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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. You think signing only one winger, potentially Chapman who youve stated would be a sub, would be sufficent in that area? Dont see how signing a 4th centre back comes ahead of that as an urgent priority. Need 2/3 wingers, a striker and a right back.
  2. Whose going to buy him? And he was our best player in the last month of the season so I imagine he will stay. Will need his experience amidst some young options in there.
  3. Which one? The Bury, Doncaster and Charlton games are examples of us playing 3 at the back. Doncaster we played Bennett and Whittingham wide of Graham. Bury we had Armstrong and Dack either side of Graham (not as wingers, sort of number 10s) and v Charlton it was Armstrong and Samuel either side of Payne who was a false 9. One common theme was it didnt work! Either way, the signing of a central midfielder cant possibly indicate such a formation change as hed fit into a 4-2-3-1 equally.
  4. How? Also, weve never played 3-5-2. It was 3-4-2-1. So as many central midfielders as 4-2-3-1. I have a bad feeling we will but this doesnt prove it.
  5. Based on what? And because we have plenty of bodies in their position and it would give them a chance to have regular football and get used to league football.
  6. Isnt Travis more at home at right back? I'd loan him out for sure.
  7. Alot of my initial reservations are seemingly due to the inaccuracy of the rumour. A much more understandable signing long term, although raises questions about signing Rothwell too. Wingers and a striker please.
  8. Kent is a fast winger but he fell out of favour at Bristol City due to poor performances and again another loan. The source of this rumour suggests that its made up anyway.
  9. It is good in a way but as said by @Leonard Venkhater it takes resources away from other areas. We have no wingers bar Conway (who is past it). We also could do with a striker and maybe a right back. Peoples queries in the main are in regards to the type of deal (loan) and the position he plays. They are fair, valid queries and to just say people are moaning is very ignorant to these points. People arent saying hes a crap player or that they wont give him a chance if he signs. (Big if) He might be but ive told you my 2 main points of contention, none of which relate to him as a player.
  10. Hate crap like this. People have made valid points (ignoring the statistics website for a minute) Why sign another player in a position we are well stocked in when we are so threadbare elsewhere? Why sign a 20 year old with barely a dozen League games under his belt on loan? How are these not fair points to make.
  11. I just find it strange that we are potentially bringing in kids on loan in positions we are well stocked in when we are very short in other areas.
  12. Now Javier Mascherano has gone out, is there any player left in the tournament as deplorable as Neymar? His reaction was embarrassing.
  13. Hope its just as accurate as the rest of the transfer rumours thus far, based solely on his profile. We have Smallwood, Evans, Whittingham, Rothwell and Bennett, all of whom cover central midfield. Why we would need to sign a youngster on loan there makes very little sense to me, if it was permanent then maybe more understandable.
  14. Scunthorpe fans seem sad to see him go on social media. Suppose there are always rumours flying round. Apparently Gladwin has a bad attitude but again I cant judge based on tittle tattle. Maybe that is why weve stayed away, maybe we did offer a contract that was less, we will never know.
  15. People arent moaning that nothings been said, people are moaning that nothings been done signing wise, presumably. We arent all yearning for some facebook randomer to make stuff up to give us something to talk about. Still, it is the off season, and people do seem to get off on it. Shame, pacy, a winger, free, young, ticked every box. Hope Mowbray has someone better lined up and hasnt been sitting on his hands.
  16. He nearly got the ball, so I think there was a genuine attempt to get the ball. Professional fouls are part of the game. If it had been Denmark kicking someone down on the half way line to stop a counter the word justice wouldnt be used.
  17. How is it justice? The rules state thats what the outcome is for a professional foul, Modric then missed the penalty, the correct decision was made. Denmark played miles better so maybe justice would have been them winning.
  18. I think it is still a red if there is intention, but I might be wrong. Obviously if that is the case, the ref thinks Zanka made an attempt for the ball.
  19. Double jeopardy rule. Penalty considered enough of a punishment.
  20. Is there anyone in the tournament that you arent sick of, for being overhyped/lucky?
  21. Agreed. What Bennett did give us was energy that with Smallwood allowed us to press high. Hes only of use if we are playing at a high tempo and intensity in there. Id maybe have doubts that he has the passing ability or ball retention throughout a match to be effective at Championship level. Agreed, especially as he did get I think 4 goals in the half a season he was in the team in the Championship, and he has produced decent crosses/assists in the past too. I do understand his popularity, maybe thats why people get so defensive over him, but we know he can score goals and create assists, so why such low numbers at a much lower level satisfy anyone, I dont understand. I don't like it when Mowbray constantly mentions defensive wingers, for me you have to have some attacking threat and output when you are a winger, and its why I was against re-signing Conway. If you just want your winger to defend (which nullifies your own counter attacks and invites pressure) surely play a full back there.
  22. In the first half of the season, on the wing, he didnt contribute nearly enough for a man of his ability at that level. Very few assists and no goals until Wimbledon away. When he moved to the centre of midfield, and latterly right back, his performances were very good. I never said he was one of our weaknesses, his problem is what position suits him best. That said, half of the people who voted for him as player of the season including reasons such as his social media usage, his fist pump etc, which should have nothing to do with anything.
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