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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Of course I appreciate that, and in this example, you could think what if Josh King had have played every week. But ultimately, there is no way that Rhodes could have been justifiably dropped. At that point, even though it was clearly him right at the peak of his career, he was performing to an incredibly high standard, and it wasnt a change of striker that was required.
  2. Its difficult giving a defender minutes off the bench though which may be a problem. I would guess that he will get an hour or a full game (or a couple) between now and that first game after the break, either for the reserves or in a friendly or two. Assuming Gallagher is fit enough for the bench on Saturday, and obviously with a gap, a friendly or two in that 2 weeks might help to get a few up to speed.
  3. Ultimately the career that players have post Rovers is irrelevant when judging their performances here. There could be a number of factors as to why Rhodes has struggled since he left. Maybe he was at his peak here, maybe his confidence has suffered, he was loved here, Karanka didnt seem to particularly want him at Boro and then he went at Sheffield Wednesday and got to the stage where he didnt take a penalty in the play offs. Conversly, Josh King only really had one or two good games here and he didnt hit the ground running at Bournemouth. His injuries seemed to decrease, playing with better players and better coaches he improved. Doesnt mean that we werent right to play the 2 strikers scoring 20 goals each. Compare Nikola Kalinic and Roque Santa Cruz, the former has had a far better career since he left Rovers than the other, but it doesnt mean that he was a better player for Rovers.
  4. I know without the use of videos that Johnson was and is a liability at taking the ball on the half turn. The amount of times he played us into trouble last year doing so was plenty. The higher press/different tactics coupled with his seemingly improved fitness seems to suit him, and he also seems to be getting forward more, hence the goals.
  5. We cant rely on kids behind Williams and Ayala. We know that over the course of a season, as much as he has played well in these last 2 games, Williams wont be a first choice CB for a top 6 team over the course of a season, whereas we win far more points with Lenihan playing than without. Keep the 3 and then we have some scope to cover for an injury, Carter and Magloire for example arent ready to continue at the level we need at this stage. Also, regarding sell ons, I still think that people are being optimistic thinking that the money will be added onto the budget at any point. It will surely just go to help cover running costs. Another thing, I heard Watford linked to Ryan Manning on the second tier podcast. Not one that is relevant to us with our budget but worth mentioning.
  6. Johnson is poor at taking the ball on the half turn from the defence, last season he was always good for losing the ball at least once a game. The tactics at the moment seem to not expect him to do that which is ideal.
  7. Theres more than one way to skin a cat. Rhodes throughout his time here was performing at a level worthy of challenging for promotion. It was the rest of the team and the manager that stopped us.
  8. One last thing, and to be fair there is very little going on that is on topic anyway! But it was a myth that we ever built the team around him. He scored goals in a team in the first year in which we were dysfunctional across the team, had a lack of quality out wide, a lazy central pair and a series of different players playing as a 10. He scored nearly 30 goals. Then we changed again to the team in the early Bowyer days and he scored more than 20. Then we signed Gestede and Conway, changed to a 4-4-2 and mainly played to the strengths of Gestede, getting in plenty of crosses, that didnt stop Rhodes scoring. Then we sold most of our best players and Rhodes still kept on scoring until he left. He played in quite a few teams, some that struggled, with different partners and different styles and the only thing that stayed the same was the goals he scored. He often scored crucial goals in games that we didnt play well in.
  9. By the same token, Armstrong was the one who stopped us from getting into the top 6 last year. He only got 16 goals whereas if he had got 25 we might have got into the top 6. Lets not focus on the inept goalkeeper, shaky defence and lack of balance. If a striker is scoring 20 plus goals then he is doing his job, even before you appreciate that Rhodes wasnt quite as one dimensional as people made out. The reasons we couldnt make the top 6 were Lowe and Williamson in midfield, a leaky defence, poor goalkeepers in an overweight Robinson (post blood clot) and a terrible Steele, a manager who rarely outwitted his opposition etc. Not the striker who was consistently one of the top scorers in the division.
  10. What @Hoochie Bloochie Mama said. We didnt miss out on the top 6 because of the strikeforce.
  11. How anyone can suggest that he shouldnt have played is incredible too. He was scoring 20 plus goals every season, he was the strength of the team, not the weakness.
  12. Sheffield United need a left footed centre back capable of moving out with the ball. Lenihan doesnt fit either requirement.
  13. He will always be right footed and having a full back on his wrong side will always change things slightly, no matter how much he trains.
  14. Its a massive statement to suggest that a player who has played 3 (?) senior games at right back is one of the two best in the division. Even Nyambe is a massive stretch.
  15. Why does it matter if I have had an injury? He hasnt broken a bone either. I never said that he will DEFINITELY come back as good as new, but that I am debating on the assumption that he will return as he was before. Many players have returned from serious injuries, it might take time and patience but theres no reason to expect him to not make a full recovery. If he doesnt, then obviously it loosens the argument that he should play for us. We dont have to choose between Armstrong or Dack. We have 2 very good players, we should be trying to get the best out of both of them. The two havent really played together without Graham also being in the side which totally changed our style of play. Theres no reason that Armstrong should be put out by Dacks return, take his goal v Forest last season that came from a brilliant Dack pass, Armstrong should be excited by having a player of such quality. If you dont think he will fit in the team, fair enough. I certainly do, he is full of energy, and he is technically very, very good, so the style should suit him well. He is also very good on the counter attack, to which we have done regularly in these last 2 goals, including both of Dolan's goals, because he might not be lightning fast but he isnt slow either, and he makes the correct decisions on the counter attack, take his goal at Peterborough the other year. And he likes to press high, take his goal v Wigan in the 3 nil win, he was the one to capitalise on a mistake to nip in and score. With my trial and error comment regarding the formation, it is not like I am advocating sticking in some kids, it involves putting him in the role that Mowbray feels will best suit him. Assuming that the 4-3-3 is a consistent success, there are a few options, we choose the one which makes the most sense, but with the flexibility to try one of the other 2 ideas if need be. 1. Put him as one of the 2 CM's ahead of the sitter, possibly at the expense of Rothwell. If Rothwell deserves to play more than Brereton or Dolan at that point, he can play in the front 3. 2. Put him as the central striker, moving Armstrong wide. Obviously there are positives and negatives to that. 3. Play him coming in from the left. That would take a bit of flexibility because he is not a wide man. Im not gonna get into a detailed debate on which id do and what each positive and negative is to those ideas. You have also assumed that because of 2 very good wins, that the 4-3-3 will lead to the players all remaining in excellent form and continuing to win games. If they do, by all means it reduces the speed of which Dack will get back in. As I said, if and when Dack does come back into the team, then I am sure you will support Mowbray in doing so, so its a fairly worthless debate anyway. But these are just my general thoughts on the matter. People have short memories regarding Dack. He is a fantastic player and his return should be something that excites us, not inconveniences us.
  16. It goes without saying that the discussion is on the assumption that he returns without being massively hindered by the injury, to which there is no reason to think that he will return as a pale shadow of his former self. Dack is technically as good as we have, hes not some League 1 slogger, or a player reliant on us playing direct, and I am sure that Mowbray appreciates how good he is and tries to fit him in upon his return. Can he fit into the style, a higher press and more reliance on playing the ball on the ground? Absolutely, in fact that will suit a player like him more. In terms of system, it might take a bit of trial and error to figure out his best role, but hes our best player, so he gets into the team all being well. And once he does, I am sure that you will soon revert to justifying his place!
  17. Ultimately the problem is that people are saying where does he get in if we are in the same form as we are now and when Dack is fully fit, ultimately I very much doubt that we will put a 5 nil and 4 nil win together again in succession! I just think his return is something to be excited about, I think people forget how good Bradley Dack is, or for some reason are shoehorning him as a player who can only thrive in a team that lumps it forward. He is the most skilful player we have and a brilliant goalscorer.
  18. If Dack was fit next week to start, would I put him in the team? No, we have just won 5 nil and 4 nil so of course not. Its 2 games though. Overall, is Dack a player that gets into the team over Brereton, Dolan, Rothwell and indeed I would say even the impressive Holtby? Yes. There is a debate as to how he fits in, there are a few possible answers, but it should be a headache that Mowbray welcomes, not an inconvenience. Some people IMO have forgotten quite how good Dack is. He isnt a League 1 plodder whom we are better off without, hes one of the best attacking players in the division. His return should be one we can be excited about, yes theres a slim chance that the injury will have affected him, but he has said during that he is in great shape generally so maybe he will come back even better.
  19. He is almost a 1 in 2 goalscorer and he isnt a striker. And he isnt a lump depedant on long ball, he is technically as good as any of our players. There is no reason why he can only play in a direct team, I think plenty forget how good he is. There might be a price for him but I cant wait to see him play again.
  20. He has scored 24 in 64 in the Championship. He is a brilliant player at this level who will improve us further which is a good thing. I think you are forgetting how good he is. And thats a positive. Smallwood was out of his depth as soon as we got in this league, Dack excelled.
  21. I think its hard to go under the radar when you win by 5 and 4! First look at the results and thats what you are drawn to.
  22. Not only is he more skilful and gifted than most, he is more streetwise and more effective, he gets goals so often, I think he has never gone more than 6 games without a goal here. I just think that the team gets better with Dack in. I would be surprised if there is much interest anyway unless he gets back with plenty of time to play before January.
  23. I think thats harsh. Dack has shown before that he is a player very capable on the counter attack. He is not immobile even if he hasnt got the blistering pace of an Armstrong, and he also makes the right decisions, think back to the counter attack at Peterborough away. He isnt a player who can only play in a direct team, its just that it was how we played until very recently. He is technically very good and it should suit him playing as such. I bet players like Armstrong and Holtby will love him back as quality players love playing with more quality players.
  24. To be fair, he got a couple of goals for us early but overall he wasnt up to it even in League 1!
  25. Definitely looks a different player. Needs to score some goals to justify or come close to justifying the fee etc, that side of his game is still missing. But most of the other things, especially today, very impressive. Definitely agree with this. Hardly graceful, sometimes he gets past with one or two "lucky" bounces and then the ball is still with him but it is very useful. Silly example, and certainly not a comparison! But Luis Suarez loves trying to nutmeg players, and often you see him luckily get past people, it will hit the defenders leg, then hit his and he gets past players fairly scrappily because of it. As long as you get past. I think he watched a lot of Conway in his year with him too. Loves winning fouls for the team, occasionally will look for one when its not there and it wont work out, but it can be an important skill when it does. Has theatrically won penalties for us too, and often gets us up the pitch.
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