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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Personal wealth is irrelevant. Theyve got an unexpected massive windfall. Im suggesting spending a fraction of that on playing reinforcements, not a mad spending spree. You keep going on about risking the financial future of the club. It doesnt make sense considering what I am suggesting. Plus worst case scenario, they spend 20m and still go down. They have additional assets and are still massively in profit and in better shape on the playing side to come back up. You wouldnt be happy if we spent absolutely nothing, and Mowbray said we never expected to survive and it was men v boys. Relegation is not the issue. The manner and the attitude is.
  2. There are a few flaws into just going along blindly without any critical faculty of your own: - Promotion is worth 90/100m is it, something like that. And it was unexpected. I refuse to accept that spending a small fraction of that amount would jeopardise the future of the club. Thats a load of bollocks. - That also assumes that the money spent is never to be seen again. I am advocating spending money sensibly on improving the club, not smashing the wage structure, signing players with resale value or ones who wouldnt burden the club should they go down. Adding additional quality and maybe one or two more experienced heads may have cost a small chunk of that unexpected windfall, but could have greatly improved their survival chances, and prudently should they still go down, they would have more assets which they could balance selling on and keeping to come back up accordingly. - Also their existing assets might now want to leave after seeing their club meekly accept relegation and with the taste of Premier League football. Their best chance of Premier League football the year after next might have been to stay up this season. - Survival would have been the best possible outcome. With their attitude that became a nil chance. If the possibility had been embraced, there would be another 90/100m to follow. Its not impossible to come up and stabilise. - Say that we accept the notion that less than 1 million is spent and they really cant afford even to spend the sort of budget weve had in the last 2 years. Should the manager also be basically saying that his team are miles inferior and not seeming that bothered about relegation? It interviewed Tettey and he didnt seem to be as apathetic to the situation. - Say all of this theory is true. How depressing is that. Would you be happy if we went up, and came back down having accepted relegation before kicking a ball?
  3. So Mowbray clearly encourages him to get forward if he spends so much time near the opposition box?
  4. Their assets on the pitch will now be prematurely poached from the look of it. I totally get prudence and not spending loads like Fulham did, like Villa have. But why is the only alternative to that not spending at all and accepting relegation before it happens? Surely there is a middle ground.
  5. No and im not interested enough to watch it. I stand by my comments that it makes no sense to accept relegation and come out with quotes like it was men against boys and that it was almost certain from the beginning. You relish and cherish the promotion and the prize it brings. Theres a happy middle ground between over spending and not spending at all and giving up before youve started. It can be low spending compared to the prize, 10-20m say just to help out the team from last year. That money could be spent in a calculated way and potentially recouped or even profited on even if they did go down. If I was a Norwich fan I would be annoyed not that theyve gone down but that manager and chairman alike accepted it before it happened. We spent more than them last summer. But its something youve grafted for to become one of the top 7 teams in tnlhe country. Even if it does jeapordise your league season slightly, its worth it because of the memories. All of these European away days would be great memories and experiences that might never come round again and you cant sacrifice them in order to try and replicate that league season otherwise you are going round in circles. Absolutely bang on regarding that last comment. We finished 6th twice and 7th in the Premier League post 2001 but the most memorable season is the one we won a cup in. Football is about memories like that. I remember when Wigan won the cup and went down and it created a media driven question, would you rather win the cup or stay up? (Obviously they arent mutually exclusive so its a flawed question anyway) Id take winning the cup every day of the week.
  6. You predict this every window although this window may have the closest of being right. Still scaremongering mind you.
  7. Were Gallagher and Brereton particularly good players when we signed them? I would suggest not. Not saying that Mowbray should have ever played them wide but I don't think they could go somewhere else and tear it up.
  8. Is he? He has never been a good attacking right back in terms of final delivery, even when he was brimming full of confidence earlier in the season his final ball was never particularly threatening. He is a good full back with plenty of promise but his strengths lie defensively at this moment. The assist v Swansea was his first since we returned to the Championship. I cant really remember the good cross from Saturday but may be getting forgetful, when was it? Mowbray just doesn't want him running at players and getting the ball into the box" was just a bizarre and unfounded comment and totally unfair.
  9. You've again as you tend to gone off on a random tangent. There are not two options, either massively overspend in a haphazard manner, or accept relegation before kicking a ball. There is a happy medium in between. Obviously their strategy to get promoted worked, but be bloody competitive once you get there, dont write yourself off before a ball is kicked. There are some poor teams near the bottom of the Premier League. Firstly, you are taking the whole spirit out of the game if you are working so hard to get promoted and not even giving everything to try and stay there. What is the point? Same with Burnley, they qualified for Europe after really grafting all season, a once in a generation opportunity, they played weakened teams and got knocked out in the qualifiers. Why did Burnley bother qualifying for Europe and why did Norwich bother even getting promoted if the prize was almost an inconvenience? As a fan, both approaches would have had me absolutely fuming. Totally understand being prudent, totally understand not spending wildly and desperately like teams have in years gone by. But to spend absolutely bugger all, not even calculated and clever additions, maybe a bit of experience and knowhow to help the kids they have in defence, even if they spent 10, 15, 20 million, a fraction of what they earn, improve the squad, try and stay up, totally against the spirit of the game and also any logic to just accept defeat before youve kicked a ball. Make no mistake, the best solution was to be if they gave it a go and managed to stay up, that can be done and trumps being a yo yo club. Regarding the players I mentioned, you would think that a team for which half of the players are apparently going to be signed up by Premier League clubs, that they could have been a bit more competitive.
  10. Even if the logic was there regarding essentially chucking a season, which I question, it is difficult to stomach any team writing off something they spent a season grafting to earn a place in as easily as that.
  11. I think this is nonsense and seeing what you want to see. And I have been critical of Mowbray recently. When has he ever put in good crosses? I can only think of the one v Swansea, ironically which came when he was playing at centre back. Since he broke through he has always seemed reluctant to run forward, always one for a sideways/backwards pass when he gets so far up the pitch. Dangerous crosses from him are always clearly reluctant ones and are few and far between. Im not saying hes a poor full back, hes an important player for us and he is improving but hes better defensively rather than attacking. Mowbray seems to encourage his full backs to push forward but although Nyambe is the most effective, none really offer the consistent attacking threat we need from that area at this time.
  12. I find the criticism of Bamford really excessive from the outside. He has a very competitive goal record, and whenever I see Leeds, he leads the line well, he works hard, he makes clever runs and he walks into the vast, vast majority of clubs in the division, barring Fulham and maybe at a push Forest. I get that he misses his chances but he scores goals too. The job Bielsa has done is remarkable and fair play to Leeds for thinking outside the box and getting such a big name from abroad. I recall a lot of people dismissing him when he came and of course he needs paying well but when we have paid 12m in the last 2 years on strikers who have contributed about 5 goals combined, and the manager is the most important person, Bielsa will now be seen as a bargain.
  13. I always find that the benchmark on "how not to deal with promotion" is the Fulham example where they spent 100m, wasted it and came back down. Ultimately there is a happy medium between the 2 approaches. The main issue is Farke's attitude as he had basically written the season off before it started, saying there was a 95% chance of relegation and compared it to men v boys. There is no point being promoted and having that attitude, I dont like it similar to when teams dismiss cup hopes or when teams give their all to get a place in the Europa League then (like Burnley for example) basically treat it as an unwanted distraction, even though it is a once in a generation chance and youve worked so hard to get there. By all means be prudent, dont overspend but strengthen the team with some calculated and shrewd additions who arent total gambles and who if worst case scenario would stand out if you do get relegated. A lot of their players, Cantwell, Aarons, Buendia, Lewis and Godfrey seem to be attracting vultures but I am not sure which if any are Premier League players.
  14. I am very keen on getting a consistent way of playing that doesnt involve silly and non working gimmicks such as false 9's and inside forwards. That being said, I wouldnt go down the 442 route. We need to build around a number 10, be it Dack ideally or Holtby, you need to build around your better players, or in Dacks case, best player.
  15. I think hes always had a weakness in terms of attacking. Its like there is a brick wall before the final third. Even pre lockdown he rarely put in a dangerous final ball but he was more forceful breaking through and providing an overlap. I think hes always been a more defensive full back.
  16. We need natural width, there might be isolated examples where playing wide forwards has got us a goal, for example Samuel midweek, but it doesnt work. I also think the time has come for Graham to be let go. Samuel certainly should be let go no questions asked. A ruthless approach needed with the out of contracters, even Downing has been less effective post lockdown but he is worth another year. I dont see how we will be able to do anything but add a few frees and loans to plug major positions and we of course will always allow our rivals to steal a march. The main thing we need to do with a consistent way of working. Mowbray suggested that he likes to chop and change dependant on opposition, for me that isnt condusive to consistency. Look at Leeds and West Brom, you know what you are getting from those sides, they are perfecting their styles, and it means that every time a player comes out, one comes in and it doesnt derail them, they slot in seamlessly.
  17. He seems to have temporarily regressed post lockdown back to the over-cautious full back he has been in the past, so reluctant to run forward at the moment and not offering a threat on the overlap. Even on top form he was powering forward but not really doing much once he got so far up the pitch. I cant see Premier League teams having any interest in him. That being said, Nyambe at his worst is always a better option there than Bennett.
  18. Lets cut the angry mob with pitchforks wanting their own team that they pay money to watch narrative as well please. I dont doubt that a select few on one side struggle to see past their argument/opinion that Mowbray should go and that isnt necessarily healthy for debate, but in the same way there are a few on the other side of the fence who defend the manager regardless or dismiss any doubts about the manager based on attitudes towards the overall running of the club or the fact that we arent massively underachieving. Mowbrays future is understandably a topic of great debate at the moment. We are amidst a run of 10 points in 10 games, below average form and we are at a juncture whereby the manager no longer has clear objectives (survival, promotion, stability) and where he has outlasted all other Championship managers, is trying to with mixed success transform us tactically and has a very mixed transfer record.
  19. I think thats a huge call based on a few cameos. Seems full of energy and enthusiasm but no evidence from a very small number of minutes that he has either the calculated precision, intelligence and positional discipline. Definitely a player id like to see more of but not one ive jumped to any conclusions about just yet.
  20. We will see quite how much (if any, although the chance of 0 points id like to think is minimal) progress has been made at the end of the next 3 games. You mentioned that in your opinion that weve been better in every department. We have reached the points total of 60 that we achieved last season with 3 games to go. Last season you think back to Mulgrew creaking at CB, Smallwood a regular. And we will beat it by 0-9 points. Of course in addition to this, some of those improvements have been built on quick sand. Adarabioyo goes back, we have no senior keepers, Downings future is in the balance etc. The lack of our best player for half a season is an unquestionable blow. But how much sympathy is lost when the manager has had 12 million to spend on 2 strikers who have not even covered part of the deficit of goals that we have lost? Im really in between at the moment, swaying in my opinion. I acknowledge that a small progression will have been made this season in terms of a points haul. Weve never broken that top 6 barrier even for a few hours, and the idea of a slow build as others have pointed out is flawed. There are a number of tactical issues and curiosities that worry me, strikers on the wing, false 9s, and im just unsure about how we are going to set up going forward.
  21. He isnt rapid and he doesnt have the subtlety or the technical ability to play wide. He was much improved today but even his assist was scuffed a little bit although it was excellent work especially in the build up. He ran down the wing soon after and played a really poor cross, the role doesnt suit him at all. The touch for Davenport was also very clever after a superb Holtby pass and he definitely made a different in his cameo but a full back wouldnt be too worried facing up to him as weve seen on many an occasion.
  22. Has anyone said to put him into the starting 11? Genuine question as if so I have missed it and of course would disagree. Or just to consider having him within the squad following successful loan spells and in tbe absence of any other competent back up.
  23. But ultimately the point is almost worthless as it isnt enough to prolong any realistic play off hopes. Thus not a great result.
  24. The 4-3-3 formation is not the route IMO that we should go down. I am not a fan of the false 9 formation, Graham isnt a false 9, and before that, v Wigan, Barnsley and even Bristol City Holtby looked really unfamiliar with that position. We have Dack to return and Holtby now, natural number 10s, we should build around them. You look at West Brom, they take off a good player, on comes another one but the system remains the same. Leeds are the same. Today I felt that we were dominated up until the last 20 minutes when it was more a case that the game was stretched and of course we had momentum from the goal, and Holtby and Rothwell changed the game. I feel like false 9s, inside forwards and box midfields is just needless over-complication. I would go back to 4231 midweek, with Armstrong as a 9, Holtby 10, Rothwell left, Rankin Costello right, Downing left back.
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