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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. "The system is set up around him yet he isn't delivering at the moment." The formation yes somewhat, but there is no way that you could argue that our way of playing at the moment is in any way beneficial to getting the best out of Bradley Dack. You mention swapping him for Rothwell, but we massively improved last season when they BOTH played. You also suggest playing Gallagher up front, he played up front twice, did nothing, and has in fact offered nothing in any of the 5 games, even though we have often gone more direct.
  2. For all the talk about Swansea cutting back, it is somewhat going under the radar that they have one attacking player who cost 20 million, and another who cost 15 million, both of whom carry track records well above the standard of the Championship, in Ayew and Baston.
  3. A contract has to be entered in by both parties, the team loaning these players are agreeing to pay these penalties, of course only if they dont play. If clubs arent happy to take on players they wouldnt be normally able to afford, temporarily, knowing that they will have to pay if they dont use them, then you could argue that maybe they dont intend on using them regularly anyway. To be honest, it may well be financially unrealistic of any clubs that low in the pyramid to agree to potential penalties, but even without them, I definitely feel that we need to look at where we loan players too. It always seemed unlikely that such a rookie CB would play regularly for a League 1 club, surely we should have looked further down initially. The Adarabioyo situation is a good example. He is a player who was clearly signed with the intention of playing, but ultimately due to luck more than anything he is now out of the team and behind a partnership on the back of 3 successive clean sheets. I mentioned yesterday that regardless of any potential penalties or risk of him being recalled in January, we must continue with Lenihan and Williams. We have loaned him with the intention of him improving our defence and our position in the process. If we manage to do this but it happens to be without him, financial penalties would be a small price to play, but understandable because essentially on the loaning clubs behalf, and the players behalf, a young player at a key stage of his development will have stagnated and essentially wasted 6 months. To be honest, that is a short term view anyway, because we are otherwise lacking in depth in that position, both Lenihan and Williams have injury history, and neither has been without bad patches of form here, so I am sure he will get a chance soon enough anyway. I actually find the Cunningham loan the strangest out of the 3 loans that we have. Walton and Adarabioyo are 2 young players who need game time, but wont get it at their parent clubs. In theory, everyone benefits, we get a player we couldnt afford who will improve us, and on the expiry of the loan, if all goes well their parent clubs get a better and more experienced young player back. Cunningham is a 28 year old with a proven track record of being a very good LB at Championship level. Why is he being loaned out? That is when you question the reason for loaning players.
  4. It is ridiculous to suggest that Dack didnt get into team of the year because "we are unfashionable little old Blackburn" he didnt win our player of the season and didnt deserve to be in team of the season. That being said, certainly agree with your sentiment about how good he is and how crucial he is, numbers like that are often under appreciated as we saw with Rhodes when we had a striker banging in 20 goals a season and people taking it for granted.
  5. I would somewhat disagree, indeed I fully see the merit of charging potential penalties, its a way of ensuring that the team loaning a player has plans of using them on a regular basis. Of course players should play on merit but like a club selling a player, the club willing to loan out a player owns an asset, and the club loaning them is getting the benefit ideally of a player with quality that it could not permanently afford to buy outright.. You mention Chelsea, but they want to ensure that their young players get game time and develop. Abraham, Mount and Zouma all went elsewhere and massively benefited other clubs. Look back under Coyle, we stockpiled our squad with players like Byrne, Samuelsen, Hendrie etc, loanees that just padded out the squad because we lacked money at that time.
  6. You have unfortunately reverted back to justifying the managers selections, regardless of whether they are successful or unsuccessful, a mere week after telling us all that you were discussing who should replace Mowbray after the cup win. This is making your arguments inconsistent and utterly incomprehensible, for example your nonsense about Rothwell not starting the season due to poor form in pre-season. For one, he did impact on pre-season, but other attacking players notably Gallagher didnt yet you just blatantly ignore this. Similarly, nonsense about Rothwell not starting due to poor form, he has played one game, he was dropped from the start of the season. Rothwell should have started the season in the side, in home games especially when the onus is on us to attack and create. He ended the season very well, and not only that, seemed to develop a good understanding with Dack which proved both entertaining to watch and effective. Good players bounce off each other. Dack ultimately of course carries responsibility for his own performance, but as a team we have not played in a way that will suit him. Its far easier to man mark someone when they are the sole threat that a team is carrying. Throw in a Rothwell an/or a Chapman and it becomes far more easier to do that. Stick Gallagher wide solely to win flick ons and work hard, but offering zilch going forward and carrying no goal threat, and then its easier to focus on Dack. No one is doubting the fact that the improvement in defence is very positive to see. People aren't criticising that aspect of the side, indeed people are praising it. But offensively we've scored 3 goals in 5 games, none of which were from open play, one being an own goal and one a penalty. No other Championship side has failed to score from open play, and to be honest in the main we havent looked like scoring very often. People criticising our attack are doing so because it is objectively not working at the moment. There also is added focus on our attack, because off the back of spending what Mowbray has spent on our attack, there really is no excuse for us failing to offer a goal threat. I was very underwhelmed with the Gallagher signing, I didn't rate him much when he was here last time, he's certainly not going to fire a team into the top six. Mowbray also played him wide when he was appointed when Gallagher was here last time, partially out of necessity because of our squad at that time, and the goals and his (somewhat) effectiveness dried up. He went straight into the team v Charlton and in the 2 first games as a number 9, offered very little, never looking like scoring. Mowbray, presumably to ensure that he still gets into the team, has since shoehorned him in wide and again hes offered no threat at all. On the back of the Brereton fiasco, questions need to be asked.
  7. Its ridicilious that he has been given one start out of 5, in the most difficult game, and thats justified the suggestion that he doesnt deserve to be playing. Sam Gallagher has had 5 starts, done nothing in any of them yet still warrants automatic inclusion.
  8. Well at least apply some bloody consistency. Gallagher didnt do anything in pre season, nor in the first 5 games, yet you blindly accept his automatic inclusion. Rothwell scored a screamer in pre-season, on the back of a superb end to last season, yet only one start is warranted? You make absolutely no sense. I am criticising the team selection. It is a fact that they both played and we went direct, but Mowbray chose to select them over pacier, more skilful alternatives. I wanted Graham up top, Rothwell over Gallagher. I feel that would have been far more effective. We didnt have to play that way, Mowbray chose to play that way by choosing those individuals in the first place. We didnt win! If we had won today, totally different story, but we didnt. I was full of praise after the Hull and Boro games, and in neither of them were we great going forward, but enough to win. I've repeatedly said, I am very happy with the defensive side of things in recent games, I am in full agreement with you. I just find it baffling that you are unwilling to accept that going forward, whether it be team selection or tactics, its not been anywhere near good enough, 3 goals in 5 games, and very few shots on target. Defensively, much improved, attacking, very poor.
  9. Absolutely. I think its rare for a goalkeeper totally untested in senior football to go to a league club and play. Raya for example had to go to Southport to get game time. When I heard that Magloire was going to a League 1 club, I did think this may happen, similar to Platt at Stanley last season.
  10. Obviously a financial penalty is not something a team loaning a player will expect to pay, its basically something that ensures that the team loaning the player doesnt just want him to pad the squad out. You may be right, it may be unrealistic, but we need to be taking far more care loaning our players out. It did seem incredibly unrealistic to loan Magloire to League 1 and expect him to play regular football.
  11. He was repeatedly played with the kids in pre season, scored a belter at Bury, whereas Gallagher did nothing in pre season but ultimately pre season means diddly squat anyway, we lost every game before we won the title. We didnt win today, which is the thread we are in. Wins are the most important, but any home game we dont win is a disappointment, that has to be the attitude if we are serious about top 6. Today definitely was winnable, Cardiff have lost their first 2 away games and came for the point. Your point about having to play direct because we played Gallagher and Graham is absolutely ridiculous, the main issue was playing them both in the first place! I have repeatedly said that Gallagher is simply not a wide player, and yet again playing him there yielded nothing. Would rather Rothwell, Armstrong or Chapman played wide over him. I havent overlooked Downings form, I would have played him left, Rothwell right. And Dack whilst of course acknowledging that he is responsible for impacting games was always going to struggle considering the way we played. Again, get Rothwell on with him, buzzing around him, playing one twos, rather than the crap we had on show today going forward. It has been a good week, I just dont understand why you and others are acknowledging and praising the defensive improvement, which I have done and understand, but are dismissing the worries about our lack of attacking threat. If you think 3 goals, an own goal, a penalty and a header that may have been disallowed, are good enough from 5 games, accompanied with very little threat, then you are easily satisfied.
  12. Seems to have been a bit of a repeated failing that we send players on loan to clubs who ultimately dont give them game time. Also noticed that Fisher was only a sub for Northampton. Definitely something that needs looking at, whether we are overestimating the standard that our players are capable of playing at, or need to start putting in small penalties for lack of game time as is becoming common practice, not sure but something needs to change.
  13. Interesting conundrum is the Sheffield United team selection. I think Mowbray said post match that Downing will have the night off, and that Brereton and Adarabioyo are unlikely to be fit. For me, Chapman, Armstrong and Rothwell all have to start, theres no point giving the former 20 minutes at the end, let him start a game. The 4th place in the attacking positions I would give to Gallagher, to try and get him a goal. Dack obviously did get one in the cup, and theres an argument to get him firing but I would have him on the bench. Further back, its difficult to justify playing Williams or Lenihan, but if we put them both in cotton wool, weve seen that Grayson and Platt will lead to us getting our arses handed to us which does no one any good, they were out of their depth v Oldham.
  14. Absolutely, I am very happy that the ref did get it wrong, because standing in front of the goalkeeper is definitely interfering with play. Dont worry, you are allowed to admit a dodgy decision went in our favour, they wont over turn it! Rothwell has started one game, what on earth are you on about that hes not been good enough. All the talk was about building a team with him in it during pre season, he barely played last season up until near the end of the season when he was superb. Start of the season, hes back on the bench. Gallagher has played all 5 games, 3 of which hes played in a position he clearly isnt capable of playing, as much as he does graft thats not enough. So why did Mowbray try and play Warnock at his own game and go direct himself when he has smaller, pacier players in Rothwell and Armstrong? Mowbray was primarily responsible for our display being boring and ineffective in an attacking sense, its been a common theme all season. Like I said, I am happy to give the manager credit for our improved defensive performances recently, but lets not hide the fact that going forward we have left a hell of a lot to be desired.
  15. Agreed with the gist of this, just think its only fair to consider both the positive at the moment (a much improved defence) and also a massive worry. (our lack of ideas going forward) Theres no point pretending that both dont exist.
  16. Armstrong was also stood in an offside position and interfering with play so its moot whether it was a foul or not. No I didn't, and I am not professing to know how he has played for the reserves, but he has been impacting on games with goals and assists. My point is that I don't understand why he is nowhere near the first team squad in the first place. I don't necessarily have bigoted views about wanting to play fancy football passing it out from the back, what I do expect is us to be dangerous and creating chances. Quite simply, we have not done that this season. Our goal haul is terrible, and we have not threatened in games. Charlton, rubbish attacking performance, 2 shots on target. Fulham, no major chances, no shots on target. Boro and Hull, slightly improved, 4 and 5 shots on targets and 1 goal in each game. Today was horrid to watch, theres no way of dressing it up. Mowbray repeatedly bleated on about how we have been working on attacking styles and I have seen no signs of it. We don't look like a side that has worked on how it attacks. Gallagher is a further example of Mowbrays beloved wide forward experiments that repeatedly do not work. A real bright spark from the end of last season (one you personally predicted to be our player of the season so I know you rate him) in Joe Rothwell has been unceremoniously dumped, and Armstrong (slightly more deservedly, but hes miles better wide right than Gallagher) joins him on the bench. Is it a game we would have lost last season? We beat Leeds and Derby at home, and drew with Villa, all top 6 teams. I have repeatedly said that I am happy with our defensive improvement, but I am not going to ignore our attacking failings. I don't just mean today though, as I've said, a fluky own goal, a penalty and a goal that shouldnt have stood are not enough from 5 games, and we havent really deserved more than that.
  17. The 2 main talking points are that we look far better defensively, and totally inept going forward. Seems folly to ignore either side.
  18. Great chances is a huge exaggeration, especially if thats the highlight. We are having more of the ball than last season yet look even less dangerous, because its just lethargic passing across the defence, that ultimately results in the same long ball forward. Our attacking play has yielded a fluky own goal, a penalty and a header that should have been ruled out. Nowhere near good enough.
  19. Dont get how a side with supposed top 6 aspirations offering again zero going forward in a home game can be seen as doing well. That said, defensively much much better.
  20. You said that Gallagher is a player suited to a technical game. Whilst I totally disagree, why do we now have to play direct with him in the team? And why is Chapman at a stage where he has to prove himself for the reserves to even warrant a place on the bench when our current attacking players are not performing? Even so, hes got a goal and an assist this week for them. You have been very vocal on our need to play more entertaining football. Do you think what we have seen in the first 5 games fits this criteria, baring in mind we have 3 goals (a penalty, an own goal and one from a free kick that only counted because the ref failed to blow up for Armstrong impeding the goalkeeper whilst offside) and a lack of clear cut chances and shots on target represents progress in this area? We regularly dominate possession now, as we saw today that comprimised of slow, lethargic passing across the back line followed by an aimless hoof right into Cardiffs hands. You mention Rothwell, after a superb end to last season hes ended up right back where he started, whereas Gallagher cannot perform out wide, rarely won headers and offered no threat.
  21. Yep, suspect that Jones will be at the job centre this week, Hughton would be ideal. Bielsa's Leeds I suspect will go one better than last season and get top 2.
  22. A horrible, horrible performance to have to endure, and another toothless display going forward. Cardiff were more dangerous but ultimately it was a load of shite all round. Firstly the positive, a third clean sheet is undoubtedly a massive improvement. Lenihan was the stand out centre back for me, Williams fine bar one mistake that led to Ralls (I think?) hitting the post in the second half. Bennett was fine again, three in a row. Bell is a joke, summing himself up when the ball was cleared to him from a corner, he had no idea what to do and ultimately did absolutely nothing and they countered. Nowhere near up to it, Cunningham back is a massive relief. Has to be massive question marks aimed towards the manager and his tactics, he seems happy post match but I've no idea why, bar obviously the improved defence. Today, it was obvious that if we went direct, Flint and Morrison would eat everything for breakfast, yet he left Armstrong and Rothwell on the bench, and we had no pace, Downing had a shocker and Gallagher again plodded up and down the line offering bugger all going forward. He spoke at length all pre season about practising ways of playing in terms of attacking, we have appeared blunt in attack all season, 3 goals in 5 games (a fluky own goal from a corner, a penalty and a header from a set piece that shouldnt have been given) is nowhere near acceptable. We repeatedly dominate the possession statistics but its just laboured passing at the back for the sake of it, that ultimately usually ends in a lump forward anyway, its been even worse to watch than last season. We arent creating good chances, we rarely if ever look like scoring. The Gallagher wide experiment surely has to end now, he can quite obviously not play that position, its another game that he has failed to score in, or indeed come close to scoring. We had 2 pacy players out wide at the end of the season, getting fans off their seats and ultimately providing goals and assists. How is Gallagher above them in the pecking order for a place? Or even Chapman.
  23. I've yet to see any of these strengths but fingers crossed.
  24. Don't get why people are suggesting different solutions that involving breaking up aspects of the team that are working. Williams and Lenihan have done well at CB, yes I appreciate we are short at left back, that Cardiff are a big side, but we shouldnt break up them 2 within a back 4 unless their form dips or one gets injured. Downing was superb on the left on Tuesday, theres no need to move him either. Also, dont understand this desperation to not upset Man City by ensuring we get Tosin back into the team ASAP, whether it be by formation changes, moving Williams out to left back or even randomly bringing in him on in midfield. If Williams and Lenihan continued their form up until January, no one, whether it be the player or Man City could expect us to change it, if that meant incurring financial penalties, then so be it if it means continuing with a winning formula, and if it meant they recalled him, fine we will get someone else. As it is, I'd be amazed if firstly their form maintained right throughout and we continued plucking out clean sheets, and also both have history of injuries, so Tosin will get another chance, especially with us so light in that position with only 3 players.
  25. Agreed that its a different option. Sticking a tall striker wide gives us a further option for a longer ball since we have become a bit more pragmatic and gone direct, as he tends to have the height advantage on full backs and he does put in the graft going back. Dont think he at all fits the technical type of striker you mention, not where his strengths lie. Ive no idea but its still a worrying stat. As I said, I personally disagree. I think he should be played central if at all, and Graham is still miles in front at the moment. Gallagher a clear front runner as first choice back up to him though
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