluate upon his return as to whether he thrives and develops, whether he needs further time out on loan next season or indeed whether it is best for him to make a name at a lower level permanently. He just looks totally lost. Too much unfair criticism towards Armstrong again about his greed. I think that one extreme example v Bristol City has tarnished his reputation, he does shoot a lot in general but he also scores a lot of goals, hes the top scorer in the league. He is going through a dry patch (is it 2 in 10 and 2 games without so its not horrendous) and looks lacking in confidence but he took 3 shots today, none of which he made the wrong decision by shooting. The first was a difficult one early on, the second was clearly a man lacking in confidence and the third lacked composure, but im sure he will return to form. He was chasing the keeper down every time and his work for the goal was excellent, hold up play he isnt famed for but a lovely touch and perfect ball to Elliott who also was again very quiet aside from yet another assist. The pair offer a threat even when they are out of form. Rothwell was also invisible but pleased to see him get a third goal which I think is his best ever League return which shows you where the frustration comes from, hopefully the contributions will become more consistent. Dack's cameo was really, really pleasing and exactly why I keep saying that we should start him and get him fully fit ASAP and playing as a number 10. He makes such an impact in that final third and makes us so much more dangerous, some great hold up play himself and one or two superb passes. Defensively, we were much more solid led by Lenihan who deserved his man of the match, he was colossal at the back. Branthwaite doesnt convince me based on todays showing, lucky both with the penalty incident and taking too long on the ball not long after. Nyambe was below his usual standards and let them in a couple of times, I thought Douglas was the better of the 2 full backs even if he isnt totally convincing, defended much better and also better on the ball than Bell could ever dream to be. Am I convinced about him for the rest of the season? Definitely not but in recent weeks he has been a bit better. Kaminski has an aura of reliability behind and gives us the security we need.
  13. That will have to change because I can only imagine what Warnock will say at the end!
  14. He also led to us conceding a free kick on the edge of the box by messing about. I think he looks very shaky.
  15. If that is true, as "they" is rather cryptic. Their judgement is hardly much to base things on looking at how things are progressing!
  16. Should have been a red card. Endangering the safety of an opponent.
  17. Absolutely dreadful watch again, offering nothing. So, so lucky not to have conceded the most obvious penalty ever. One to remember next time we play the woe is me act. Branthwaite in general has been poor, he looks like a kid who has barely played any senior football strangely. Lenihan has been for me the only player to come out of that half with any credit. The sub of Buckley was totally bizarre. Never does he bring any semblance of control, he is usually invisible.
  18. So if you was a Burnley fan, 8 years in, off the back of a win at Anfield, consistently secure in the Prem, having enjoyed promotion, the top half and even Europe, youd now be "bored?"
  19. Mowbray likes to natter about football, if hes sensing pressure from anywhere it is likely to be from local media/supporters. Theres no way he is justifying his position and the specifics around it via the EFL Podcast to the owners. What youve heard hasnt been played out by the last 10 years.
  20. Dyche plays 2 wingers and 2 strikers, so not sure how defensive it is. They just realise that passing out from the back isnt mandatory which seems sensible.
  21. In your opinion. He has done a brilliant job regardless and has proved that such a style doesnt have a shelf life which discounts your original point. You find Mowbrays football entertaining though so...each to their own.
  22. The midfield balance doesnt look right, 3 defensive midfielders. Not sure how Johnson has retained his place. Would have started Dack over him for a better balance.
  23. You specifically referenced Dyche as an example of a manager whose "style" has a "shelf life." As a manager who using such a "style" has been in his job for 8 or 9 years with plenty of success, it was a bizarre comment. I never said that Hughes' style was defensive but it was built on solid foundations, which is similar to Dyche albeit the latter has less resources relative to the competition. (Hughes didnt have much either to be fair but in 15 years the finances across the league make it more difficult) But no, successful football does not have a shelf life. And those who tend to get "bored" of it should just be discounted.
  24. Before you get into the matter of coupling managers together assuming they play the exact same style. Its a totally bizarre statement to suggest that the "style" of a manager who is in his 8th or 9th season having done such an incredible job to get Burnley promoted twice, into Europe and into the top 10 of the Premier League again amidst keeping them stable as a Premier League club has a shelf life. Laughable.
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