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Everything posted by Miller11

  1. I’ve just watched the pre show from double or nothing... if that Battle Royal is anything to go by, their TV show is going to be disastrous! I’ve no doubt the rest of the show picked up significantly, but even for a battle Royal this was dire. Firstly the good - MJF and Hangman Page. Two stars. One heel one baby face. Any positives in this match revolve around these two. Seeing Billy Gunn and Glacier was fun. Now for the negatives... Joey Janella is a dick who wrestles “invisible men” and always seems intent on crippling himself. He lit a cigarette which got stapled to his head by Jimmy Havoc (thankfully the iffy camerawork and chaotic approach to the match meant the camera missed it). Some guy called Orange Cassidy kept his hands in his pockets and slowly and gently kicked Tommy Dreamer in the shins. It appears that’s his schtick. Nonsense like that appeals to a very small minority of fans who are vocal on twitter and in tiny venues where this very indie stuff is normally played out. It will turn potential new fans off quickly. Shit like that, and the gushing reactions of a few, always smacks of people being in on a big private joke. The rest was just people sitting all around the ring, patiently waiting for their spot. Brian Pillman Jr was criminally underused. This should have been an attempt to grab a few last minute PPV buys... a casual/lapsed WWE fan would dismiss this instantly.
  2. I’d happily see us spend every penny Venky’s have given us on Cooper and plug the other gaps with loans and frees. Could easily see him going for 8 mil.
  3. Think Cooper will command a much higher fee than that sadly... You've probably got a much better idea than me, but Lawrence Shankland available on a free and being linked with Rangers and Celtic. Scored bags of goals for Ayr, but would he do it at this level?
  4. I can’t see any drastic changes to WWE offering until after February next year when the XFL relaunches. I think that will start to tank pretty quickly and then Vince will be forced to do some shaking up. By that point we will have some idea of how much of a factor AEW will be a few months into their programming. Ideal scenario would be Vince taking a back seat and concentrating on the XFL... but I can’t see that happening. Even if he did Bruce Prichard and Kevin Dunn would likely just become proxy Vinces.
  5. Wow! Only just stumbled across this thread! Clearly should have ventured away from the footy forums before now! I’ll go out on a limb and say he’s the best heel in the business at this current point in time. I saw him wrestle for PCW about 12 months ago and bumped into him in a takeaway after the show... I gave him some stick about having a fake Burberry scarf... he went into a full blown heel promo. Never broke character once, even when I bought him a pint in the pub later... I congratulated him on this and he asked me what the f*** I was talking... consummate heel, didn’t miss a beat!
  6. At this point I’d take a Nixon link to us signing Kris Commons for 12.5 million... anything to move out of the purgatory of the last 4 pages.
  7. Give what a rest exactly? Should I become absolutely hysterical at the prospect of being linked with someone, write him off before he’s even signed... let alone kicked a ball, and get all misty eyed about a player who the vast majority said was past it 72 hours ago but now seems to have inexplicably taken on legendary status? If your reading of my post leads you to conclude that those are my thoughts on former clubs, try again without what I can only assume is blind rage clouding your judgement. I was pointing out that Downing has had a far more illustrious career than Conway, which would lead me to conclude he is a better player. The level at which he has plied his trade for the majority of his career being one factor. Rochina was a selfish show pony and didn’t fit our team. I thought Keith Andrews was solid enough for us and got a tough time... but people are drawing comparisons more to the signing of Whittingham... who I did think would turn out to be decent. Turns out he wasn’t... Gordon Cowans was though. Sometimes these sort of signings work out, sometimes not. Our fan base bemoan a lack of experience one minute, then claim anyone 32 years or over needs putting down. Personally, as I stated before, I’d rather us sign a winger in his mid 20s, proven and at his peak, who would regularly terrorise defences and help fire us to promotion with ease and stay with us for years to come... we aren’t going to be in the market for one of them though.
  8. IF we do get Downing, that’s not going to be the sum total of our transfer business. We definitely need a winger in my opinion, and while I might have preferred someone likely to start more games, surely he isn’t as bad a signing as some or making out. Same age as Conway but... 35 England caps V 7 Scotland Caps 38 Champ appearances last year V 21 Former clubs Liverpool, Villa, West Ham V Ayr, Dundee and Cardiff And lets not forget, Conway was offered a deal he didn’t fancy, so to say we shouldn’t have ‘got rid of him’ is a bit wide of the mark. Yes, Downing will likely be offered a better deal than Conway... and rightly so.
  9. If not for the injuries he could have been one of the best players of his generation. While we’d be lucky to get 10 games out of him in a season, he’d no doubt do the business when fit.
  10. On what planet should Brereton be starting before Graham? If Brereton was a youth team graduate he wouldn’t make most people’s 18. Graham was far and away our most consistent performer last year, scored his fair share of goals, leads the line fantastically, and though getting on a bit, we should be getting every bit of game time out of him we can. I very much doubt his eventual replacement will be anywhere near as effective as he is... whether that is Brereton or anyone else we can attract at present.
  11. Just had a look who Brentford’s GK coach is, and it’s somebody called Iñaki Caña Pavón. “He has also worked at a collection of clubs in Spain and in the academy of Futbol Club Barcelona, where he started as a player. Iñaki played for Barcelona C before moving in to coaching, having come through the ranks at the Catalan giants” Not sure about timelines etc, but possible he could have worked with Raya at some point before.
  12. That’s what I thought, but Waggott have some interesting figures on match day revenue. Don’t want to quote wrong numbers, but I’m sure it will be on the radio lancs broadcast. It was a lot more significant than you’d think.
  13. Pretty much sums up my feelings, however talking with Steve Waggott was quite cathartic. I have faith he is trying to do the right thing, and will attempt to bridge the divide. Posted in more detail on the season ticket poll thread.
  14. I think Sky TV has smashed down any notion of local boundaries
  15. After the meeting closed Mowbray chatted with a group of fans... Patrick Bauer was mentioned as a potential signing and Mowbray said something along the lines of “We bid for him last summer, but now he’s on a free his agent thinks he’s worth 40-50 grand a week. He’s playing in league one. We want bigger, better players to come straight into the defence”. I mentioned Jake Cooper from Millwall and Mowbray said he could be a target. He was asked about Wharton and said he is not ready for Championship football yet. Few other points that might be on the Radio Lancs broadcast... Mowbray spoke about the possibility of doing some part exchange deals, as well as mentioning he wouldn’t be averse to bringing in proven quality, older players on frees and big wages from PL teams who could bring a bit of quality and help younger players. Waggott rates Rankin-Costello and Butterworth... so I’d presume Mowbray does too.
  16. Up until last night I’d have voted “not until Venky’s go” but the consultation meeting has changed things. I feel that, for the first time in a long time, there are people within the club willing to listen to and consider supporters interests and ideas. Steve Waggott has given me some hope that things are moving in the right direction, and that he is capable of managing things effectively. I think he will continue to do what he can to bridge the disconnect and re-engage supporters. I still despise Venky’s, but they have created a situation where we are dependent on their subsidising us to remain competitive, let alone to have a hope of promotion, and it seems this will be the case for the foreseeable. I still ticked undecided because I want to see some of the talk become reality - I’ll be really disappointed if their isn’t a decent level of investment in the defence (I expect Mowbray would be to), and I think failure to do this would confirm some long held suspicions I have that were categorically denied last night. I have felt for some time that I’ve been cutting off my nose to spite my face by continuing my boycott. I’ve been to games on a free ticket and realised how much I’ve missed it. While we are stuck with Venky’s I’d prefer them to remain in the background, I don’t want to see them at Ewood (I realise that some people do, but don’t understand why), I don’t even like their logo plastered all over advertising hoardings, but I can cope with it due to the fact that I feel as though there is someone decent and competent running things day to day, who appears to be allowed to do so. So all being well, I’ll be getting a season ticket.
  17. After the meeting closed Mowbray chatted with a group of fans... Patrick Bauer was mentioned as a potential signing and Mowbray said something along the lines of “We bid for him last summer, but now he’s on a free his agent thinks he’s worth 40-50 grand a week. He’s playing in league one. We want bigger, better players to come straight into the defence”. I mentioned Jake Cooper from Millwall and Mowbray said he could be a target. He was asked about Wharton and said he is not ready for Championship football yet.
  18. The main points I’d take away from this meeting are as follows: There seemed to be a lot fewer attendees this time round.Not many questions/challenges from the floor (I think only 6 people from the floor asked anything, which was very different from previous meetings I’ve attended. Waggott came across well. Didn’t necessarily agree with everything he said, but he made a good case for what he said. Happy to acknowledge and take things on board and appears to value supporters. Very commercially driven and would like facilities such as a hotel, conference centre etc to open up new revenue streams. Believes price is the main factor in attendances, but seems to be looking for a magical way of increasing gates without drastically cutting prices. Seems to understand football, but is very business orientated. Thanked me for challenging things and seemed genuinely interested in what would get me to break my boycott. Expect ST prices to remain the same. There was disappointment from Waggott that they hadn’t been able to release details yet. Mowbray wants a crack at promotion. Rangers away pre-season (not official, but I expect it) Many questions were answered pre-emptively... mainly around the defence and transfers. The Suhail issue was probably made bigger by those at the top table. They went to great lengths to stress how much they valued what he does. I pointed out I thought him being more visible would set minds at rest as a lot of mistrust still exists due to past Venky appointments. There was some worry he would get abuse, and the “that’s not his role” argument. It was all quite defensive. Any questions about Venky’s were answered with the usual lines... it’s clear they aren’t going anywhere any time soon, and the subsidies will keep rolling in. No further clue as to what their motivation is though. Nothing revolutionary, quite an easy evening for the management team.
  19. With those, or similar as our home and change kit, we’d have no need for a third kit... can’t see us playing Feyenoord any time soon.
  20. I like the red trim, and though it’s not wholly traditional, the two white sleeves.
  21. Agree with this. He was much improved yesterday, but still a long way to go to prove he has anything much to offer long term, discounting the fee.
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