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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Would also remove our best player and a huge chunk of our goal threat. We should look to improve with Dack.
  2. Laughable. Not everyone has your exact life. Show some empathy.
  3. But people arent saying they arent attending because the club has done x, y and z. It is people who are season ticket holders who are saying that the club should be doing everything it can to attract the fairweather fans. The club adopting a "if they want to go and a true fans they will go" attitude would only harm itself. If you want to think of it as people making excuses as if its an obligation then fine. Surely the club should remove as many of these excuses as possible. For some, the kick off time will make it impossible to attend. For many more, they will attend but at major inconvenience. And for what reason? Its been proven not be at police request.
  4. Would you adopt the same mindset if they announced that a game was going to be played at 4am one day?
  5. You questioned my comment about Bauer not solving our defensive woes. I just wanted to highlight why one solitary addition isnt going to solve such a bad record.
  6. Possibly yeah, but his hands were tied with Adams running at him with pace, should have done more to block it but was unlucky to see it go through his legs. Like I said, I would like both to be dropped, neither are performing well enough. Our lack of options due to recruitment negligence means they both will continue.
  7. Wonder if he will rot away on the bench like Rothwell too? Like I said, and as the stats prove that you didnt refer to at all. Our defensive record is embarrassing, and will potentially surpass the pathetic one under Coyle. We need a total re-think and revamp.
  8. I just hope both left backs are let go in the summer and 2 new ones brought in, both are so poor its untrue. Sadly, I won't expect it. In fact I'd be surprised if he signed one. Rodwells not the answer at centre back either. Need a revamp.
  9. Thats the key. Not a shred of empathy for anyone. I've seen reasons why it shouldn't be moved to 12, but none as to why it should be.
  10. Theres no way Mulgrew deserves the brunt of the blame for the first. Bell gave away in a stupid position Ultimately, in an ideal world they would both be dropped. Sadly, Mowbrays refusal to sign any bloody defenders means that weve no other options.
  11. Also the solution is not just to add a League 1 free agent centre back and the problem will disappear. If that is what we do. Its a far more deep rooted problem than that. For a start, even if he turned into a superb signing, Bell would still be giving away goals on the left. Raya would still be giving away gifts. We would presumably still keep buckling holding onto leads. The defence needs revamping and it needs far better guidance from the manager.
  12. One thing you would say in comparison to Coyle. Goes without saying that he couldnt organise a defence. But with far less resources and time he tried to bring in more defensive players, at least acknowledging that the previous defence had been picked to pieces by vultures even if he was incapable of fixing it. In comparison, Coyle brought in Mulgrew who is at least a natural centre back (who has played elsewhere) whereas Mowbray brought in Rodwell. Coyle spent his only money on Williams, Mowbray spent a similar fee on Bell. Both not up to it. Coyle brought in Hendrie, Mowbray brought in Hart, low risk gambles but nowhere near good enough. Hoban and Downing both slight temporary upgrades, neither Championship standard. Coyle also added Greer and Brown, both experienced but ultimately well past it. We had no defensive alternatives today, and thats including playing a midfielder and an incapable full back as part of the back 4. And we only had 2 unavailable.
  13. The thing is, a draw away at Birmingham isnt that bad, much of the performance wasnt that bad. But yet again I am pissed off following watching Rovers. Mowbrays been here for 2 years and youd think by now wed be built on solid foundations, that hed by now be able to organise a team to see out results, even for a minute. Sad truth is, hes treated defensive matters with total neglect. The only 2 "defensive" players hes signed that are still at the club played today, ones a bloody midfielder who for all his finesse is ultimately going to keep coming up short out of position, and Bell, who we signed for a couple of hundred grand who is by far the most repeated offender in terms of mistakes. Yet another today, he is dog shit. His comments recently dont suggest its going to change. 10m worth of attackers on the bench and nothing spent on the defence. Individually, thought Graham was excellent and deserved the luck for the goal. Dack was better and made one sublime pass in the first half, but still not quite happening for him. Bennett did nothing going forward, neither did Reed. Armstrong was quiet bar one incredible individual run at the end. Travis was sloppy at times but his drive is important centrally. Smallwood average. Raya made a howler that he was very unlucky to get away with. Mulgrew again with a good goal, him and Rodwell can have decent games but the lack of resolve back there means the goals will keep going in. Nyambe was fine but shit scared of attacking and Bell has escaped compared to Mulgrew in terms of criticism.
  14. Dont talk bollocks. Some people wont be able to attend all for a change that for all the guff coming out of the club is at the clubs request, for what reason exactly? And no, they wont be there regardless of the kick off time, you seemingly cannot fathom that some people arent as desperate to attend as you or I.
  15. No pace in that team, why Armstrong is a sub is beyond me. Evans over Smallwood any day too.
  16. Why does anyone need to find an excuse not to attend? Moving it to time people may be working at (for no reason at all) will make it impossible for some even with season tickets to attend. Thats not an excuse. It is correct to suggest that fans who havent already got season tickets will be less likely to buy them at high prices for a mid table game. Ill be going regardless but some like yourself seem intent on provoking arguments.
  17. Why that specific time period? Surely it depends on results. For example, if we went down this season, something thats incredibly improbable, but as an extreme example, he would surely warrant dismissal. Likewise, if we were stagnating in the bottom 3 after 20 games next season, surely his job would deserve serious consideration. Not saying I suspect either of those will happen, but I dont see how you can say he should be the manager for x period of time. Depends on results.
  18. @MCMC1875 was bang on. My criticism was based on the suggestion of signing a player solely based on an individual performance. Of course, that might not be totally factual. I would like to think plenty of research and scouting went into the deal, albeit that is certainly not something that seems to have happened based on what we have seen since. I stand by my statement that you see far more at a game than on TV, no matter how big. Thats a fact. You see every player, every bit of the pitch and everything not picked up by the camera. If you are scouting an individual player, for most of the game they wont be on camera.
  19. Im not doubting that we need to strengthen. But look at @DE. and his excellent and well researched point as to how reliant we are on Dack (and Graham) for goals. Cashing in on him would be the opposite of strengthening. Quite a few of the other players on that list are his signings and have barely contributed at all. I dont think people realise how impressive his stats are in an average team, and how important he is to us. If the choice was Dack or the Dack proceeds in Mowbrays hands id choose the former everytime and that isnt necessarily just a slight on Mowbrays recruitment. The whole sell your best player and buy half a new team idea rarely works as well in practice as it does in theory.
  20. Is 7 in 182 a lot of posters? No it isnt. And you know it isnt. Still, lets not allow facts to get in the way.
  21. May I ask how you are in a position to judge his performance levels this season. He is already a very good Championship player in our team. Hes the key to any top 6 push and he will be incredibly difficult to replace. Id take Dack over 15 million in Mowbrays hands any day. Very rarely does that scenario work as well as youd like it to.
  22. The grounds for scouting Brereton sound similar to players in the past, I think Dack and Gladwin were also mentioned as players signed on the back of a good performance against his team. A very dangerous policy. Hopefully that Dack scenario doesnt happen. Dack will be almost impossible to replace and id much rather have Dack than 15m in Mowbrays hands.
  23. Raya Nyambe Rodwell Mulgrew Bell Evans Travis Armstrong Dack Reed Graham Subs: Leutweiler, Bennett, Smallwood, Chapman, Nuttall, Rothwell, Davenport Very hamstrung by having only 3 available defenders in Nyambe, Mulgrew and Bell.
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