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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Theres often an obsession with the formation 4-4-2, essentially we do have 2 strikers but because its not 4-4-2 for some reason Ultimately, you replace a proven goalscorer (who happens to be more of a "second striker") with someone to put right alongside Graham, they almost certainly would not replicate Dacks goalscoring record.
  2. Why should they be overjoyed? I found the appointment to be a huge risk appointing a novice but up until recently as an outsider he seemed to be doing well, but things have hit the buffers recently. So they are doing ok, but I cant see why they should be overjoyed! But I am not sure that someone who was able to reintegrate a £20m attacker on huge wages back into the squad in Andre Ayew, rejecting interest in him, can plead poverty. He was also able to reintegrate a £15m striker who has scored plenty of goals in Spain. Granted they lost McBurnie and James but they have 2 massively expensive high calibre players back from loan as direct replacements that previous managers have not had at their disposal. They seem to be keen to cut the fat from the squad, high earning and non contributing players but thats the same at every club.
  3. Its a bizarre mentality that you share with quite a lot of other people, that people need to excuse the fact that they arent attending. It isnt an obligation to part with considerable money and free time to watch Rovers, certainly not to those who arent already attending. Your point about GAA fans not attending games is obviously not related to Rovers but again, I dont get how you can berate and lambast people for spending their hard earned money how they please. But there is no point the club employing this mentality as it is not constructive, but seemingly with passive aggressive marketing campaigns questioning commitment, I think they are. The hard core element are there almost regardless, its the floating fans, the ones for whom they have other commitments, maybe financial restrictions like everyone else, maybe they arent as interested, whatever the reason, attending every other week isnt an absolute must. Once upon the time, the club would have proactively thought, how can we get them back into the ground. Now, there seems to be a malaise spreading, an attitude of, how dare they choose not to attend regardless of cost and circumstance, lets berate them for it instead. If Waggott views attending as an obligation, as something that must be a priority, then essentially he is eliminating himself from any control over attending, his pricing strategies, surcharges, anything he does is irrelevant, the onus is all on the fans. That will not improve attendances. The Waggott tax is presumably partly out of principle, but it is another price hike that will make it even dearer for people who for whatever reason, maybe their own game has been cancelled, they have managed to get out of working last minute, other plans have been cancelled, whatever. Against Sheffield Wednesday, £36-£45 became £39 to £48. £39 was the cheapest you could pay if you decided on the day to attend. Against Derby, if you wanted a ticket in the Blackburn End but couldnt commit last minute, itll cost you £31. I suspect that you dont quite have your finger on the pulse, no disrespect, but obviously your comparison is GAA and often you reference prices to watch Ireland. Ultimately, they are international matches in a different country so a different economic state and are far less frequent than Championship games, so the comparison available is incredibly limited. You also dont attend games, but I am not having a go, it is a very good reason based on the distance, or as you would word it, excuse! But I am not sure that you are entitled to lambast others for not attending as a result, personally.
  4. We essentially do play 2 strikers, and it is indeed the one that some may mistakenly not consider to be one who scores all of our goals. There is a place for it but I suspect many feels that it takes too much away in terms of strength in numbers in midfield.
  5. I never said that it is proof of long term success under Mowbray or even justification that he is the man to take us forward, but for the last 4 games in isolation he deserves plenty of credit.
  6. I still think people underestimate our need for more of a threat from an attacking sense. Our team isnt one which is fine going forward but broken at the back, we arent a top 6 team in either department at the moment. Without Dack we are devoid of any other consistent goal threat. Graham is still as critical to us as ever but it is becoming clearer and clearer that it isnt healthy for us to be so reliant on him, and up front, none of Mowbrays big 3 signings have the capability to go on a run of goals from what theyve shown. The issue with Brewster is no matter how highly rated he is, I dont think hes ever made a League appearance, just a few low priority cup games if im not mistaken, and im not sure if hes scored a senior goal. People can point to Tammy Abraham but he had already proven his capability at this level before he scored the goals to get Villa promoted. Playing for England youth teams is not the same.
  7. Why do people need "excuses" as to how they spend their time and money? A short burst of wins at home will not suddenly lead to a sharp increase in attendances. And ultimately, it is unrealistic to expect it to continue indefinitely. The hard core are already attending. A return to the Premier League would be the best way to improve attendances. Failing that, the baton is not with the fans who clearly can take or leave attending, it is with Waggott who is doing his best to limit potential attendances with his aggressive and poorly thought out pricing policies.
  8. Not at all, equally that is totally unfair. He deserves criticism for quite a lot but he deserves praise for the 4 wins on the bounce, end of.
  9. I dont think Travis has been below the standard set by the rest of the team, far from it. I do think that Travis' ability is ever so slightly overestimated at times, especially his ability on the ball, but hes been very important dovetailing with Evans in these last few games and his performance level has improved so I find your comment a little strange to suggest that he is slightly off the high standards set.
  10. Yeah Lenihan is the leader, Adarabioyo more cultured but can still head it away and they make a good duo. I think Lenihan would be a bigger miss out of the 2 simply because Adarabioyo and Williams lack that authority. Im not convinced that Adarabioyo will make it at City, I think thats a stretch even though hes admittedly impressed so far, you look at someone like Stones who has struggled to fill the void with Laporte out and hes miles ahead of Adarabioyo.
  11. To suggest we are doing well "despite him" is incredibly close minded and unfair. If we are prepared to criticise him when we dont do well then he deserves praise when we do.
  12. Exactly. To be honest, any team with a player like that, take Bowen away from Hull, Mitrovic from Fulham, Watkins from Brentford, Grabban from Forest etc and they wouldnt be able to replace them to the same degree. The top attacking players in the league. Compound that with our lack of goals from other attacking players and its a major problem when he does move on.
  13. Yeah just a rumour just like Joe Hart. We dont have anyone who can get close to Dacks consistent goal contributions.
  14. If Dack gets injured or sold there goes our only goal threat. Maybe not top priority but still a concern. And the Martinez mention was just a vague rumour if i recall.
  15. No idea but he should have been over the below par keeper we did get.
  16. We missed out not signing Fraser Forster. A class above Walton.
  17. Dont get why anyone replies to them, quite clearly intended to annoy.
  18. As good as hes been, I think its a little unfair not to give Lenihan an equal share of the praise. I think Lenihan thrives as being the leader, when Adarabioyo played with Williams he looked a different player.
  19. Its definitely a little remiss to refrain from giving Mowbray the credit he deserves. I still dont think our squad is good enough to challenge the top 6 to be honest but I have to give a manager I had written off regarding the last 4 wins, and its not just through decisions made that people were calling for, not many if any people were suggesting Downing to be given a run at left back, and the introduction of Evans has been as critical as any and no one wanted that. I actually thought that Bennetts introduction didnt keep our shape at all. I totally understood his introduction but felt that the natural thing to do was to play him wide as a more sensible and conservative choice. Moving him to left back, a position where he cannot play, disturbing a back 4 that had done very well and moving our man of the match who had defended very well was a move that caused more problems that it needed to. Downing is a picture of composure at left back, reading danger before it happens to avoid being exposes, Bennett is all action, hurling himself into every sliding challenge, and is a penalty in the making.
  20. Travis is a weak link? Where have you got that idea from? Our central midfield has been absolutely key in our 4 wins, and Evans has rightfully taken the plaudits and has been I would say the better performer but the pair have been very good as a duo.
  21. I think it is probably fair, Williams when fit is ok to be a cover at centre and left back, I think if anything happens to Evans or Travis, Johnson can competently cover hopefully, and Holtby is a player I think we can trust, aside from that, anywhere else there is a major difference between starter and sub/back up. Rothwell is probably the most curious case in our line up. I think he is really important to the balance of the side, hes defensively more willing than he used to be, he gives us an out ball with his dribbling and just generally he gives balance, especially as the 2 main alternatives are better elsewhere, Downing has found a niche at left back and moving him would leave us weaker there, whilst Armstrong lacks the intelligence up top and often runs into trouble when left but his game seems much simpler and more effective wide right. That being said, Mowbray is right in questioning his lack of goals and assists. He was really poor yesterday, repeatedly running down blind alleys, never releasing the ball at the right time, and its another game without a goal or an assist. I didnt agree with his treatment of Rothwell earlier in the season, he should have started the season, but now hes being given a run of games he has to take the bull by the horns and start scoring and/or assisting. The threat could come in January when we potentially sign a left back which in turn frees up Downing. Holtby for me is a better and more productive player than him (and Armstrong) but naturally he wants to play where our undroppable best player and only source of goals plays, so theres an element of shoehorning him in anywhere else at the risk of the balance of our side. Thats why for now, Rothwell must stay in.
  22. Their key player is Ayew who they are lucky to have on the wages he will be on and the fee he cost. Big luxury and not a Championship player. Celina incredibly inconsistent for them. Hope Mowbray doesnt drop Rothwell or Graham, neither was at their best today but both are crucial in that any replacement would lose some of the balance we have in the team.
  23. Whilst theres an element of truth in what you say, Gallagher is usually ineffective whereas Brereton usually stuck out like a sore thumb when he was on the pitch in terms of being miles away, in the same way that Buckley is when he comes on.
  24. Has to be the same team, the 11 at the moment is the perfect balance. Swansea are nothing special so nothing to fear.
  25. Its easy to say but if they keep losing he will have a decision to make. I hope they keep him, the more teams around us struggling the better. They were awful today.
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