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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Some potential positions of peril in the Championship. Jonathan Woodgate doing a really poor job at Middlesbrough, fans whinged about the "boring" football Pulis produced, now they are getting boring football AND awful results. Cant see him lasting the season. Also totally unconvinced by Scott Parker with the best squad in the division at his disposal. Played a wrecklessly attacking formation yesterday and suffered defeat, they should be doing better. Cocu at Derby seems to be really struggling too. He is obviously unable to rely on favours from big teams for players such as Mount and Wilson like Lampard could, plus hes had the disaster surrounding Lawrence and Bennett, but a penny for Wayne Rooneys thoughts from afar.
  2. Your questions are in the main irrelevant to my question of do YOU want Mowbray out. Who will choose is irrelevant, if its left to Waggott he will keep his mate Mowbray in, I want you to choose what you want. Do you want Mowbray out? If yes, who would be your number 1 choice as manager? I dont see the need to box off whether he is British or not either. We shouldnt only focus on one or the other, our choice should simply be the best man for the job, not the best nationality. Agreed on the failure of the Brereton and Gallagher signings. We currently cant defend and lack a goalscorer. With 12m you would think some would be allocated to each problem area. As he has blown it all up top, you would think he could have at least solved that problem area. As it is, he has signed 2 total duds which is unforgivable. We saw yesterday who is the natural full back, and who is the senior player and managers favourite who was given a torrid time, lost his bearings for the penalty, sadly we know who will start in that position when we have someone for LB. As it is, even now I would go Downing left, Nyambe right. Chapman is a weird one, scored again midweek, was up for player of the month last month, I know I am speaking from an ignorant position having not attended but I struggle to accept he has been as bad as people say.
  3. Are you still of the opinion that you want the manager out?
  4. Johnson has at least one or two moments in every game without fail where he puts us in massive trouble being caught in a dangerous area. Again he did yesterday, with Williams bailing him out with a last ditch tackle. I also felt that they got in the spaces behind him too easy. He played a lovely pass to Holtby, a great cross to Dack at the back post and did a couple of other useful things, but as always there are a couple of really dodgy moments in there. I have been slightly disappointing so far based on what I thought we were getting. Agree with you, the ball was a strikers dream. Goes back to something I have said about Gallagher before. He doesnt get himself into goalscoring positions, he never looks like scoring and he cant anticipate where the ball will go, hes a crap striker and a waste of money. Made no sense to bring him on over Graham.
  5. He did put in a superb cross in the second half. Our 5m striker was nowhere to be seen.
  6. Another throwing away of points and proof that our neglected defence will continue to stunt us. For much of the first half we were much better, but more dropped points and poor second half. Bennett had a torrid game at left back, but he has to play somewhere for some reason. Walton is also not good enough, pathetic for their second, no better than Raya. Holtby absolutely superb and shouldnt have been taken off, him and Dack together were very impressive. Nyambe was a big improvement at right back, but will no doubt be undeservedly dropped when Bell is back and Bennett can revert back to right back. Adarabioyo is an interesting one. Passing out in the main was excellent, but I am totally unconvinced by his potential ability to cope with physicality. Seems laid back and flimsy. Williams as always is nothing more than a lower half defender at this level. Downing very economical on the ball, Armstrong very average, Travis walking on eggshells after a booking but otherwise fine, Johnson a total enigma. One superb pass, one superb cross, and a few other bits and pieces that impressed. But often they got in behind him, and as always, he often needlessly surrendered possession. Gallagher as per usual proving that he is a waste of valuable money. Evans the perfect man to bring on when you need a goal with 10 minutes to go. We never threaten or show any urgency when we need a goal near the end, not good enough.
  7. I can honestly say that I have never heard anything like that in the Blackburn End so can only presume it was inaudible to him. Booing everytime he got the ball? By how many? This narrative of our fans not supporting our own players on match days is one that I am oblivious too. Criticising on here on social media is fine, its the place to do it.
  8. To be fair, Bell has been shocking for us, defensively negligent, flattering to deceive going forward and half hearted and at times cowardly in the process. He has proven over a period of time that he is quite frankly incompetent and symptomatic of exactly why we concede so many goals.
  9. Well thanks for the patronising permission to be able to criticise the scourge of the club over the last 10 seasons or whatever. That they are interested is not enough. If theres something they dont agree with I will say so. Mowbray is interested but I will still criticise him when his team underperforms and bores me doing so. But its his way, so surely I shouldnt criticise? Certain players are interested but still not performing, but thats "their way," right?! I am not going to give Venkys any credit for giving a shit about a club they own! There was little option but to give the players a week off because half of the staff including the manager and his assistant were in India. A couple of days off to refresh may have been wise but a whole week?! Weve got a flimsy defence, a misfiring attack and have just been battered by a mediocre side. Our next opponents have seemingly spent more time than us preparing and training for Saturday. A far more efficient way would be either for them to get off their arses and come to England, or more obviously, especially considering that we are mid season, is to talk over skype or similar. To go over mid season to show them videos about the work in the training centre etc is quite ludicrous considering the distance. Its their way, and its a perfect example of how these idiots owning us will always be backwards. I find it strange that you bend over backwards to defend our owners often contrary to logic to be honest but there you go.
  10. Just because they prefer it doesnt mean it is the most efficient way or above criticism. The manager and assistant manager shouldnt be spending half of an international week in India unnecessarily IMO.
  11. Cant train this week lads, have it off, me and the coaching staff are going to India because theyve not heard of Skype!
  12. Miracles? Promotion from a terrible league, then last day survival and relegation before the shit storm of this summer. He was of course under restrictions but surely miracles would have entailed survival in the spite of all that. As it was, he failed but understandably so. I think Bolton fans wanted him gone mid way through last season, obviously that was before things really unravelled. Daniel Stendel fresh from a promotion in the same league last season is an obvious one. If he wouldnt be interested, which would surprise me, people like Ainsworth, or even Adkins/Rowett/Neil Harris, I do wonder if one of those would take it. They could have done worse ie an emotionally driven appointment like Kevin Phillips who was mooted.
  13. Sunderland seemingly going for the cheap route, can only presume many other choices have rejected them. Cant see Sunderland fans being overly happy with that appointment.
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/50055214 "I was stunned to be offered the job as I had started the recruitment myself," Bowen told BBC Radio Berkshire. Main point is, whether he has snaked behind peoples back or manufactured this if himself, that based solely on his lack of credentials, he is incredibly fortunate to get a Championship job and I, as the supporter of a Championship club saw my club appoint him, then I would be equally dismayed. As I said though, its good for us hopefully as its another fellow club potentially struggling which helps us.
  15. My point was that his quotes are worthless as he is always going to defend himself. Gomes did well at the end of last season, but I think its more the combination of a total novice managerially getting the job of a Championship club, plus the fact that he got it on the back of himself leading the hunt for a new manager having been at the club himself for not long that has caused outrage. I think you are more open minded as you seemingly have a soft spot for the individual.
  16. No I havent but it does surprise me that he didnt come out and state that his intention was to get the managers job all along, that he has justified the supporters portrayal of him as a snake and that he only cares about himself, not the club!
  17. Everytime Waggott comes up with deals, there are always strings attached. You have to pay an 1875 membership (is that £15), cheaper deals if you bring a friend, cheaper tickets if you commit to attending in advance. The product at the moment isnt all that great and Waggott has people who seemingly arent that arsed about goimg needing to jump through hoops to go, which most simply wont do, hence the repeated failure to hit sales targets. Even this 3 game deal isnt brilliant value, its just an attempt to make it seem like that by showing the saving compared to 3 individual tickets, but when one of them tickets is extortionately priced as a petty retaliation by Waggott then it doesnt mean much to be cheaper than that. Just a simple stand alone game, no strings attached promotion would be far better IMO. Think @Mattyblue mentioned this.
  18. Many a competent coach has turned into a dreadful manager, not least our very own Steve Kean. Mark Hughes' time here was over 10 years ago, and his work since is at best mixed. Throw into the mix the uncertainty regarding his appointment, ie a novice in management terms getting a job not that long after becoming sporting director, and after being tasked with finding a new manager, the best he can find is himself, its no wonder the reaction to his appointment has been as negative as it gets for a new manager. He wont get any time or patience because of the scenario around his appointment. I can only see spectacular failure, that said, the more teams dysfunctioning around us, the better! I dont personally have an opinion on Mark Bowen, just as if Mark Venus was to get a job as a manager one day I would be equally indifferent. You seem to have some sort of positive opinion on someone who I wouldnt have noticed if he never got a job again personally which is fair enough. Im just trying to take a step back and look at the situation objectively and it doesnt look good and Reading fans are raging.
  19. How are you so sure that Bowen "knows his stuff" and is an "excellent coach?"
  20. The ticket prices for Sheffield Wednesday are an absolute disgrace, immensely petty by Waggott.
  21. England have done well against a terrible Bulgaria side and amidst a horrible backdrop. Winks makes a massive difference, whereas Rice, a bog standard ball winner often hides, Winks is always available and keeping things ticking over.
  22. No hence the word "seemingly" but it all seems a little fishy. Theres no way that Bowen has earnt that job on merit, even in the short term, and I can understand the wholly negative reaction from the Reading fans. Apparently he only recently joined Reading, was partially responsible for appointing a new manager, and happened to get it himself. I am glad because in case we get dragged into any danger, I think Reading have one of the 3 relegation places sewn up.
  23. I really cant get my head around Alexander Arnolds continued exclusion. He talks about players in form, I dont think theres been a better right back in world football compared to him since the start of last season, yet he doesnt start.
  24. Bowen has no managerial experience, hes come in and seemingly stabbed a manager in the back to get the job himself. How would you have reacted had Mowbray been sacked and Mark Bowen appointed here? Even without the way he seems to have got the job. Doubt youd be happy so why are you implying that Reading fans are expecting too much.
  25. Very strange appointment. No experience of being a manager at all. Common consensus seems to be that Bowen has stabbed Gomes in the back. Appointed sporting director a few weeks ago, integral in the process of sacking Gomes, and a key part of "naming" his replacement. Would fancy Reading for one of the relegation spots now personally. The fans arent going to give a chance to a rookie who they deemed to have been underhand in getting appointed as manager. All replies underneath suggest that they consider him to be a snake.
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