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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. To be fair, people have ambitions and dreams, rarely are they to play for a team destined for relegation but on a decent wage, and indeed the City captaincy always seemed to come under the category "dreams."
  2. Is Aleesami highly probable? It said in there yesterday that nothing has been offered, nor has any interest been confirmed.
  3. His contract is up at the end of the season I think.
  4. But even if you put the deadline back 6 weeks, everything is relative, the same transfers would get done. Just seems to reward teams not having their affairs in orders or prompts panic buys.
  5. Surely the selling team would adjust and buckle sooner or not sell in that scenario? Knowing there isnt an "extension" to fall back on. Makes no sense giving teams an extra 2 hours when they have had months. These deal sheets are more often than not for last minute panic loan deals. Like I said, if we benefit, great but there is no logic to it.
  6. There should be a rule, if its all done by the designated time, good, if not, youve had months so tough.
  7. Not with Rovers specifically, although i am happy if we benefit from it, but it is absolutely stupid that you can get an extension to a window that has been open for months.
  8. Why is there this running joke that it wont count as a European signing? It was one solitary comment from someone who comes on here purely to provoke. (Mercer) Holtby was before the scouting network was established wasnt it? This will be a second one and im sure we will sign before. As it stands, it is only 1 as of yet, 2 if you count Holtby. Of course we have no idea if the signings are successful yet. As for the player, like everyone else I know zilch about him. Hope the fee is low in terms of ensuring that we have the resources to get a left back to start, not compete, but it will tick a box that we needed as a sub keeper for sure. May not play all season but we know that Fisher isnt up to being a deputy so makes sense and it would be the goalkeeping situation sorted.
  9. Whilst actually adding new players is exciting, the transfer window and especially transfer deadline day is a total ballache. People pestering journalists on social media every day, every hour, any transfer news, any news, as if someones gonna turn around and say yeah Rovers are about to sign someone I just forgot to mention. The folk at Sky Sports rolling around like pigs in shit, Jim White, Darmesh Sheth, Kaveh Solekal acting as if they have loads of top secret information. Fake ITK attention seekers who must have a very sad life. When did it become like this? They should shorten the window, well before the season starts. 4 games in and we are no closer to doing half of our business. Same with many others. Chaos.
  10. This is the biggest load of crap I have seen on this forum in some time! I havent heard these fog horn know nowts berating their pet hate which I should be able to seeing as they can be heard all around the pitch. And "aggressively critical?!" Have a word with yourself.
  11. No, if a transfer story breaks he is rarely at the start of it, but unlike Crooke he seems to have a direct line to be able to deny targets that can be dismissed rather than cryptically speculate, and is less cryptic in his answers to queries. Off on a tangent slightly but I dont get why people set up accounts to put up false rumours. Being a genuine journalist would be a nightmare with all of the people on there harassing for rumours, updates, "announce" requests etc. Must be an ego thing because its chaos.
  12. His stories very much are re hashed stories from other sources, whilst his responses to the bloody thirsty transfer mob on twitter asking about rumours every day cause a bit more problems, he usually tries to get a best picture from whats in public domain and be as a cryptic and non committal as possible to make it look like he knows what he is on about.
  13. That would be worry, raw ability and Amarii Bell arent things I would put in the same sentence!
  14. My point is that as a team, we struggle to break teams down that sit in behind the ball. We played at far too low a tempo, constantly passing sideways playing safe passes, and lacked the personnel to get much in the away of serious opportunities. There was no late flurry of chances or proper pressure and the game fizzled out, which we have seen before with the onus on us to score. You dont have to come to a staunch defence of the manager as if I was saying he should have specifically done x and y. I was just pointing out an area that I think we need to improve, or a point of weakness.
  15. The majority of us including you have never heard of him or seen him, have we? Couple of Scandinavians on here who are definitely worth listening to with mixed reviews. Havent seen anyone else say he is or isnt good enough, but being a Norway international doesnt automatically make him a good signing. Or indeed a bad one.
  16. We only really created that one chance, which we didnt take. There was too much slow and lethargic side to side passing with little idea of how to break them down. That Gallagher chance was minutes after the red card, after that it should have been constant pressure with Cardiff having no intention of attacking. The game fizzled out.
  17. We cant be having "better than Bell" as our benchmark really, theres still plenty of scope above that level that isnt up to what we need.
  18. Its not harder to beat 10 men compared to 11, logic tells you that with an extra man, a team is in a better position to compete. Ultimately it is the change of tactic that causes us specifically problems. We struggle to break down teams who sit in. When they went down to 10 men and sat deep, we had no idea what to do to get through, everything was slow and passive. It is something which we need to work on because there were 2 points there for us if we had the craft and the tempo to get through. Its probably something that you regularly point out about when poor teams come to Ewood and we struggle to break them down.
  19. 7 points from 4 games is decent to good. Excellent is 10 to 12 points IMO. Plenty of positives and happy enough? Definitely from me. Yes I mean it and I suspect I am only furthering my reputation as spreading doom and gloom.
  20. Slipped in lacking match fitness and youd never know. Good positionally and dealt with everything with minimum fuss.
  21. Absolutely regarding the clean sheets, mentioned that in my initial review including a mention for Ayala. Specifically about today, my main feeling was regret at 2 points lost. A draw v Cardiff isnt a disaster at all but more because of the circumstances and it wasnt without positives. Season so far, been a decent start, 2 great wins, 7 points from 4 I am content with and have seen plenty of positives. With Buckley, played a couple of nice passes but like the other players at that time I didnt feel like any of them played at anything other than walking pace.
  22. Thought he was his usual energetic self with nothing at the end of it bar a few terrible shots at the end.
  23. ? taken that way out of context..the radio/ifollow question was a genuine question. And I think the comment about Rothwell was fair. Today I was dissapointed that we couldnt beat a team that played a decent chunk with 10 men, hardly unreasonable. And this is specifically a thread about todays game. Im guessing my comments across the last 2 matchday threads have been ignored? Excellent start is a little over the top but its been decent and plenty of positives which I have posted regularly. When did I predict doom and gloom? This is the problem at times on forums. A message is take out of context and made out as if I have a massive agenda of spreading doom and gloom. Not specifically unbeaten but our start cannot be a flash in the pan and needs to be maintained. And I have never said that it wont.
  24. Im not sure we would. But I dont think that I am being negative personally about being disapointed about not capitalising on our opposition having 10 men and getting the win. Nor does it mean that I think its a disaster or that we dont have aspects of the team to be happy about. Ultimately their tactics arent unique and I fear that we may have issues at time breaking teams down. 7 points is a decent start, 9 would have been a good or even a very good start.
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