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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Where is that from? Wouldnt be keen on that, Bennett at LB and presumably Holtby and Armstrong missing out.
  2. My main point is not even about his ability or lack of. Its of this nonsensical stance whereby our manager has yet to gain any clue as to his budget based on the off chance that we get promoted, presumably out of restraint that we dont want a couple of players pre agreed to sign on the prudent assumption that we remain in the Championship and they become far less important if promotion was achieved. Yet the approach to prematurely extend Bell's contract goes against that theory, in your scenario he is 3rd choice left back if we go up, which is unnecessary expenditure that the club seem desperate to avoid by "waiting." Wheres the consistency? Ultimately the reason that the manager is waiting to find out his budget is not because of the pandemic, the extended season or the off chance of promotion. Its because our owners do this every year, they need to summon the manager out and we are always slow off the mark and that will never change under Venkys. Youve made a speculative and guess at his wage but we are in a financial position if the club is to be believed where we are really struggling following the pandemic. And how can we justify expenditure on players we havent used all season? (one of whoms eligibility is even in question) I dont think my opinion on him being not good enough is me being "the most critical supporter youve seen" as its a fairly commonly held opinion and our results have been statistically better this season when we have had someone better (Cunningham and Downing) at left back. Theres absolutely no need to second guess made up phrases that I might use to describe Bell either as if being overdramatic to imply that he is a weak point in our team. Why will Williams almost certainly go, who is going to buy him?
  3. I can definitely acknowledge the point that it isnt ideal to move Downing from midfield more than reservations about his vulnerability to be exploited by Jamal Lowe. That being said, you have to look at the alternatives to either position. Bringing in Rothwell or Johnson doesnt weaken us at all really, and with Holtby, Travis and Evans already in the side and Armstrong as a goal threat our ability to control the game and also offer an attacking threat isnt really affected. However, to ensure that the luxury of Downing continues in midfield, you need to have someone at left back who is competent. Bell and Williams are very much debatable in terms of competence, but a totally untested kid or a player who has repeatedly come up short at full back even on his strongest side having to be played there is in no way the best possible alternative.
  4. When was the last time that we had over 60% possession? Not sure that is a formality. Downing every time he has played as a left back has looked at ease there, the Brentford game was an example. He reads danger before it arrives, and he is not slow to the point where he is a total liability on the counter attack anyway, he is hardly like Michel Salgado was at the end of his time here. (Plus Jamal Lowe is not a particularly good player, no doubt he will score now) Nor would he be expected to be charging forward everytime on the overlap anyway, again his intelligence would dictate that he wouldnt be wreckless enough to do that. You mention Bennett, I suspect a race between him and Downing would be much more competitive that you are making out too! Downing doesnt dive in and leave huge gaps like Bennett does. Never seen Thompson play for the reserves but its a massive ask to chuck him in when hes used to playing with other kids.
  5. I found the Rankin Costello selection very strange too. Good players have the first yard in their head. I dont ever remember Downing being run ragged by a fast winger and we played against Brentford I recall with him at left back and kept a clean sheet. Out of himself, Bell and Williams, he is by far the most competent there. Id certainly take him there any day The only compromise is moving him from midfield but when we can bring in Johnson or Rothwell there, whereas the alternatives at left back are a kid whose never played senior League football or a player out of position to the point where he is a huge liability, then for me its not a difficult call. Maybe put Thompson on the bench over Carter.
  6. As much prestige as caps for Northern Ireland youth teams provide, I suspect that would be a big ask at that stage. Downing is undoubtedly the best left back at the club anyway, anticipates danger so well, helps us build from deep, a great left foot on the overlap, obviously that shows a lot because hes never been a left back and if we have actual senior left backs then it is more sensible to keep Downing in midfield, although him playing at LB earlier this season coincided with a run of wins. In the absence of a fit and competent senior left back, there seems little logical alternative but to put Downing there. Bennett simply cannot play that role, hes right footed and he dives in far too much.
  7. I never said otherwise but its all pointless when the manager literally has absolutely no idea on what budget he will have to work with. Sadly the owners are backwards, illogical, reactive and ultimately disinterested and it means there is a large waiting period in which we are sitting on our hands and other teams can steal a march. These clowns will never change their ways. That could even be a budget for each of the 2 divisions, although it makes sense based on probability to be prudent and anticipate Championship football, presumably any budget will be restricted and then plan for that. On the off chance that we were promoted its hardly the end of the world. Somehow the need to extend Bell's contract has overriden this "waiting to see what league we are in" nonsense although to be fair he is one of the lads and both Chelsea and City need a left back so maybe that was the fear... Also, interesting to see Mowbray dismiss the McLaughlin link out of hand. Youve been an echo chamber for weeks and weeks about Alan Nixon claiming the deal is close to being done so it further highlights his lack of credibility.
  8. You could argue that a player who has played 0 minutes in the season hasnt got much of a case anyway but even so as @arbitro says he would still be entitled to the bonus regardless. Sam Hart isnt even eligible to play for us. Beggars belief when the club treat the supporters with disdain.
  9. Its definitely a disgrace how things have unravelled off the pitch in the last few weeks. With Sam Hart, that is the most open and shut case. He isnt even eligible to play, there is no way you can justify any extension to his contract. Smallwood is clearly mentioned as one for the dressing room, as @arbitro says he hasnt been in the squad all season. Again, as a business the simple decision is not to renew his contract. The most debatable ones are Samuel and Leutwiler. Samuel is very much on the fringes, has barely done anything in a Rovers shirt and Leutwiler is incompetent back up but at least has senior experience. If the club really is as skint as it makes out, perhaps we could do without them too, every penny and all that. Downing and to a lesser extent Graham I totally understand being extended. Mowbray is perhaps very lucky that the journalists are not ones who will really push the questions, for example mentioning the issue of guilt tripping funds not to demand refunds and how that all ties in. I dont think these quotes show him in a particularly good light considering he has in the past tried to empathise with the fans and their working class backgrounds etc, showing a little bit of ignorance, but ultimately the main issue was committed by those above.
  10. Thats fair enough, we all have our opinions. Understand the reluctance to move Downing, but personally wouldnt refrain to the point of creating such a huge weakness in the side. I do also really like Downing at left back, because his understanding of the game shines through, one step ahead in his head and seldom if ever caught out of position. Also would give us some lovely overlapping runs and deliveries as shown by the assist v Brentford earlier in the season. I'd prefer him in the middle, but couple our total absence of any competent left backs available and also our strength in depth in midfield, it seems the logical choice to me until Williams or Bell return. You are only as good as your weakest player and Bennett playing so far out of position playing not only at full back but on his weak side is IMO asking for trouble. I suspect that you will get your wish though and Mowbray will select him there.
  11. Not really, I think this particular solution falls down because you are playing someone in a position that quite clearly and evidently cannot play at left back. Not only has he shown over a long period that he is not capable of playing at full back, he looked particularly out of place playing on his weak side. I would rather have Downing in central midfield if we had a left back available and competent enough but we dont which is my reasoning for it. Needs must. Downing is a picture of calmness and intelligence even at left back, and he also gives us balance on his left side and control. Bennett's primary weakness of playing with his heart rather than his head leaves huge spaces that wide players can easily exploit. My team in my opinion doesnt have any players where Wigan can think, we can target Rovers there. Yours has a big one. I dont really mind which of Rothwell, Armstrong and Brereton play on which sides. if the false 9 experiment will continue, it would make sense to have Rothwell as a false 9 dropping deeper, Armstrong from the left as he did last week and Brereton to the right.
  12. I never said we should sign him. Indeed Mowbrays quotes about not being able to offer contracts yet means the rumour is clearly false. I was just pointing out more the flaws in Venkys repeated lack of proactivity and also why on earth we gave Bell a new deal.
  13. Because Downing can play competently (well thats understating it) at left back and Bennett cant so I dont see what choice we have. Downing reads the game well and anticipates danger whereas Bennett dives in and leaves gaps. Downing is also left footed, gives us additional control from deep playing there and gives us an overlapping threat. Holtby can gives us that technical ability and control in midfield. And I dont know. Maybe have Rothwell to the left and Armstrong to the right, I suppose it would be quite fluid. If Rothwell played central then essentially he would be playing more as an attacking midfielder with 2 up front like Holtby did.
  14. Nyambe has to come in at right back, easiest decision to make. Armstrong should come in to, for Gallagher who was very quiet again last week. Give Brereton another go. The conundrum is left back. Bennett CANNOT play there, he has looked like a fish up a tree everytime he has played there. I suspect he will but I dearly hope not. It is not ideal but I would put Downing at left back. He has been excellent when he has played there and gives us additional control from deep positions. He also gives us more width on his left foot. You could then potentially play Johnson in there but my choice would be to push Holtby back along with Travis and Evans, giving Holtby license to dictate and get forward. I would then put Rothwell where Holtby played, giving him freedom to run at Wigan from more central positions. So 3 changes, Bennett, JRC and Gallagher out, Nyambe, Rothwell and Armstrong in.
  15. Surely its a false rumour because we are waiting until the end of the season? Also, it brings the extension to Bell's contract into further disrepute. Surely this guy is better than Bell if he is genuinely being considered, so surely let Bell go, sign this fella on a pre contract, and if we do somehow get promoted, we can get someone better and have Fox competing with him.
  16. The club will always lack proactivity and common sense under Venkys, theres no getting away from that. They can hide behind the excuse that they are waiting to see what division they are in to avoid being proactive bringing in transfers but thats always been the case under them. And this supposed reason is shown up when they have activated a clause to extend Bell's contract when he is as far from a Premier League player as they come. If they were really putting everything on hold in case we made an unlikely promotion, which is flawed because even if you did that having a couple of Championship standard players pre-agreed is hardly the end of the world and the promotion chances are against us mathematically, you would be consistent with that and tell Bell to wait. If he goes elsewhere, you could say the same for the players we are holding off. The Smallwood and Hart situation is again a joke and spitting in the face of the fans who it has previously begged to refrain from asking for £60 back to save the club.
  17. If that is the case its 3 questions more than someone would ask who has mo interest in transfers before the end of the season. Good swerve of the Bell hypocrisy question though!
  18. What? Your main defence is that we dont want to be lumbered with players signed with a Championship season in mind on the off chance that we gain unlikely promotion. Fair enough, but be consistent and surely criticise the decision to renew Bells contract for the same reason.
  19. I asked my Bell question to highlight the flaw in your logic. Why would we activate the clause on a player a million miles away from Premier League standard to extend his contract before knowing which division we are in? You obviously dont think that hence the repeated questions to Nixon.
  20. You have to play the percentages. Its not as straight forward as this but we are right in the middle of a 7 horse race for 1 position. We then would have a 1 in 4 chance of promotion from the play offs. 1/7 x 1/4 is a 1 in 28 chance. Therefore you have to be prudent and realistic and plan for Championship football, especially in these financial times. If you sign a couple of cheaper players ie frees that would be good enough at this level in your opinion, you do so. If the unlikely scenario comes and you gain unlikely promotion, they can become useful and cheap squad players assuming they were good enough to begin with. This wait and see attitude is an excuse for poor planning and a load of bullshit. You show your hypocrisy by endorsing the decision to give Bell another year. I dont think hes even good enough at Championship level but even his biggest fan wouldnt fancy his chances in the Premier League yet hes already had his deal extended. Why didnt you criticise the decision to give him a new contract before finding out what division we are in?
  21. But its obviously an oversimplification, I doubt Preston said "you can play no matter how bad your form is if you come here."
  22. If we sign someone before the end of this season would you be critical because we should have waited?
  23. To get promoted we have to essentially finish top of a 7 team mini league in which we are currently 3rd. Then beat 3rd over 2 games and 4th/5th over 1 game. Mathematically the chances are slim, thats not being negative. Even if that happened, we could still sign another keeper. IF McLaughlin was the target that Mowbray wanted, factoring in that hes a cheap solution to fill an impending void when money is tight, it would have made sense to sign him up on a pre contract agreement and thats a void filled with a player the manager likes for cheap. I think you are just going out of your way to defend the clubs usual sluggishness in terms of getting their ducks in a row. If we signed someone you would 100% not say "we should waited to see what division we are in" and as mattyblue points out you are very active in here and at pestering Nixon etc so you quite clearly dont believe that. I would agree though that the season will start at the start of the season. Cant argue with that.
  24. I suspect he would cost a fee and not an insignificant one. Especially in this economic situation I dont think theres any chance of that.
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