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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. True but that is very much an anomoly at the moment. Fingers crossed though.
  2. Glad that Rankin Costello starts but not seeing that many goals in the team. Dont get how Gallagher can start again on the wing, we can have Samuel and Brereton (as well as Graham who actually is useful) on the bench and Chapman doesnt make the squad.
  3. Absolutely no chance. Weve never been in the top 6 and I think its very, very difficult to justify how we can this season. Lacking in too many areas and showed a lack of ambition and competence in the January window not adding to the squad. Throw in 2 or 3 key injuries and I suspect it wont be far off last seasons finish. Armstrong is on a hot streak but are him and Holtby even going to get Dack and Graham levels of goals? With Rothwell (who hadnt got a goal or assist until Tuesday anyway) out we arent going to have that shortfall covered out wide. Gallagher will continue to plod on there, Bennett is useless, Rankin Costello and Chapman are untested and as a result we dont know if they can step up, will they be given enough chance? Almost certainly not. Armstrong and Downing are needed elsewhere. We also have little alternative (Id play Williams or Downing) but to plod on with Bell who is awful. Even in positions where we are strong ie our first 2 centre backs we are paper thin beyond that.
  4. How would players know that? Or even staff? Mowbray has always been really hesistant to sign players unless they are the "right fit" partially blinded by loyalty to various players, he was seeking depth which is concerning considering Gallagher seems to be being moulded into a full time useless winger, Bell is a regular again and Bennett is never far from the team. You throw in some dreadful past recruitment and self proclaimed poor negotiating skills and whilst there is scope that he is covering for the owners to save his job rather than moaning, hes clearly a big factor in our struggles to develop the team as much as we should be doing in the transfer market. A lack of signings at an identical point to last season suggests that theres not quite enough ambition and belief to really push for the top 6. That being said, Venkys are blatantly disinterested and it is a baseless assumption to believe that they are dying to fund us to promotion but simply cant due to FFP. So they take plenty of blame too.
  5. I do look forward to watching Bennett and Gallagher trudge up the wing doing absolutely nothing for the near future.
  6. The whole transfer window fabricated excitement is a bit sick inducing if we are being honest. Jim White and his tie, the Lancashire Telegraph running a whole day of regurgitated titbits in a live commentary, people stalking footballers social media, clubs uploading cryptic videos about players that are already obviously joining rather than just announcing them, supposed ITK's getting their kicks releasing "information" without naming the player and getting people worked up into a frenzy. As you say, it never looked remotely likely that we would sign anyone.
  7. Nothing happening. No one can be surprised, no signs of ambition or competency and the token gesture of a speculative and unrealistic last minute loan deal will do nothing to suffice.
  8. Would you consider the window a total failuree if no one comes in?
  9. Savage was all action, getting in peoples faces, aggressive, Andrews was nothing like that.
  10. Atsu is a poor player, seen him numerous times for Newcastle and his end product is non existent. That being said, everything screams of a window that will almost certainly and inevitably end with the usual script and platitudes but no one in.
  11. Even if he was sold we wouldnt suddenly start splashing out buying players at this late stage.
  12. He cant take credit for successes and be absolved of blame for the expensive failures because the idea was right. Johnson cant be argued as a success either, hes had a couple of good games but in the main hes been a massive dissapointment hence the reason that he has played so infrequently in the last 2 or 3 months. Cunningham I think would have been a success but unfortunately the injury came before he was able to have enough of a meaningful impact to be considered one. Armstrong last season was pretty dissapointing but hes doing enough now to be filed as a success, next step is to start scoring more scruffy goals go boost his numbers. Dack, Tosin, Downing all certain successes too. Regarding the youngsters hes done a good job bringing through, he deserves loads of credit for the unequivocial success that is Lewis Travis, but Rankin Costello has only ever had 2 cameos and Buckley has not impressed at all so lets not prematurely put them into the successes just yet. Its a really weird one, its just as easy to point to some of his successes on the back of the promotion and argue that he has not done enough to warrant his job being strongly under threat, equally you could suggest that he has had 2 big chances of speeding up progression and wasted them, that we arent progressing quickly enough, we are inconsistent, weve never actually broke into the top 6, and theres a whiff of stagnation and a change would be the best way forwsrd.
  13. People are going to be cynical, it goes with the territory of supplying cryptic information especially when what they say doesnt materialise and we dont sign anyone close to that amount.
  14. You'd choose Bennett on the wing? Was it his exhilarating performance on Tuesday that clinched it?
  15. Absolute nonsense. Of course, genuine and complete information is always welcomed but considering that most information is false and fabricated for the purpose of attention, people are naturally skeptical, especially when key bits of information notably the actual player are missing. Of course there is a chance that it being because that they have been sworn to secrecy in which case you then question their motivation to share such a vague bit of information at all. You cant expect everyone to believe all rumours, if you stick one up then fair play but you are there to be questioned, queried and at times disbelieved. @J*B has just shared some information with major pieces of information missing ie the actual left back and his club and as a result I am very skeptical towards its overall accuracy, but crucially he understands that he wont automatically be believed and is there to be questioned and potentially shot down. He has said that he wont be wound up if he is not believed and that is the correct attitude to take.
  16. “We’re not looking to replace anyone in our team, if we can keep the team fit..." Our team currently has Bell in it and Gallagher on the wing. Doesnt half talk some shite.
  17. Difficult to be overly surprised or overly sympathetic. Weve left things until the last minute, and have no money because we spent it on the 5m striker that will inevitably continue to ineffectively plod up the touchline on Saturday.
  18. Walton Nyambe Lenihan Adarabioyo Downing Travis Johnson Chapman Holtby Rankin Costello Armstrong Subs: Fisher, Williams, Davenport, Graham, Gallagher, Bennett, Bell
  19. His goal record last time was 1 in 4, bang average. But which other players go for fees that make you suggest that Gallagher is anywhere close to value for money, bar Brereton? Struggling to see any evidence that he is "doing well."
  20. I still think its a massive jump to suggest a kid who has only played kids football is no worse than one that has slotted in seamlessly into the United side. I get your point re playing youngsters over poor experienced players but Downing was really good at left back. I dont think he "could have easily" brought in Thompson or Hart at those standards. A balance has to be there, because if you give 4 youngsters a run and only one succeeds as you say then you are most likely suffering with results in the process if you are carrying 3 others. Agree with Bennett being a weird sub.
  21. You have seen these individuals quite a bit so let me first concede that you know far mor about them individually. But I just think that you are judging a player based on his under 23 side rather than individually. Under 23 is not focused on results but even so, the fact that our team is above United doesnt mean that Butterworth is at least as good as Greenwood. To be fair Greenwood has been in the first team squad all season. Buckley is a perfect example. Hes had a fair few appearances and he looks absolutely miles off Championship standard. And hes a stand out player. I also dont think its realistic 99 times out of 100 for many players to all break through at once. The majority of them Spurs players will also fail to make the grade. You do have to give players a chance but of course doing so doesnt mean that they will automatically be a success. I would also say that there are certainly examples where our younger players could and should play more. For example, it makes no sense to play Gallagher out wide, something he can not do, when we have Rankin Costello and Chapman. I would be very unenthused if we did make a signing that is an untested kid from a top team on loan unless its a special talent. Sadly we dont seem to have any money.
  22. Holtby was hardly a hidden gem, and basically everyone on here had heard of him.
  23. Theres very little chance that Thompson and Butterworth could come into the United team and have an impact like Williams and Greenwood, its a gigantic assumption to suggest that any of our young players could.
  24. I hope hes not been brought back to cover a weakness in the under 23s. He should be loaned back out to play proper football, perhaps in League 2.
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