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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Firstly, its my opinion on what we need. I went into detail as to how I feel that Mowbrays use of wide players throughout his time here. But even if they arent out and out wingers brought in, we dont have players who can be effective from wide roles. We have Armstrong as a very effective striker and Gallagher should only be played there and not wide.
  2. Doesnt Rankin Costello and also Rothwell have 12 months on their deals left? If so, should we sell as with Nyambe if they wont renew?
  3. The club at a time when they need cash flow should be doing all it can. But as ever, its not. People like yourself would seemingly take up the offer of a season ticket despite the uncertainty. I personally dont think I would but whether its 200, 500, 1k, 2k that took them up on their offer, its crucial cash flow for the club. It requires a bit of proactivity present at other clubs and sadly lacking in ours All of the hygeine and Coronavirus issues can be dealt with as and when and obviously the situation is a fluid one. If they said now, season tickets for sale. Apply with any other people you would like to attend with. No guaranteed seats obviously. You get ifollow links until the point when you can attend, and if you are unable to attend all season your season ticket for the year after is free. So bit of a gamble in terms of not knowing what youll get but thats been agreed beforehand. Im guessing you would instantly get a season ticket sorted? We are in a favourable position (in this instance) whereby we arent in danger of having too much demand anyway.
  4. Wide men are more of a priority than strikers too.
  5. I agree. There is the added aspect which other clubs have whereby demand wont exceed supply.
  6. If the club is struggling for cash flow and there are people like yourself willing to give their money knowing the situation is how it is then they are idiots for not getting them on the market as soon as was possible.
  7. I have never said that I would. I just know that some people will even amidst the uncertainty and the club is stupid for not taking them up on that. Receiving a season ticket with conditions, maybe a proportion of the season via ifollow subscriptions or worst case scenario, a deferred season ticket, for people willing to buy that, isnt the same as you sarcastically put "dropping your money through the letterbox at Ewood.'
  8. The thing is, if ANYONE would be willing to buy a season ticket under the current uncertainty, surely it is worthwhile? Even if its a fraction of the current STH base, its still an improvement to the cash flow. The difference with last season is that it happened unexpectedly and people felt the club went about it wrong not offering an alternative to ifollow. Again its the same if you book a holiday and circumstances prevent it from happening after youve agreed it. People would know the uncertainty before buying. The club would need to explain what will happen depending on how the situation unfolds as I mentioned. I find it bizarre the mindset from which you are looking at it. Obviously it would take a bit of thinking outside the box before deciding exactly how to do it and uptake wouldnt be 100% but it is only an option, no one is obliged to do it. Bit some would buy it and help cash flow at a crucial time and get something in return. Surely the attitude should be from the club to get in what they can, not to not do it because they wont get as much as they would in a normal situation! Do you think ANYONE would buy a season ticket under the circumstances that I have outlined? I definitely do.
  9. You say "should fans pay for something up front that may not happen" as if they are being forced into it. If there are people who will willingly pay regardless of the uncertainty, it isnt because they feel forced into it. I did mention the worst case scenario that no games are attendable. I am not suggesting that if that was to happen, that people would get nothing for their money. The most sensible option for me then would be to defer the season ticket until the following season. If as is likely that some of the season is behind closed doors and some isnt, potentially offer ifollow or similar to the games that cant be attended. The holiday comparison isnt fair because as you know supporting a football club is a little different with the element of loyalty and tribalism and even if it is a small proportion of season ticket holders and it would require proactivity and thinking outside the box as shown by other clubs, when cash flow is suffering, it is crazy to ignore it.
  10. I dont understand the sarcasm. Obviously many people may not be in a position or of a desire to pay money for a season ticket at the moment. But some wil be happy to pay, whether it is out of habit (something more likely to be lost the longer the gap is) or out of loyalty. If there is SOME demand, I cant comprehend the logic of "yes but lots of people wont buy one." Surely it makes sense to at least take advantage of that demand that is there and claw in whatever the club can at supposedly such a difficult time. Even if it is say 1k people at 300 quid a pop, its 300k into the club coffers. It would also require a bit of thinking outside the box in terms of ticketing. The concept of designated seats would have to be temporarily abandoned. Presumably fans wishing to go together (ie family) could apply together, and it could be left flexible to allow further people to join should they choose to before it starts. There could be terms thought out in terms of contingencies. If say no games are attendable next season, worst case scenario, then the season ticket is deferred until the season after. Cash flow is still improved. If as I hope is more likely that only a few games cannot be attended, offer ifollow links. We have the added advantage logistically of not having demand exceeding supply so its more manageable. Other teams have managed to do it and we cant complain about cash flow when we are choosing not to take up a very obvious way to improve it. It requires proactivity which is why we havent done it.
  11. Some people clearly are so it makes no sense not to let them like other teams have.
  12. Because the club has bemoaned cash flow issues caused by the pandemic.
  13. I think that the wide areas have been ineffective across the whole of Mowbrays reign. A bad achilles heel. He has been overly reliant on goals from central positons the Dack and Graham partnership and of course with one injured and the other on the wane and now gone, Armstrong started scoring centrally. The quotes from the article post January transfer window basically admitted an attempt was made to sign Atsu, who individually is shit, but it gave me a bit of hope that he would at least consider actual wide players. Not asking for old school crossers into the box everytime as that wouldnt suit but players who can play the position ans contribute in an attacking sense. You look around the league, Benrahma, Harrison, Mbuemo, Diangana, Phillips, Grosicki, Costa, Lolley, Jed Wallace, Mendez Laing, Hoilett, Murphy x2 even the likes of Sammy Ameobi, Barkhuizen, Sinclair, Jamal Lowe, Kadeem Harris, Eliasson, Bela, Osayi Samuel, McLean, Ince etc. All far more effective and proving that wingers do have value, often in teams who do NOT possess an Armstrong AND a Dack. The only exceptions where an Armstrong hot spell in League 1, but he is better central, and Antonsson had a bit of a goal rush. Weve had "defensive wingers" such as Bennett, an ageing Conway and a horribly wasted Reed contributing precious little in attack. Weve had naturally central players like Holtby, Buckley, Rothwell, Payne, Palmer who to varying degrees arent totally comfortable or at least effective there. And weve had strikers, Brereton, Samuel and Gallagher who again have all failed to impress. I know it might seem fanciful to expect effective players in wide areas but until it is addressed I feel we will struggle to push on. It is almost like Mowbray views the wide positions (including full backs) as not important and places where he can stick central players and crack on as normal.
  14. I think you are confusing Jordan Jones, a winger linked from Rangers and formerly of Kilmarnock with Liverpool young player Curtis Jones.
  15. So you would personally opt to have Ben Brereton as a wide man? Or you think thats what will happen? Would you personally like to see a winger or 2 at the club? We wanted a winger in January. I hope we want one now budget allowing because nobody who has played out wide this season has been effective bar maybe Armstrong who is a striker. https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/18204589.mowbray-atsu-rovers-failure-add-january/
  16. Obviously it has specifically been provoked by a link to a winger. But because my opinion is that we need one and that our wide players (well who have played there) havent contributed in a way that we need. We also apparently wanted wingers in January and I think Mowbray was quoted as such so the penny may drop. Indeed the Chapman incident will of course have more to it than him just being a winger.
  17. What would yours be going into next season, including any signings? (not the actual player but the position eg new GK) And what would your view be if we did sign a winger, are you totally against having wingers or just dont think Mowbray is interested in them. I personally think that we are dying for width. None of our wide players this season have been effective. Goalkeeper, centre back and left back are all obvious areas but out wide isnt far behind. Next season the only current players we have to play in the back 5 are Lenihan and Nyambe. So obviously need a competent keeper, LB and CB. Evans and Travis are fine in CM. Dack just off Armstrong as the main 2 up front. I sadly dont think its realistic to sign 2 wingers, so one of Holtby, Rothwell, Chapman or Rankin Costello on the other side. Probably Holtby with width on the other side. Stick Dillon Phillips, Cunningham, Ayala and Jones into those 4 slots and we look much better but that obviously isnt realistic and theres minimal chance of holding onto our key players. Whiteman is a rumour that surely cannot have any legs to it. Central midfield well down the list of priorities.
  18. I think its a little bit unfair to be honest. Dack is quite clearly very good technically and the main reason that Graham has been the best partner for him is simply that he has been the best striker that we have had in the last few years. No reason to suggest that he can only play in a direct team.
  19. I thought that Mowbray doesnt play with wingers? Seems like a lazy link to me, linking him to his former international manager, the club he came through the academy of and of a manager he used to play for. Contrary to popular belief, we do need wide men who can competently operate there. I have seen him a few times for Rangers and he ticks the boxes, pacy, direct and provides width, whether he has that end product often enough, I am unsure. I cant see it being a goer because of any potential fee. I am sure Gallagher will continue to trudge down the wings in the near future.
  20. As you say, it is our fault for giving him the contract, he was fully entitled to sit on it. Isnt talking about Smallwood in terms of transfers on topic? Its hardly as if there has been anything done to talk about anyway!
  21. Its easy for you to say when you arent pressed with the decision of giving up thousands of pounds a week chaddy. We can all have principles from the outside of loving the game and wanting to play football but would I give up thousands of pounds just to play a bit more football? Probably not. We shouldnt have given those players those contracts in the first place.
  22. I totally understand his actions. Probably a mixture of mainly not wanting to take a paycut and not wanting to give up on playing Championship football may have played a part too. Whether you thing it is "strange" or not, footballers have short careers and I totally understand a desire to get every last penny out of it for themselves and their family. He can now still get a League 1 contract, no harms been done in that year. Fair play to him. Mulgrew knew that he was unwanted yet chose to come back so he must like it here, he must be settled. This pay off could have been avoided. I think you are looking at it solely from the clubs point of view. Fact of the matter is that Mowbray shouldnt have handed out contracts like confetti to Mulgrew, Williams ,Bennett and indeed Smallwood when we came up, it was such a shortsighted and wasteful thing to do especially under FFP and has left us lumbered with players that arent up to it.
  23. The Premier League win was slightly before my time sadly but I believe (correct me if wrong) that the Blackburn End used to regularly chant "Colin show us your arse."
  24. Ultimately he can be as "hard lined" as he likes but it means nothing if the player is content here or if teams are unlikely to match his financial package elsewhere. Even if he turned to Mulgrew, Williams, Bennett (more chance of hell freezing over) and said like he clearly did to Smallwood that they are settled here, that they want to fight for their place, or ultimately that they are unwilling to take a pay cut, then theyd stay regardless. Its pretty common knowledge that Mulgrew is unwanted. Yet he chose to come back and sit in the stands.
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