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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. The reason that Bennett became this "versatile" and "trusty" teachers pet was because 2 and a half years ago, in a lower league, when playing in his natural position out wide, he was not scoring at all and he was rarely assisting. He was not standing out even at a lower level and wasnt contributing anywhere near enough from an attacking sense, something even at the time I remember arguing. Because he wasnt that important in his natural position, he was expendable enough to move around if need be. His performance with Smallwood v Shrewsbury is his Emerton v Wolves moment. It was full of energy and I think it fooled people into thinking he was a capable central midfielder going forward, but he doesnt have the intelligence or the technical ability to do that role either, energy and work rate is not enough. Thus, he then was moved to right back to over Nyambe near the end of the season, around the time of promotion, everyone was happy, the fist pump was born, and his inadequacies in that position were covered up. As a full back, central midfielder or winger, he is not good enough.
  2. I would disagree with that, for all of Adarabioyo's additional composure, Lenihan has always been the glue there, and for all of his rashness and imperfection, he is the dominant one and by far the best defender. When Williams played next to Lenihan, we kept winning. When Williams played with Adarabioyo during Lenihan's absence, and when Nyambe did during Lenihan's suspension, we reverted back to our flimsy self. That being said, we will probably have to play him because of how neglected that area is. Unless we give Carter a do.
  3. Couldnt see a topic specifically on this, but surely the time has come now to move on Bennett. I think Mowbrays reasoning for selecting Bennett over Nyambe, that the latter has lacked confidence is a joke. That isnt going to help! Mowbray also said that "Bennett brings some character and personality to our team and takes the game-plan on to the pitch." Absolute rubbish. The game plan wasnt evident and certainly didnt work. Its such a feeble reason to select his favourite player. I have a stat which I saw on Lancs Live which sums up how much of a liability Bennett is and why he needs not only to be dropped but moved on as soon as is possible: Bennett has captained 26 games this season, we have lost 13. Lenihan has captained us 14 times, we have lost once. I dont think its because Lenihan was wearing the armband. It is because how much of a weakness Bennett becomes when he plays. Does anyone think he should stay even as a squad player anymore? He is as much of a liability as Mulgrew is. Further reason why its time for a change of manager too.
  4. The issue is the problem goes back a year too and it isnt even the success or lack of when judging individuals. Its the lack of signings made that can help us on anything but a temporary basis. Its the positions that have been repeatedly neglected. Adarabioyo has been an 8 out of 10 loan, has fit in well but has only stuck a plaster over that problem and for all of his composure he isnt of the defensive quality of Lenihan. Downing has been again an 8 out of 10, altbough again its a short term solution and I think that age has started to creep up on him. Cunningham would have been good but didnt play enough to rate really. Thats for the good signings. Holtby is a 5 out of 10 for me in again his usage. Hes had good games, Wednesday away, Huddersfield at home but when Dack was fit he struggled to find a home, whether it be from the right or deeper, neither of which he was effective from. And post Dack he himself struggled with niggles over Christmas and New Year and most recently has been tried farcically as a false 9. Johnson for me at a push a 4 out of 10. Hes been bar one or two very impressive exceptions, been not average but really poor and a liability. He doesnt look fit, i question his committment but moreso why for someone so poor on the half turn why he was signed considering Mowbrays tactical direction. I was excited when he signed but hes been a huge dissapointment and I suspect one on big wages. Walton is a 3 out of 10, you cant have a keeper making into double figures in terms of mistakes leading to goals. Not only a downgrade on the eccentric Raya but a temporary alternative to a previously long term solution. And Gallagher, 1 out of 10. A poor striker misused as much as anyone. Last night summed it up. No strikers down the middle, Gallagher within feet of the cut outs in the stand. I think the recruitment horror show goes back since we came up to be honest. You look at least season, add Reed to impressive loan signings, although one totally misused. Rodwell was a fairly poor and again misused freebie. Palmer a poor temporary addition. Rothwell, Chapman and Davenport all pointless additions judging thus far. Brereton the worst of them all. And Armstrong the sole addition that we know can help us moving forward, or more so, sideways.
  5. Another thing, going into next season you would say only Lenihan, Nyambe, (maybe) Evans, Travis, Armstrong and Dack are first teamers. Only the latter 2 are Mowbray signings. To have only 2 of your own signings in your team, 20m and 3 years down the line is piss poor. The only player that has advanced the team post promotion has been Armstrong who was already here on loan. Its not progression, its not good enough. No one could guess the formation either.
  6. How much of an easy time does he get from journalists too? Just for my sins listened to his Radio Lancashire interview. No questions about the tactical horror show, the constant lack of clean sheets, 2 shots on target, the lack of a striker in the second half, the weird new formation. Spit off a few cliches, and on you go.
  7. Are we making progress? 60 points again. 10 points in 11 games, is that acceptable? Have his signings been good enough this season? Do you agree with this false 9 shite? Do you agree with this wide striker shite?
  8. Dismal performance. Totally chaotic, bizarre tactics, no positives, the final straw.
  9. Time to go Tony. Your tactics get more and more bizarre as the games go by. Chasing a game with no striker might make sense in your head but not in reality. False 9s, wide strikers, 2 number 10s, all bizarre ecperiments. We havent made progress. 60 points last year. At this rate 60 this year. And the main difference is replacing a centre back who kept being responsible for goals leave and loaning one in. So that problem is back again in 2 games. 10 points in 11 games. 12m spent on shite. That clown back captaining us.Thanks for the promotion and the stability but you cant take us forward.
  10. Absolutely fuming with this inevitable show of total disinterest and inability. For all of the talk of progress, what does Mowbrays Rovers actually do? Long ball from the start against Millwall, did Mowbray consult Appleton before coming up with a game plan today. Team is all wrong. Then as the half wore on plenty of slow and sideways passes with zero threat. Thats what apparently we "want" to do. Samuel with the sort of non performance you get out of him 99% of the time. Graham cant move. Get shut of both after the Luton game. Adarabioyo cant be arsed. Bennett constantly out of position. Dont get the hype around Rankin Costello, constantly looks terrified. Walton woeful with the ball at his feet. Johnson clumsy. Travis petulant and sloppy. Downing ineffective. Armstrong fairly half arsed.
  11. Simple. We dont play 433 when it doesnt suit our best player.
  12. I dont get why you keep going on about infrastructure as if what im saying means they wouldnt have or couldnt have still done that regardless. My comments also have never suggested that they should risk the financial future of the club. Had I suggested that they spend 200m on loads of high earners maybe youd have a point. Its bery nice of him to own up to the fact that hes jacked in a season of Premier League football before a ball was kicked.
  13. It makes no sense to move away because our best player is a number 10, ie Dack. Graham or no Graham, you cant be playing your best player out of position. Hes tried and struggled in the false 9 role just as Holtby did. He is never a central midfielder in a million years, he is a goalscorer. Holtby is also important and again is a number 10. As is Buckley.
  14. Ha, the Norfolk chaddy! Do you agree with the attitude of the manager and Webber to actively admit in advance that survival was never really on the agenda? To tell the players they have less than a 5% chance? Is that necessary? Is it bollocks. Even baring in mind the idiocy of not being able to grasp that moderate spending wouldnt cripple a club riding the crest of an unexpected promotion, would help even if relegation was suffered (good players either to help them get back up or be sold) and potentialy would give them a chance at survival which financially would be the best solution of all.
  15. Good to see that football fans are not endorsing such a bizarre outlook on promotion! And that chaddy is very much a lone wolf as the echo chamber of the Norwich boardroom for whatever reason, without critique or even any lateral thought. A positive attitude and moderate strengthening and they might have stayed up, would that have been unwelcome?!
  16. My comments are more about football in general. How you can endorse this sort of thinking is beyond me. I have no interest in watching the interview, I know for a fact that there was no need to take the ATTITUDE that theyve taken in the MANNER theyve accepted it. It goes against everything football should be, its disgusting and if Rovers did it in the same way id be really outraged by it. If their fans have accepted not even necessarily the pitiful budget, the lack of ambition and fight, the attitude of the managee towards the players and the embracing of the relegation then they are as bad as you and have clearly been brainwashed. They could have still done all of those improvements. Even without money the manager could have at least been more ambitious, and not told his players they basically have no chance. This Webber guy could have prudently expected relegation but hoped for survival. And beyond that, a few playing improvements made modestly and sensibly could have helped them give it a real go or worse case scenario, have added assets for the promotion push next year or even be sold on had it come to that.
  17. No, the way that they have acted is totally unnecessary, totally against the spirit of the game and spitting in the faces of their supporters. I include the manager in that.
  18. Theres not "spending much" and theres accepting relegation before youve kicked a ball, spending less than many Championship clubs with your manager telling the team before the season that they have at best 5% chance and comparing it to "men against boys!"
  19. Put it this way chaddy. Our play off chances have always been remote this season. Hasnt stopped me at numerous times this season, checking the table, looking at fixtures etc, having that hope that the unlikely will happen. Whats the point if you take away that hope, even if it is a difficult task?
  20. Exactly this. And as a fan, I dont get how any fan could go up and just accept the fact that the club has just accepted relegation before a ball has been kicked. Whats the point? To be honest, even from a business view point, I dont see how spending a sensible amount, not breaking the wage budget, ie a small chunk of that massive and unexpected windfall they have received, is risky considering that could help a talented but inexperienced core of players and give them a chance. If they could stay up, thats win win obviously, if they dont, theyve just got additional assets either to sell or indeed help them get back up. I am unconvinced that they will bounce back. And even assuming that wasnt possible. Should the manager have such a defeatist attitude even beforehand, and should the CEO? By all means play the underdog but they hadnt even considered that there was a chance of staying up from the sound of things. All very sad.
  21. The thing is all teams are picking up additional injuries. The increased demand on the back of the big break IS statistically a problem for all and rotating at times can Also, tactically Rothwell scored so should push for a start. Holtby also is pushing for one. Graham and Samuel were ineffective at the weekend. Davenport and Gallagher might fancy a start after Saturday too. Its not just being soft.
  22. Admiring them for their naivety though surely? I get prudence but its a small portion of their additional bonus revenue that they could invest into further assets on the playing side who at best could help them stay up and generate untold wealth, at worst can either be sold on upon relegation or help them return. Spending excessively on fees and wages is a dismal strategy. Spending absolutely nothing and accepting relegation before youve started is equally idiotic.
  23. Walton Nyambe Lenihan Adarabioyo Downing Travis Davenport Rankin Costello Holtby Rothwell Armstrong
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