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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Well thats because you seemingly dont understand a poll. Had the poll showed plenty of fans demanding Mowbray to be sacked, you may have had a point, albeit even then it wouldnt be "insulting" as a managers job is forever vulnerable to questioning, any manager. Goes with the territory. I am not sure who decided to make the poll, I may be wrong but did @blueboy3333 suggest it? (I may be wrong.) And he is not one of the meagre total of 6 from 162 calling for Mowbrays head. It was not done as a witchhunt, the numbers prove that but still you want to make out like it is. @Bigdoggsteel is spot on, essentially stating that the majority of fans even off the back of 4 losses are happy to see the manager remain in charge doesnt carry the same controversy and the same license to ridicule the "impatient and entitled" Rovers fanbase. And on your last point. A managers job security changes based on results. Who'd have thought it! Essentially, the poll is almost unanimous in backing Mowbray at the moment. So you are not even criticising people for wanting Mowbray out. You are criticising people for daring to question Mowbray at all, and whether they do want him out. (Which they almost unanimously dont)
  2. I was giving my opinion, not Mowbrays, and I dont consider Rodwell to be a natural centre back. I would personally sign him up for an extra year or 2 as a holding midfielder. Therefore, we have 2 centre backs left, both very injury prone and neither of whom have impressed much this season, leaving huge doubts as to whether they could play key roles in a promotion push. Theres no point signing players expected to be back ups, we need 2 in with the quality to expect to have a strong claim for a starting spot. Of course, we would have 4 centre backs then (the correct amount) and if Mulgrew and Lenihans form improved, of course there would be excellent competition there. If Bauer is one of them 2 on a free, that may allow us to spend big on a quality Championship centre back like Sheff United did with Egan. Sadly, I suspect that as per in the past, any defensive recruitment will be minor and on the cheap.
  3. Must say that I find quite a lot of the reaction to the poll, both on here and on twitter to be quite frankly embarassing. I think some people have mistook a poll for a petition or a witchhunt. Ultimately, the results show that our fan base isnt the blood thirsty mob some would like us to believe. Ive seen people (even Alan Myers suggested on Twitter it was bordering on insulting to Mowbray) suggest it is unfair or disrespectful. The poll was done at a particularly emotive time, off the back of 4 losses with many of the causes being ongoing issues regularly pointed out yet neglected or unresolved by the management. If we were all as fickle and impatient as some would suggest then the poll results are doing a funny job of showing it.
  4. An overhaul of the defence, and a proper one, has to take priority over anything else, including a permanent deal for the impressive Reed. We need 2 centre backs, a right back and at least one, ideally 2 left backs, and a goalkeeper. And not back ups or squad fillers, first teamers. Of course, personnel changes will only go so far and Mowbray has to stop being so negligent and laissez faire with how he organises the team and how much of a priority he sees the defensive side of things. A striker to compete with Graham would be next on the list, as would a winger and Reed or a replacement. Rodwell if he is signed longer term should be as a midfielder. Bennett and Smallwood should be squad players at best.
  5. Reading and Sheff United first halves yielded a total of zero goals, watched the first on TV and was at the Sheffield Utd game and if they are our halves where we played the best football then we are in trouble. Very few clear cut chances created in either, especially at Sheffield Utd bar a couple of free kicks. Graham is an easy out ball but it doesnt even favour him to just lump it in the air. He is good on the floor as well, far better than Brereton and as a central player, Armstrong.
  6. Too simplistic, you can never have too many leaders. Lenihan has been perhaps worse than Mulgrew this season lets not forget. Lenihan and Rodwell did very well for them 3 games to be fair but the 3 opponents strikers were as easy as youll face. They werent really tested at all and indeed Rodwell in particular impressed more on the ball. As soon as they faced a challenge at Brentford they folded.
  7. Unfortunately Mowbrays neglect of defence in the transfer market means that there is no alternative in central defence. Nyambe was dropped because its easier to drop him than Bennett in Mowbrays mind.
  8. Hes far too loyal to players who are useful to have around but who wont push us forward. He seems oblivious to the problems we have in defence. Smallwood and Bennett I would be happy to keep around but only if they are phased out and not regulars. Useful squad players perhaps but no more. Id love to know how @chaddyrovers is so sure that hes going to show a ruthless side and cull those not deemed good enough. Nothing suggests that is the case so far.
  9. You are taking the poll as a negative thing. It is a way of getting a general consensus of whether recent criticism of him, very deserved at that, has left our fan base in support of him still or wanting him out. The poll has been useful in proving conclusively that, contrary what some would like you to think, that (based on the sample) the fanbase is still united behind Mowbray staying as manager, with only a tiny minority suggesting otherwise. Hardly the results youd expect from a negative, pessimistic, torch burning fan base desperate for the managers blood. Many would like assurances that he can prove that he is aware of and capable of fixing the major issues currently holding the team back before committing blindly long term. A very fair and open minded stance to have. You also consider discussing the major flaws at the moment as "clogging up the messageboard" so theres no middle ground with you. Theres a poll with an incredibly low percentage of our fans wanting Mowbray out. The exercise has proven that the fans are behind Mowbray. So you choose to moan about the poll in the first place.
  10. @chaddyrovers @Paul Mellelieu @Lie_still_Rover you all seem to have totally missed the result of the poll, presumably as it doesnt fit your agenda of wanting to believe that everyone is baying for the managers blood. Less than 4% have already decided that Mowbray is not the man to take us forward. Many like yourself are unreservedly behind the manager long term, many like myself are more than happy to give him more time to see if he is indeed the man to take us into a promotion push going forward, of course throwing away leads, having one of the worst defensive records in the league without an attitude of desperation to change that, and a very underwhelming transfer record will all have to change if that is to happen. Whether he is or isnt the man to change these things, one thing is for sure, I appreciative the work he has done so far, especially the promotion. Im sure even the 5 who want a change feel the same. And chaddy, going over the major issues and faults of the team at the moment that are affecting it progressing at the moment is not "clogging up the messageboard." Nor do I believe you have acknowledged it, indeed you are very defensive whenever anyone questions why we spend so much on sub attackers yet make do with midfielders "doing a (poor) job" failing to stem the tide in defence. Ive seen lots of criticism about this poll even on social media. All its proved is that the vast majority are patient and dont want the manager to go just yet, and that unlike some of those in defence of Mowbray, they are able to distinguish between deserved, constructive criticism and radical moves to change that. Mowbray deserves criticising recently, he has been criticised but the vast majority want him to stay.
  11. The poll is obvious, to determine whether our fans want Mowbray to stay or go. At the moment, it proves that the vast majority at least for the time being are happy to keep him in situ. I dont think anyone in their right mind would say Mowbray has done a job poor enough to warrant sacking, like say Coyle had, underachieving. This is something I posted in the other thread that has since vanished. The job he has done up to now has been good. There is a second type of managerial casualty, when it is felt that a manager has taken a club as far as he can, and that it is at risk of stagnating if it continues. An extreme example is Wenger, the job he did at Arsenal was superb but a change was long overdue, he had continiously ignored the need to add steel (ring any bells) and it needed fresh ideas. Another would be Adkins at Southampton, there was uproar but the club had the ambition to risk bringing in Pochettino. I thought when we let Bowyer go it was wise at the point of things going stale under him, unfortunately Venkys didnt stump up a competent replacement nor the resources to push on. I know that Rodwell isnt a midfielder at Rovers under Mowbray! But that isnt debate over. I dont agree with how Mowbray has used him. It is possible to disagree with the managers decisions. He is an excellent technical footballer who whilst he did well in the 3 clean sheets, the attackers we faced (Will Keane, Chris Martin) were really poor and indeed he impressed mainly with what he did bringing the ball out. In other games, Wigan away, Brentford away, Forest at home, yesterday, the fact that he is not a centre back has stood out. For me, we are wasting a very competent midfielder but we have no choice but to play him as centre back as Mowbray has not brought defenders into the club. Overall our defensive record this season has been shockingly poor. You seem reluctant to acknowledge that. Mowbray seemed non plus about it last week, he has been negligent in bringing defenders into the club whilst splashing out on "project" signing strikers who have yet to make an impact. You are just throwing out words like trust without acknowledging his flaws. Does he know how to get us promoted? Not sure at all.
  12. Brereton, Rodwell and Evans would have struggled to get above 3. Mulgrew 2.
  13. How do you know he knows what he needs in terms of recruitment? Theres no OTT reaction. Out of those who have voted only 1 so far is certain they want him gone, many choosing to wait and see at the moment, many staunchly defending him. Hes getting criticised for aspects of his management that he has neglected and seemingly has no interest in trying to fix. Look at the number of signings hes made, hes spent well over 10m as Rovers manager, and bought a flimsy full back, a free midfielder used as a sticky plaster in defence, and 2 defenders not deemed worthy of even back up status, whilst spending loads on attackers. What makes you think he will get his signings right this summer and that he will overhaul our terrible defence?
  14. You are only saying that because you fear the results. A poll gauging opinion is the whole purpose of the messageboard. You seem to think not being near relegation means he is covered by a cloak whereby he cannot be criticised, "what do you expect FFS!" Its how we are were we are as to why people are worried. Managers get sacked in 2 different circumstances, when they clearly are incompetent and are falling below expectations (Coyle) being the most obvious one. I dont think anyone could suggest Mowbray deserves sacking this way. The second would be when you feel like there is an element of stagnation and there are aspects of his management that dont seem to be fixable by him (defensive record being the key one) and you take a calculated gamble. Bowyer was an example of this but its only an option if the club has ambition (including financial backing) to progress and also if they find a suitable replacement who is an upgrade, both of which Venkys failed on last time. I am torn personally. I think he should be given the rest of the season but I worry we are in a bit of a tailspin and our defensive organisation will continue to be neglected, and his naive loyalty to certain players/characters will hold us back. Its up to Mowbray to prove between now and the summer that he can organise a team capable of pushing on next season.
  15. He should have buried that chance or at least done better but he did very well to fashion it in the first place and was off balance. But it wasnt his age or physical condition that caused him to miss. He kept going until the end and continues to belittle his age, he is capable of playing games in quick succession as I proved he has done already the other day and he looks to be as sharp and fit as he ever has been, as he says himself. We do need a credible alternative to him but thats more due to the lack of quality of Brereton and Nuttall, whilst Samuel was unable to add a credible alternative in League 1 and is not the answer either. My biggest frustration with Dack was his positioning yesterday and that was down to the manager. He is currently in poor form but the numbers he provides are underapreciated in terms of goals and assists. We play direct percentage based football that doesnt suit flair players but he continues to thrive and you look at the numbers of those around him, Armstrong had a superb month in an otherwise poor season, and the rest (Brereton, Rothwell etc) havent contributed at all. You underestimate Dacks contributions and also the ease of signing "game changers." The Dack and Graham combination is the aspect of the team that I have the most confidence in and is in least need of changing.
  16. It was unacceptable levels of players seemingly not knowing what roles they were in and players out of position. There was no excuse to get into that situation, Boros formation was well known and he named an incredibly top heavy team. That being said, if he wanted to be reactive and match them, it took one brave sub in the first half to make such a drastic tactical change at least somewhat feasible. Bell for Brereton would have had a domino effect in terms of putting players back into their correct positions.
  17. Graham is being done a disservice again I feel. He kept going until the end and even in the last 10 minutes he made our best 2 chances. (one he did well to set for himself but blazed over off balance and a lovely header for Dack) We do need some a competent alternative (Nuttall and Brereton are not that) but his fitness is constantly prematurely written off. And Dack is the last person who should be sold. Hes in poor form (albeit last 3 games hes been hindered by an injury, starting on the bench and being played far too deep) but he has 11 goals and 5 assists in a very limited team. Hes probably not a Premier League but theres not a chance we could get a replacement of equal quality. I suspect with him it is a case of not being fully appreciated until hes gone.
  18. Mowbrays tactics ensured that he was playing far deeper than he needs to be to be effective.
  19. Not a fan of home and away teams as it does nothing to promote consistency. Especially defensively. But why have you gone for a more conservative choice of winger at home? And what has Brereton done to warrant further starts every other game?
  20. I would even go as far as saying that even if Reed became available, we shouldnt buy him before we have done a major overhaul of our defence. There are 2 elements to it, im unconvinced that Mowbray has the organisational capacity to sort the defence, but also much of it is individual errors because Mowbray has neglected the defence in his recruitment and indeed the only 3 I would keep around, Nyambe, Mulgrew and Lenihan all pre-date Mowbrays appointment. It cannot be a job for 1 or 2 signings to be brought in as cover, as sticking plasters. We need a revamp but can you see Mowbray for example doing a Wilder and splashing 4m on an Egan? I cant. Weve essentially got 5 defenders (Williams and Bell too, sadly) and beyond that we move midfielders into our defence which quite simply cannot be done with regularity or it will do what it is doing now, costing us goals.
  21. Theres no way that Bell should be played as a winger. If hes not good enough defensively, which he isnt, you cant just shoehorn him in further forward. His final ball is nowhere near good enough to be a winger, being a winger is different in that as a full back attacking you have space to run into, and he showed in a game last year (cant remember v whom) that he isnt suitable as a winger.
  22. The tactical change was neither a wise one nor one that should have been reactive. Middlesboroughs 3 at the back formation was hardly a secret, playing an extra (useless) striker as a wide man at the expense of Travis made a bigger disconnect between attack and midfield and meant we were over run. But even if he did want to make that change, he couldnt do it without making personnel changes. The change he did make was horrendous and had a massive domino effect. It meant Bennett had to go to left wing back, where he cannot play as proved v Newcastle, Reed had to then moved to an unfamiliar wing back position, which in turn left our best player in a midfield 2 often deep inside his own half where we dont want him. If he did want to admit a selection mistake, surely bring on Bell for Brereron and adjust accordingly, Bennett RWB, Reed CM with Evans and Dack in front. Saying that, the problem was them dominating the midfield so it would have not changed that, indeed all his change did was moved Reed away and made it worse. But it definitely wasnt effective.
  23. Part of the problem now is there is no viable alternative to Mulgrew and Lenihan. No other centre backs. Rodwell, Williams, Nyambe, not centre backs. Even if we sign a centre back or 2 which we need to, we need competition.
  24. Absolutely shocking yet again, dont let a fairly spirited but ultimately fairly toothless second half with 10 men take away from how poor we were first half. Mowbray got things horribly wrong. Brereton is simply not a wide man, he is being let out to dry playing there, that being said he doesnt really resemble a footballer. Mowbrays reactive change to 3 at the back was absolutely horrendous. Bennett can not play left wing back, Reed right wing back, the front 3 not having a clue what they are doing and Dack in a central 2 sitting in front of the defence. Defensively again we were torn apart at will. Rodwell is not a centre back, Bennett isnt a right back, the defence again had a vulnerable, flimsy nature to it that continues to show signs of neglect under Mowbray. Mulgrew was the man to typify it today, he played like hed been out last night on the piss. Thought Boro were very good, dominated prior to the red card, played less long ball than us, Mikel ran the show and Assombolonga was excellent too, and they should have scored 4 or 5 in the second half but otherwise a terrific away performance. If only we were capable of such away performances. Clutching at straws looking for positives. Raya made a couple of good saves, kicking as bad as always bar a lovely chest and volley near the end. Bell was much more positive although his crossing is very ... inconsistent. Mowbrays created a massive mess for himself, 4 losses on the bounce, 9 in 16 I think it is, so many goals conceded and so many strange tactical decisions creates further doubts as to whether he can take us further.
  25. A good shot on him? Thats the first goal hes scored for us and I dont recall him coming close before that. So not sure how youve concluded that. And whilst he did right to hit it across the keeper, it was very much a goalkeeping error. Im guessing that you perceive that he is better going forward judging by your analysis of him. Again, what is this based on? He gets so far up the pitch and shits himself and turns back. I dont recall any assists although im happy to be corrected, whereas Williams has 10 in admittedly many more appearances for us, and his attacking ability is very much limited.
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