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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Good team. Only potential change would be wide left. Stuck between Armstrong, Antonsson and Payne. Nows not the time for massive change so agree on no stupid new formation. Only issue is injuries to Chapman and Whittingham. Also agree that on this seasons performances Bennett certainly isnt in our best 11.
  2. Agree to disagree on Lenihans ability to play central midfield, but surely you agree theres a big void next to Mulgrew with his name on it?
  3. We need Lenihan at centre back, where hes impressed in the past, whereas hes never looked good enough on the ball to be a midfielder. Smallwood is fine there, admittedly Bennett needs dropping. Wonder how long before Whittingham is back fit.
  4. Thought he was ok today, but nearly allowed them to nip in through on goal at the end, shown enough to prove he can cover but wouldnt rush to put him in the team.
  5. Correct, especially to get promoted you need consistency, which is why throwing in a raft of kids all at once is a bad idea, as they wont give you that. 1 or 2 maybe, correct on Nuttall, hes arguably our brightest u23 player yet hes so far away from Graham in terms of effectiveness, as youd expect.
  6. But he plays in an area where we have Dack who is undroppable. I understand that you want youngsters in the team, but we are going for promotion, if we put in too many youngsters it would come at the cost of consistency and know how, youngsters are inconsistent, its hardly as if we are neglecting the academy/youth team, our strongest 11 would contain 3 (Lenihan, Nyambe and Raya) and Travis and Tomlinson make up the numbers when needed, but if you start putting in a few at once (youve mentioned Rankin Costello, and seem to be insistent on Doyle, it will be at the cost of consistency. Isnt Costello a more attacking player in a different position to the other 2?
  7. Whereas Stoke recently sacked Hughes after it went stale, too much stability.
  8. I personally feel that we look alot more balanced with Whittingham, he was excellentv Scunthorpe and his passing complimented Smallwoods tenacity whereas Tomlinsons passing in the last few games ive thought wad a bit all ovet the place.
  9. As much as one or two youngsters are a good thing we need to not be overly reliant. Tomlinson is ok but hes still a bit raw, Nuttall has looked particularly out of his depth to be honest lately, we cant rely on them to get promoted, just give them time as and when we can. Have talent and im all for including them but for example, id be reluctant to chuck Doyle etc in the league if we could avoid it. Going for promotion. Send a couple on loan ideally.
  10. I think Caddis is a safe choice, hes intelligent, he has a decent final ball and he is positionally sound more often than not, that said he isnt the most physical of players.
  11. Really coming into an excellent run, didnt go yesterday but the goals we are scoring are brilliant to see, need to keep it up. Think as fans we wondered why we weren't taking it to teams earlier in the season, what with our attacking players and also the evident lack of ability that League 1 teams, in particular defenders have under even the slightest bit of pressure. So the pressing, shown with the second goal yesterday and v Blackpool, is refreshing to finally see. The goals we are conceding are worrying but I don't think its a case of we are conceding more due to opening up when attacking teams. We are conceding a few from set pieces that are entirely unavoidable and I hope Mowbray is working on defending set pieces during this week. Dack and Mulgrew are obvious classes above in this league, I did expect Dack to be a regular source of goals playing as a second striker, his general ability though and work rate are both belonging of being in the Championship, and Mulgrew leads by example and his goal record is ridiculous this season. Antonsson is a weird one, he was such an ineffective striker, and I think we stumbled across him wide going for an equaliser at Shrewsbury and him looking at ease, but even now he often has totally ineffective games, and isn't the biggest danger at times, but he keeps scoring goals, his assist was very good yesterday and in the absence of a regularly scoring striker, his goals from out wide are crucial and his recent form has been excellent, and I have gone from dreading seeing his name on the team sheet, to taking a shine to him. Hope he keeps it up, and continues to play wide left. Think the striker position is still yet to be nailed down by anyone, for me I've always said Graham is our best bet to go on a run, not sure Samuel has got that level of consistency in him but they need to push each other and one of them needs to go on a run of goals as we can not be reliant on a centre back or a winger all season necessarily. Nyambe continues to be an obvious weakness, for me nows the time to bring Caddis back in before he costs us, and Raya is also a potential weakness from crosses. Downing has perhaps dipped a bit recently, I do think without Mulgrew he would be a lot more fragile but hes massively exceeded expectations, so hard to be too harsh, that said I feel Lenihan (and Caddis) will potentially make us alot more secure at the back. But main thing is to keep on winning, Shrewsbury look like they are there for the taking so then hopefully we push on and battle with Wigan.
  12. Think once Lenihan is back he will come in the team alongside Mulgrew, as much as Downing has done well.
  13. Conceding too many goals, especially from set pieces, Raya sounds like he was unconvincing again.
  14. Graham was integral to the last league win, and scored himself v Crewe. Maybe harsh on Samuel but i'd play Graham. Done nothing to be dropped.
  15. Massive blow but I feel like it tells you something that a player that our manager has trusted only once to start a game being out for a couple of months is such a huge setback. A couple of months of turgid, boring football seemingly await due to the haphazard recruitment strategy that Mowbray applied during the summer, meaning that our only player that can stretch teams is a loan youngster who cannot even get into the team and is now missing. We are now reliant on Conway who has had numerous injuries and is missing again this weekend because although he has the quality, his body is packing up, and Bennett who has been well below the standards we all expected in a lower league, offering nothing. This is because the 2 other players who can play these positions that Mowbray signed, in Antonsson and Gladwin, both signed from Championship contracts, lack the ability and pace that was evidently lacking and obvious to all but the manager in the summer. Quite simply, despite an incomparable budget to all of our rivals, we have been left with a squad that missing one attacking player is now sorely lacking in the threat and number of goals in the team to get us to where we want to be.
  16. You should only get loans to either give you something that perhaps you couldn't afford to buy outright, or to cover someones injury. No padding the squad out full of loans. Chapman gives us pace we are sorely lacking, thats a good loan. Antonsson, although he looked awful at first, he looks better wide and has got 3 goals and deserves to be starting, potentially a good loan. Downing, only here to cover Lenihan, not convinced he has the quality to cover for a long period of time for a team at the top of the league, but hes done ok so far. It's the Harper one that baffles me. The 3 main central midfielders above him are very good at this level, Harper is well away from the team but its strange to sign a kid to fill the squad when we have our own youngsters such as Tomlinson who can surely do a job as a 4th choice in case of injuries.
  17. I dont think Caddis has been that bad personally, much better than Williams.
  18. Rhodes is 1 in 2 whenever he gets a regular run of games. He's currently lacking confidence after joining Boro when they already had Nugent etc scoring to get them promoted, and now hes joined a club with Gary Hooper scoring regularly. The point I disagree with the most is not if he deserved to be dropped at the time, but that he is better than the strikers we have now, miles miles better. I know now that Josh King is a better player, pretty easy in hindsight. I give up because you are quite clearly on here as a wind up, and this cant be interesting for others to read. No wonder you wind so many people up
  19. But we arent a Premier League team, we were a Championship team and the first full season after selling him, we were relegated and now are in League 1!!!
  20. Genuinely feel like banging my head against a brick wall talking to you. The most amazing aspect is not that you seemingly dont appreciate a striker who scores every other game, which is priceless. Its that in a hypothetical and unrealistic situation, you wouldnt pick him over the strikers we have now.
  21. I find it totally baffling that you seem not to see goals as a priority in a forward. Rhodes has shown throughout his career, you give him a run of games and he will score goals at a higher level, pace and strength is no good if theres nothing consistent on the end of it. That last sentence is enough to pull your hair out about. They were averaging a goal a game between us. Are you saying that King would have scored 30 goals? Sorry Jordan, you've scored 20 goals again but we dont need you now because Chaddy will realise once Josh King leaves that he can get more than that. The problem laid in the 9 players behind it and the man in the dugout.
  22. So you are telling me that if Rhodes was available on Tuesday against Rotherham, he wouldnt be the first name on the team sheet? Talking out of your arse. As good as King is, at the time that was a 40 goal strikeforce. Problem was the defence was leaky, and the central midfield was Lowe and Williamson. And to answer "How many goals and apps since he left 21 months ago?" hes barely played but a similar amount to Samuel and Antonsson, 2 players youd start on Tuesday.
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