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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Wouldnt be surprised to see Bennett back wide next year. If he does, he needs to contribute more goals as he is capable of doing. His work rate and pressing do give us something a bit different, and using him there renders Conway even more meaningless now his legs are gone.
  2. Tactics? https://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/stoke-city-relegation-paul-lambert-1539336 Some perceive 4-4-2 as an attacking formation simply by dint of having an extra striker on the pitch, but that means little if you remove a creative player to make way for them, which is what Paul Lambert did. Stoke started the game with purpose and at a high tempo, but were hamstrung by a system that rendered them utterly predictable. With a right back again on the left wing, robbing the side of balance and width, Palace quickly sussed out that Stoke’s only options were the overburdened Xherdan Shaqiri on the right or the head of Peter Crouch, and Roy Hodgson moved to choke off both options. There were alternatives open to Lambert. He could’ve played 4-2-3-1 and moved Shaqiri back into the number 10 role where he has more freedom. He could also have found room for Stephen Ireland, a rare creator, who once again didn’t so much as leave the bench with the team desperate for a goal. Instead, Lambert embraced the old definition of insanity, doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. His negative approach to winnable games is not the only factor in Stoke’s demise, but it is a factor nonetheless. He is not the man to lead this team in the Championship. He has to go. Im quite amazed that you are promoting alternatives to Moore getting the job on the back of 3 wins and 2 draws in 5 games, showing an instant impact after inheriting a far more sorry state, whereas Lambert unequivocally deserves to stay on the back of 1 win in 14.
  3. Just as a barometer, we can all agree that Pardew needed to go. Pardew had 3 wins from 21, Lambert 1 from 14. Pardew got 14 points from 21, Lambert has 10 from 14.
  4. Just on the sole argument that Lambert hasnt had enough time, you are insistent on that, very defiant, Morais has had 1 more game than him (and 2 more wins) yet you arent saying the same line, whys he not getting more time. Not difficult to understand my point. Performances, interviews, being appointed in the first place, nothing to do with it, the point is solely on time in the job, and the argument "Lambert hasnt had enough time" not being applicable in an almost identical situation with Morais. Not difficult to understand.
  5. Id imagine Nyambe will start as right back and Bennett down a wing. I just hope we dont try and use Nyambe (or anyone) as a wing back, hes too defensive to play that role, hes fine at right back. Back to 4-2-3-1 yesterday and back to looking good.
  6. For me, clauses like that are always a big red flag, if a club isnt sure of a manager to begin with then quite simply they shouldnt appoint them, do you agree? I understand the whole point about that being such a short period of time, but sometimes as hard as it is morally, you can tell when a manager is not showing that he is capable of getting wins at his football club, and Lambert has failed, even if the sample size is smaller than wed like to judge. I feel that its hypocritical though that you seem flippant and understanding that Morais can go, clause or no clause, after one 1 more game (and 2 more wins!) in comparison to Lambert who you are so defensive of.
  7. Footballs a results game. But your main argument for Lambert is that hes had no time. Neither has Morais by that argument then, surely?
  8. Footballs a results game. Incredibly hypocritical to say Lambert deserves time but not leap to the defence of Morais in the same way.
  9. What do you make of this chaddy? Lambert, 1 win in 14, relegated, deserves to stay, lack of time. Morais, 3 wins in 15, relegated, ...?
  10. Thats the point. You are saying you would give up your job etc, but you know you wouldnt have to, otherwise you wouldnt say it. You are able to afford it, and you are able to stay where you are currently sat, therefore in your mind, there are no problems, anyone saying otherwise is just moaning for no reason, and you cant understand how others feel. Price wise, I still think its pretty reasonable albeit its not ridiculously low like it used to be, but got no qualms over price, its the Darwen End issue for me thats annoyed me. But I understand others and their issues regarding prices. You seemingly dont. Frustrating lack of empathy makes discussion with you more difficult than most. Exaggerating the numbers to make it seem like theres less in there, but how would you like to be moved? Whys it pointless having it open if Rovers fans are happy where they are, and it offers fans there benefits such as unreserved seating unavailable elsewhere in the ground? They will mainly move to the Jack Walker, seen discussion about it already to be near the away fans, I think il end up in the Blackburn End but regardless, the seamless move into everyone being together and a better atmosphere cannot be done as easily as the club seem to think.
  11. If you did then you are being ignorant. Case in point. @Tom mentioned that he was affected in a similar move in regards to the family stand last season. Was I that concerned? No. But I certainly empathised with him because again, he was happy where he was, where he was had certain aspects that made sitting there ideal, and that choice was taken away. Its a total lack of empathy you are showing. An attitude of im not affected so people complaining cant have a valid point as im personally unaffected.
  12. He has earnt some trust. Signings are a mixed bag but 1 or 2 stand out as excellent. Judge each signing on his individual merits surely would be the mantra.
  13. Hes a likeable lad, hes already popular here in a way not many are after starting 1 game for the club, seems a good fit in the dressing room. And hes an exciting type of player, or was pre injuries. Some players are bigger risks than others. Obviously. A player reliant on pace becomes much more of a risk after the injury he had. We arent limited to only signing former players. I never said that managers shouldnt make poor signings. I was just debunking your comment suggesting I should trust Mowbray when I never said I didnt. Samuel is crap. Agree to disagree.
  14. I do but I never said I dont; on the same topic though, I am allowed my opinions, we may aswell remove the whole topic if our mindset is unequiovical trust. Mowbrays made a few bad signings, Gladwin and Samuel to name but 2. Potential rumours are worthy of discussion, I feel the Chapman deal would be sentimental and a big risk considering the type of player he is and the injuries hes suffered.
  15. Another good reason, and why many will choose to go in the Jack Walker near the away side, rather than fall in line.
  16. My point is, that because it doesnt impact you, you dont seem to have the ability to understand and appreciate my point of view. If they said the Blackburn End is closed to home fans im sure youd think differently. Even if it doesnt directly affect you, you need to see it from the point of view of those who are affected. Ive said before, I like that its flexible in that its unreserved, I stand at the back and thus dont impede anyone elses view by doing so. Its also good like @Stuart said in terms of if someone else decides late to attend then they can come with me rather than mess about moving seats.
  17. Maybe right is not the appropriate word. I disagree that they can move people round too much, ie they do have the right to remove an option but I feel like the Jack Walker option suits some people for more reasons than any internal fan friction, maybe its the banter etc with the away fans, not sure. My point was more that they can only do so much to try and get the fans together in the Blackburn End and i dont feel it will work like some think or hope. I personally dislike side stands so will probably have to go to the Blackburn End. Totally agree on your points on unreserved seating providing a unique flexibility thats been needlessly taken. Also on the point of consulting the fans. Ive seen fans claim before theyve been assured that this wont happen so wonder whats changed?
  18. Firstly, would be a total supporter of the prospect of safe standing. Shrewsbury I believe are implementing it. Can you understand, from my perspective as a regular in the Darwen End, and a fan of the unique aspects that sitting (or more so, standing) there provides? And why I feel annoyed and usurped that my right to that has been randomly removed, presumably to give some away teams up to a needlessly high 8000 fans? The idea of everyone singing together is a nice one, but for me, a fanciful and unrealistic one. The club cant put fans exactly where they want, it doesnt work like that.
  19. As already touched on, fans will just move elsewhere, not just into the Blackburn End. Darwen End also has the unique selling point of being unreserved, when I've had to move elsewhere for certain games ive felt incredibly restricted compared to being able to stand on the back row without impeding anyone at all. Id probably agree with your estimate of season ticket holders for next season, as positive as tomorrow will be, it is very much a one off, im sure we will get a bit of a spike but it wont be loads. Absolutely no empathy with anyone else. It doesnt affect you so its fine. Grimly predictable. Of course you will agree with the clubs decision, you always do, but for me, its an aggravation to fans that didnt need to be made. It is pandering to the wills of potential away supports, presumably, ahead of the wants and needs of home fans who are happy in the Darwen End.
  20. Many top players have struggled to deal both physically and psychologically after such a bad hamstring injury, including Michael Owen. There are more players out there. That said, wont be getting hung up on such a tenuous rumour.
  21. Totally agree. Not gonna grumble about prices, cant ever really complain about them. But no need to aggravate loyal fans.
  22. Hope thats not true. Chapmans hamstrings make any deal one massively based on sentimentality in my opinion. Plus the implied deal is a no win situation for Rovers. That said, how would your friend know?
  23. My whinge is about the Darwen End situation, there is no need to upset a band of loyal fans to accommodate 8,000 away fans, maybe move us for Leeds and Preston, even then at a push, but how many other Championship teams offer such a generous allocation to away fans? Totally unnecessary.
  24. The club prefer to put the needs of away fans above those of home fans. Makes no sense at all. Making a masisve deal about tomorrow to potentially bring more fans, then on the other hand upsetting some of those who have been attending for a few years.
  25. https://www.rovers.co.uk/news/2018/may/early-bird-season-tickets-2018-19/ Think its total, total stupidity to stop selling Darwen End tickets for home fans. Been happily in there basically since it opened, much prefer it to anywhere else, like being able to have unreserved seating, and being able to go to the back and stand rather than have to sit. No doubt many will defend the decision who are unaffected, but I think its a disgrace.
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