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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. One thing he definitely lacks is a ruthless attitude. He seems to make decisions partially out of over loyalty and partly out of fear of not being able to replace a player even if they arent up to it or arent needed. We saw last season, he gave an extension to Leutwiler even though he was awful in the games he played. He also offered contracts to Conway and I think a couple of others. Now Bells contract has been extended even though contracts and transfers are supposed to be on hold. Smallwood didnt need a new contract upon promotion but luckily that ends soon, and neither did Williams, Bennett or Mulgrew who now take up precious wages when none are up to it.
  2. Meanwhile, Amarii Bell has had his contract renewed and Elliott Bennett will remain as captain.
  3. Mr versatile actually in this case means played in numerous positions regardless of being unable to play said positions. Needs to be moved on in the summer.
  4. To be fair, it was a tendency Mowbray had finally eased on this season prior to lockdown, Bennett had started to start less yet post lockdown hes played in both full back positions prior to lockdown and the "pick 10 and put Bennett in the remaining place" policy seems to have returned with a vengeance. We arent flush with available options at left back I admit, but Downing has always looked very competent whenever he has played there. He reads the game well, Bennett doesn't. He anticipates danger, Bennett doesn't. He is left footed so adds that balance on that side. And he doesn't feel the need to try and win every ball straight away, Bennett's rashness gives away foul after foul and constantly hands the initiative to the opposition. Indeed Gallagher took over the mantle as Mowbrays pet and that tendency doesnt seem to be going away.
  5. I said about Gallagher earlier in the season when people said that the supply wasnt good enough that good strikers find chances as much as the othet way round. Its not even just to shoot, just to go forward in general. He did some great control on the left just inside the box in the second half. He then hesistated and pass the ball back. In the first half he got the ball to run one on one but his touch was too heavy and no chance arose. Rarely will a chance present itself like last week and although he was unlucky to slip his own touch put the ball behind him which caused it. 2 years, 7m, 1 goal, we shouldnt be excited by such minor flickers.
  6. He did some great touches and dribbles but usually once he had done that he lacked bravery and turned back and played it safe. He also needs to take more risks.
  7. I agree with many of your criticisms tactically (probably all in fact) but totally disagree with the desire to try and match up and replicate other teams tactical approaches. I recall when we played Stoke away, on the back of 2 wins, you advocated a host of changes to counteract Stokes physicality, we went same again and won. We need to develop a consistent way of getting the best out of players at our disposal, at the moment I would say our squad lends itself to trying to keep the ball, Adarabioyo, Downing, Holtby etc, we have technically good players. When we play teams further down the table, obviously we need to be able to physically handle ourselves, which we can with Lenihan, Travis, Adarabioyo, Nyambe, but we need to impose our own style on them, not match them up. The problem was not that we didnt match them up tactically. Surely the key was in finding a way in which our better technical players could work effectively and the game centres round on that, rather than trying to play teams at their own game, especially ones lower in the table. You do that, surely you lose because they are better at it than you? The flashes of good play today where when our technically superior players were moving the ball quickly and accurately between the lines. We need to come up with a formation that really lends itself to doing that more effectively. I can sort of understand the thinking behind the false 9 thing but it works maybe in theory but not in practice, it has no penetration. We need to build around Holtby central and Armstrong. Also, I think the reason that Samuel must be moved on is because its clear that the false 9, 2 inverted forwards formation as you say doesnt work. We have Armstrong as our main central striker and unfortunately Brereton and Gallagher still contracted. We then have Dack and Holtby as number 10s. Whether Samuel is better than them I am not even convinced, but theres scope to let him go and at least streamline this weak area of the team and use those resources maybe in bringing in a wide man who can add more balance to the team.
  8. No strange tactics? Playing Bennett at left back? Or indeed at all? Playing Gallagher again as a right winger/forward? Or indeed at all? Playing Holtby as essentially a central striker? Having Armstrong on the bench? Then wide left, where Brereton was? Our squad is so imbalanced, you look at the potential side for Tuesday night, who do we go for? Walton (no alternative), Nyambe, Lenihan, Adarabioyo, Travis (if fit) in their respective positions goes without saying. Then it gets tricky. Downing has to play at left back, theres no alternative. So thats a back 5 and Travis. I'd prefer Davenport to Johnson alongside Travis, may need them both in there. Holtby and Armstrong have to start. Its how we build around that. Ideally youd want them 2 as a striker and attacking midfielder. But what about either side? Literally no one. Maybe Holtby as a 10, Armstrong up top and Brereton left with the 2 interchanging, and Chapman on the right?! Suspect considering the situation and a couple of injuries that Tuesdays team will be one of his weirdest yet.
  9. Didnt want him back and has been much worse than I could have ever predicted. Absolute no hoper. Brereton has looked sharper but still offering no goal threat.
  10. No mention for Bennett? You accepted his place at left back pre game but he was absolutely shocking. Added to his usual flaws, diving in needlessly, playing the opposition in on goal etc, when the ball was played to him he had to check back inside which removed any outlet. Travis definitely the shining light. Brereton better but the fact that we are taking hope from flickers and hes got 1 goal in 2 years for a 7m striker maybe says a lot. Needs to score soon. Think the balance of the team isnt right.
  11. Absolute shite. Nowhere near good enough, never looked like scoring, not going to make the play offs, every opportunity spurned. The expensively set of strikers continues to not contribute. Armstrong for some reason a sub again. Gallagher is absolutely shocking, really out on his own. Brereton was brighter and showed flickers out of position but he never looks like scoring. And if Samuel is worth a new deal then the aim isnt progression. Bennett deserves a special mention. What on earth is Mowbray thinking putting him at left back? He needs to be moved on full stop. Foul after foul after foul, an absolute liability. Walton added another howler to his season reel. Centre backs fairly untroubled in the main, not the issue. Nyambe not quite his usual self, Gallagher often stifled his space. Travis a shining light pre injury, Holtby should have stayed on. Rothwell did little but that 5th sub was bizarre. Tough team selection on Tuesday. Holtby and Armstrong need to be focal to our team. Downing to left back assuming neither Bell or Williams are fit enough. Nyambe, Adarabioyo, Lenihan givens. As is Walton despite 2 howlers in 2. Hope Travis and Evans are fit.
  12. Not sure the balance of this formation is right at all. Lovely technicians (Holtby, Downing, Travis and Rothwell) but get so far and its like we hit a wall. No chances of note. Get Armstrong on for Gallagher. Gallagher is absolutely dismal, why does he keep playing him? Brereton not offering much goal threat from the left but looks much more useful than Gallagher with his running with the ballm And Bennetts performance at LB could be seen a mile off. Wigans biggest threat.
  13. Why is Bell being on 5k a week now gospel ? You quite clearly dont see the inconsistent and flawed logic of adopting a wait to see what division we are in etc policy but signing Bell for am extra year prematurely. You also seem not to realise that both suggestions involve signing a left back but yours also has Bell ASWELL. Its like talking to a brick wall so I will leave it there.
  14. Theres no need to trot out this repeated nonsense about people being constantly on the players backs. Presumably you are just reading online and not going to games. Armstrong, Dack etc are really good signings and are addressed as such. Gallagher and Brereton are overpriced failures at this stage and are addressed as such. No one is hoping the players fail nor do they get any abuse etc games. Really rankles when people suggest otherwise. Their underperforming to date is down to themselves and Mowbray who made the signing.
  15. But you have regularly declared a want for another left back, so what I am saying is that there is no reason to extend Bell's contract now. If we are fairly skint and in the Championship, replace Bell on the cheap, having Bell AS WELL is an expense we cant justify surely or at least commit too now if we had a new left back plus Downing and Williams to cover for injury. Bell is an unnecessary additional option if we are strapped for cash. Nothing you say has any logic. You approve of waiting to budget and hand out new deals "until we know what division we are in." Fine, but extended Bell's contract NOW goes against that totally. Especially when you yourself want a left back (as well as loads of other signings as per a normal transfer window) AND to keep Bell!
  16. Agreed. Very passive defensively, and a myth that he is a good attacking full back, very hesitant and seldom if ever puts in a dangerous cross, often opting to check back and play a safe pass. Renewing his contract doesnt fit into any of the scenarios for me. Premier League, obviously he goes. Championship, we replace him and assuming money is tight, have Downing and Williams as cover, neither of whom is less capable in that role.
  17. No idea. And FFP has no bearing on the point I am making. If we are totally unsure on budget partially due to FFP, then it makes more sense NOT to extend Bell's contract, consistent with the other policies on contracts. That is my point. I am being prudent and assuming we are a Championship club and with very little money, the most likely scenario. if we bring in a cheap left back, considering we will also have Downing and Williams as cover, for me having additional cover in the shape of Bell is unnecessary expenditure, FFP or no FFP. Apparently FFP is the only thing that stops them from writing off cheques!
  18. I dont think anyone has stated that Williams is a good left back or even a good player. But neither is Bell and we had a chance to cut him off. Assuming that we stay in the Championship, are working on a budget and are signing a new left back, as far as cover goes, having Downing and Williams as cover in that position makes the additional cover of Bell a little unnecessary considering the restraints, especially when the above 2 are a step above the standard of our cover at right back for example in Bennett. The main point which has been lost is why renewing Bells contract doesnt come under the same policy of putting EVERYTHING on hold, budgets, transfers and new contracts, until we know what division we are in. Its a stupid policy anyway consistent with Venkys reign of terror but what I dont get is how Bell's future has become critical enough to override that policy.
  19. There are 2 advantages for Williams over Bell, 1 that he can play 2 positions (centre back actually with more competence) and the main one is that his contract isnt about to expire. As you say, neither will help us progress. There are 2 scenarios IMO, none of which see extending Bells contract as a good idea and thus whether we are waiting to see if promotion is achieved before committing to anything (or more so if Venkys are sitting on their hands) or not is irrelevant. If we somehow went up, it goes without saying that Bell is excess baggage. If we stayed down ie the most likely scenario and are desperate to save the pennies, then a new signing could potentially take Bells wage and place in the team, with neither Williams nor Downing any less competent as cover as well as being versatile. This is why this wait and see scenario regarding budgets and transfers does not make sense. If we could steal a march and get a cheapish left back agreed, whether its Cunningham, whether its Morgan Fox on a free, whoever it is, even if we got promoted and the assumption being that the aforementioned signing was not Premier League standard, it would at least ensure that we could afford and would have in competition/back up for a left back signed with the additional resources Premier League football would bring. As it is, unless we get an unlikely promotion I cant see past Bell starting at LB at the start of next season.
  20. @chaddyrovers a few points - Not wanting Bennett to play at left back but also not agreeing with renewing Bell both on ability and more pertinently at odds with a supposed postponement of transfer plans until the end of the season isnt having it both ways ? If Bell went obviously I'd expect a replacement. Downing and Williams are also competent left backs so thats 3. Bennett has no competence at left back. (not his fault) He would be a player I would look to move on too if at all possible but if not I would never consider him at left back just as I wouldnt in net. Bell and Bennett arent the only 2 options. - Your example is perfect in proving that I am not hyper critical, which is the kind of line people throw around when they have nothing further constructive to say. Downing had faded at Boro and Adarabioyo had only really played out of position and struggle, thus my reservations were fair. Both players I have regularly praised since, 2 excellent signings. You also didnt seem to want Downing, nothing wrong with that either. Conversely from the start I expected Johnson to be a superb signing (one youve ignored) and hes been anything but overall. I dont have a policy of not rating everyone and indeed even if I have doubts about a player I like to think theres scope to change my mind. Cases A, B and C above. - I am not interested in other clubs. Our club is regularly hindered by our owners bizarre processes and when it is blatantly relevant it gets pointed out. - The Bell situation I feel is inconsistent with the policy of waiting until the end of the season (not that I think we should) and you quite clearly cant defend it logically hence when I asked you, you kept going on about how many times you messaged Nixon bizarrely in the last fortnight. A man coincedentally proved yet again not to know what he is talking about. - Do you think our manager should have no idea of his budget at this stage? Do you think he should have to go to India every summer before he finds out? Do you think this is normal, just "one of those things" or "just the way they work?!"
  21. I very much doubt that he would have clubs waiting to sign him if im honest, but even if he did leave he would be replaceable for a free. In terms of back up, Downing and Williams are both at least on a par with him in that position so IMO we would only need to bring in a solitary left back if money is that tight.
  22. Your comment about me being hyper-critical over every player is absolute nonsense. I rate Nyambe, Lenihan, Armstrong, Adarabioyo, Holtby, Dack, Downing, Evans, Travis etc but ultimately I suspect you dont really notice because it naturally is the players for whom opinion differs whereby debate will be rife. I dont think that I have been "disrespectful" in my criticism of pointing out that I don't rate Bell nor think that he has particularly improved in his time here. Ultimately the main point I was making was that there is an inconsistency in suggesting that we should hold off signing players on the prudent presumption that we will be a Championship club next season in case we then bypass them by signing further quality upon promotion, but then sign Bell. The point we differ is that you rate Bell and I don't think he is a Championship quality left back, certainly not one chasing promotion. I don't think he has particularly improved, I find that wingers facing him find it too easy to get crosses in, and also I don't feel he offers a threat going forward in terms of crosses etc, I dont think hes even assisted a goal in his time here. Phrases such as "savagely shite" which you are using as evidence to prove that I am being disrespectful and overdramatic, I have absolutely no recollection of using and am almost sure that I haven't. The same with "incompetent at best." I wouldnt even necessarily dismiss the idea of renewing Bell's contract as long as it was as a back up in the Championship. I just think you are going down a dangerous route by signing players who you should be upgrading on the premise that you dont have any alternative, for example we wouldnt be impressed if Leutwiler was given an extra year for the same reason. Also, you said that it was claptrap about us waiting to see what division we are in before signing anyone, Mowbray has been talking about that and the fact that he hasnt got a clue about the budget he has etc in the Lancashire Telegraph.
  23. Can only think that Nyambe is in at RB, Bennett LB, JRC out. And Rothwell for Holtby or at a push Downing.
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