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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Theres a hypothetical aspect to your post (weighing up what youd be happy with, and what you wouldnt) that I share very similar standards to and that I have similar thoughts to. If what you would want to appease you didnt materialise, then the likelihood would be down to a lack of money given to Mowbray, therefore the brunt of the blame would be at the owners door. Saying "trust Mowbray" not only isnt a valid counter-argument to such a post, but its irrelevant and tiresome.
  2. Continuously missing the point. I dont trust Venkys who are the ones in charge of giving Mowbray money. And I never said that he wont get any money anyway.
  3. Chaddy. No one is saying that they dont trust Mowbray, so please stop suggesting that.
  4. Often the negative vibe is peoples points being misconstrued and taken out of context, perceived to be negative. No one has said the manager isnt a great fit for the club, or that they dont trust him, for example, yet thats one myth peddled down peoples throata a lot. No one has said that they wont judge after the deadline either, people have often hypothetical conversations, again about things theyd like and expect, and are told not to judge yet. The fact that we havent signed our targets yet could be for a multitude of reasons, I doubt Mowbray sees it as ideal, he said he wanted his business done early and obviously weve had slow starts in our last two seasons so its a valid point yet its misconstrued as blind panic.
  5. Im very big on playing players in their best positions. But I think Armstrong demonstrated last season, albeit at a lower level that hes very good from that position. His pace is obviously a key in him being played there anyway when he sees himself as a striker, but he managed to continue to score goals from that position and also kept the width more than I expected him to as a natural striker, giving us natural width and stetching teams. Obviously if he played as a striker here he would be doing it instead of Graham who is so good at being a foil and doing the dirty work. Many times it was Grahams intelligence and hold up that freed up Armstrong to get in behind.
  6. Which, obviously dependant on the quality of player, would be happily accepted by the majority. The point was, if it was just loan signings from here on in, people wouldnt be happy. Like you said, im sure it wont be.
  7. Chaddy, thats the thing, they arent! We dont know what is going to happen in terms of signings as you said. People are saying that if we only sign loans theyll be annoyed, if theres a mix then theyll be happy. Loans are good as long as the club isnt overly reliant on them. People saying this are then having their words taken out of context by people seemingly insistent on making people appear to be unrealistic, negative and pessimistic. No idea why.
  8. Loosely though. Armstrong from what ive seen is very much on the fringes, going to be nowhere near their team, and Chapman playing constantly with the second string.
  9. Yeah he said he was told he didnt have a future, according to a post he put on social media after the transfer went through. Bamford won the player of the season in 2015.
  10. You are refusing to accept what most people are saying! I have said numerous times as have others, that signing loans of quality of supplement the squad is very good and a wise way of adding to the squad. Even looking at the 2 loans, Palmer has played at this level and been a big success. No one has doubted him quality wise. Nmecha hasnt played senior football, only youth football. All transfers are gambles. A player with only youth team experience is a big one as weve no idea how he will fare. The main point which I will repeat, is not that we shouldnt sell loans, its that we shouldnt ONLY sign loans and become overly reliant on them. Even Mowbray has said that before. You (not only you, apologies for picking you out) seem to be desperate to peddle this myth that those who are making any sort of constructive point or in any way questioning potential transfer structures are just lying in a pit of their own misery. I am looking forward to seeing Palmer sign on loan as hes an exciting player, just as I enjoyed watching Armstrong and Chapman last season. But no, I cant "even acknowledge we are signing quality on loan or enjoy that fact"...
  11. Im almost certain hes not under the impression that he still plays for us. He was at Ewood yesterday, as mentioned above.
  12. Douglas in particular, a wing back with the most assists in the league last year. Definitely a big improvement. Cant think of any better players in the league in that position. Bamford im unconvinced about but he was won the player of the season in this league before, and has a good goal record in it. Compared to the rubbish they had in that position last season.
  13. Is that response really needed? Trying to twist his argument to make him seem unrealistic and unreasonable. There are plenty of examples of wingers at this level that are either available (Maddison an example) or have been signed elsewhere (Adelakun, Edwards etc) that cost nowhere near that amount. @JHRover @RevidgeBlue would you both be happy with a couple of loans if they were to supplement a couple of permanent signings? If we only signed loans, I also would be disappointed. But its not a zero tolerance on loans, there have been some very good loan signings, Tammy Abraham and Mitrovic 2 of the best examples. But its all about not being over reliant on them. Last time we were at this level, we had Gallagher, Emnes, Joao, Hendrie, Byrne and Hoban, and were over reliant on them. Sign a couple, players like Palmer who we couldnt afford to buy, a long with an Armstrong or similar permanently, and youve got a balance.
  14. Dont think anyone would want Greer as back up. I wouldnt be opposed to loaning out Travis, just to get him regular game time but if he stays around you know its far easier to get him game time. Say hes on the bench and we are winning, his versatility means its fairly easy to get him valuable minutes. With Wharton being a centre back its far more difficult so I think hes better playing regular football, albeit im not convinced he should be in League 2.
  15. Agreed but its against kids. Have to see how he faces up against adults but its a good point in that hopefully hes stronger than most young strikers. Graham is someone he may learn a lot from in using his strength. If he joins.
  16. Never worth that, but Douglas and Bamford massively improve them on last season.
  17. I think everyone understands that loans are crucial in terms of supplementing the squad, as long as its aswell as permanent signings. The only reason that people would be annoyed is if we only signed loans which is perfectly fair. The 2 players in question have different question marks around them. Kasey Palmer, there has been unanimous agreement that he has the ability, proven in particular in playing a key part in getting Huddersfield promoted. in making a big impact. The only real debate has been how hes going to fit into our team, baring in mind his natural position is where our best player currently plays. Also seen a few people including myself a bit disappointed with the length of the loan suggested but hopefully he will be here for the season, one way or another. Lukas Nmecha, im unsure how he also fits under the phrase "far better than what we could afford to buy." Hes barely kicked a ball competitively, hes obviously a talent but he must be very raw and theres very little evidence, unlike with Palmer, to suggest that within the next year he would be better than what we could get permanently. Bauer for me is one where he obviously is more than good enough to be our 3rd centre back, just seems a waste to spend a decent fee on an player who would only play if we had an injury, as much as I appreciate the need for a good squad. Arsmtrong is in my eyes a winger, he was so effective there and provided far more width than I expected him too, when Samuel and Gallagher have played there for us under Mowbray they looked like strikers playing wide, a bit awkward, whereas Armstrong looked like the position suited him to the ground. If Mowbray is unconvinced after last season then hes a tough one to please, he was excellent.
  18. Apologies. I remember you saying that you would have loaned him to League 1 and I thought you had a fair point. I thought you was suggesting that he should have stayed here. My mistake.
  19. Agreed, clips of him against other kids are all thats out there. Not too keen on signing such a raw player on loan, and would love us to buy Armstrong. Palmer, Dack and Armstrong all playing off Graham would be excellent. The same one that said Kent would sign within 48 hours? Haha. I was there and very impressed by what I saw, as I said in the pre season thread. However, im wary not to read too much into a friendly. My doubts are not in regards to the way that the current squad have gelled together, that didnt really surprise me, particularly in a 4-2-3-1 we already know they were playing well last year. We know they buy into Mowbrays way of working. But Samuel has not shown anywhere enough to suggest he can become a winger regularly, and the team that played v Stanley just shows how weak we are beyond the first team, none of that team would have a significant chance for me of starting on Saturday. Totally, 100% agree. With our limited resources, as much as possible should be spent on attacking players, wingers/strikers to challenge the first team, not a centre back who will almost certainly be behind Mulgrew and Lenihan in an area of little concern.
  20. Dont really get your insistence on Wharton and your unhappiness that he left on loan, considering your interest in our youth players in terms of breaking into the first team, and also his position. I'm guessing you wouldnt see him breaking up Mulgrew and Lenihan. Therefore his game time would be extremely limited. That said, im guessing the Greer comment is based on him being at that fun day yesterday, but totally agree that id be very annoyed if he signed.
  21. Yeah, bad wording but I mean in terms of track record. I will give him a chance like I do any player, im not writing him off but I find it hard to get excited about a loan for a player whose only played youth football really. Like I said, I am sure hes a talent, but you look at say the Palmer loan, hes impressed at this level so im more excited about that. Im also surprised if City would loan him here as Graham is our first choice striker.
  22. Nixon repeating rumours that have been around for weeks as his own. Theres a surprise. Hope the Nmecha rumour isnt right, the lad has barely kicked a ball in competitive football. Im sure hes talented but compared to Armstrong who had scored goals prior, its a massive downgrade. If we do get Nmecha, we then shouldnt buy another striker, we should spend that money on a winger, seeing as we need both. @chaddyrovers them quotes are a bit concerning. Dont want us waiting until the end of next month to sign players, we need them as soon as possible, weve got some winnable games to get off to a crucial good start. Hope the Everton game, impressive as it was, hasnt pulled the wool over his eyes. We need players just as much.
  23. Did Rothwell play on the left, and is he particularly quick? Davenport has seemed a bit hit and miss, he looked well out of his depth against Liverpool, well I suppose he was anyway v Keita and Fabinho but some of his passes were awful under no pressure.
  24. Not good. What did Rothwell do to impress, and what was so disappointing about Davenport?
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