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Everything posted by Miller11

  1. Agree. And boy do we ask a lot of our full backs! Armstrong cut inside well and had a decent shot in the first couple of minutes... might as well have subbed him off after that. Their right back had him in his pocket from then on, and just comfortably didn’t let him cut in again. I thought Reed had a good game, and once again all his good work is done when drifting in the middle of the pitch rather than wide areas. I think we are absolutely wasting him not playing him in the centre. He is always an outlet there, unlike Evans or Smallwood. He certainly more than matches the two of them with work rate and ball winning as well. So we are left with two full backs, expected to bomb up and down the wing all game. when we did actually attack with some width we looked dangerous. Nyambe in particular got in some good positions, but we often lack a target for them in the box with Graham busy doing a lot of his good work deeper. They are always doubled up on when either attacking or defending and proper wide players would help them no end at both ends of the pitch.
  2. Can we stop trying to pinpoint one player as the reason we dropped points yesterday. Blaming ‘individual errors’ is a lazy excuse used by managers and fans and spectators lap it up. If you have a look on any Birmingham message board, I expect there is quite a bit of talk about how they gave themselves a mountain to climb thanks to their centre half losing Graham, and there full back letting Armstrong get away from him and then ball watching. Fact of the matter is we are struggling to see games out. It’s becoming a pattern. It’s not Brereton or Raya’s fault - we need to be better collectively over 90 minutes. The system we employ plays to the strengths of Graham and Dack to the extent where we rely on them very heavily. It seems to, in Mowbray’s mind at least, necessitate playing Evans and Smallwood, both of whom I believe we have better options than but we end up playing better players out of position. It exposes our full backs to be doubled up on, and restricts the amount of balls we put into the box from wide positions. We do tend to look lost without Graham on the pitch, and if/when Dack goes, Mowbray may well have to have a rethink.
  3. Bit of a debacle today. While it’s seemingly the done thing to try and identify a scapegoat (Raya would easily take that crown today), doing so means we don’t address the bigger issues. Our defence isn’t good enough at the moment. We have no strength in depth or competition for places, aside from our interchangeable left backs. If we get an injury it usually means a midfielder will be played out of position. Our centre backs are more renowned for their ball playing ability then their defensive attributes. We need a proper old fashioned centre back, no frills, just defends. Thing is it was blindingly obvious we needed to strengthen in this area - but when have Venky’s ever sanctioned spending on defenders? Only Scott Dann during those silly early days springs to mind. Everyone else has cost nothing/next to nothing. I heard something when Anderson’s nose was still firmly in the trough, that they wouldn’t be heavily investing in defensive players because you could get a better return on exciting, attacking players. Obviously I’m paraphrasing, and no doubt many will shoot this down as conspiracy theory... but we have raked in huge fees from defenders and never adequately reinvested in that area. The Evans and Smallwood partnership isn’t good enough. We have far better options. Reed did more in central midfield today than the two of them, despite being played on the wing. Our full backs don’t get anywhere near enough protection, especially when Armstrong is on the pitch. Graham is quality. His movement for his goal was top drawer. Sadly we create so little for him... look what happens with a dangerous ball into the box. We have an unusually wide pitch, and it’s no coincidence that we’ve always done well when we have good wingers over the years. We are far too narrow now.
  4. I think the key bit in the poll question is ‘If Venky’s were to apologise’... Never going to happen. They would rather piss away tens of millions of pounds than apologise and admit mistakes. Their ludicrous superiority complex, total lack of humility and complete stubborn arrogance makes it unlikely I’ll ever get close to forgiving them.
  5. I hope for his mother’s sake Balaji’s son was the product of a virgin birth!
  6. “They are bankrolling the club” ”We were a heavy loss making company before they came along” ”They were as much of a victim as the fans” ”They weren’t even responsible for appointing Coyle” ”If they are engaged with the club it will be better for everyone” ”They have already apologised on the pitch before a game” “The club aren’t in any debt” ”If you made one mistake should you not be allowed to move on from it?” ”If the Venky’s out brigade got what they wanted we’d be doing a Bolton” “Their one mistake was listening to people who didn’t have the clubs best interest at heart” ”They came with good intentions and were thoroughly used and abused” ”They paid for a church roof” ”They have got us to where we want to be” “They have earned a chance from all” “They should be made welcome” I’ve clearly somehow found myself in an alternate universe!
  7. And I’d argue that the improvements are in spite of them, not because of them. Nobody will ever know if Pascha is a shadow director, a trusted advisor or a glorified tea boy. Hopefully the latter.
  8. I’d say the events of the last 18 months - 2 years proves the exact opposite to be the case. The one constant in our upturn in fortunes is a complete absence of Venky’s.
  9. Definitely testing the water. The majority of Rovers “Twitter family” appear to want Venky’s back at Ewood and would welcome them warmly... I just can’t get my head around it!
  10. The whole team spirit thing is interesting... It was easy to buy into last season, and up until fairly recently with Smallwood sticking the gloves on and such like. But all of a sudden questions are being raised about the character of the players. A few weeks ago it would have been unthinkable that there would be criticisms of this nature after games against Preston and Wigan. Its worth remembering that the senior pros in the squad (Mulgrew, Bennett, Graham, Conway, Williams, Evans) were there when we pathetically slipped into the third tier. At the time I wouldn’t have been overly bothered had any of them been shipped out. Mowbray appeared to add what he refers to as players with the right mentality, and we had a great season. All the aforementioned got a free pass for the prior season. Clearly additions to the squad like Dack are big personalities, but I think there has been a tendency (fuelled in no small part by a well orchestrated Twitter love in) to mistake a bunch of players who get on well, have a laugh, and who thoroughly enjoyed the plaudits their relative success brought, with players who have a genuine affinity for the club, or even enough strength of character to do what’s required when the going gets tough. Who in that dressing room is going to bollock his team mates? Who’s going to reign in a player and ground him if his head is turned?
  11. The worry for me is I don’t think Mowbray can change much, and I don’t think he really has any desire to. Defence lacks quality and depth. Everyone knows we needed a centre half in the summer. The cynic in me would suggest Venky’s won’t stump up anything more than a nominal fee for players in this position. Mowbray persists with Smallwood, and shows every sign of continuing to do so. He’d be 5th choice in that position for me at best. We don’t play with wingers, we play random players nearly on the wing, who drift inside, don’t help the fullbacks and create sod all. There is clearly more than meets the eye going on with Brereton. Conspiracy theory maybe, but there is no logical reason for him not coming on at half time. Can’t be attributed to a change of system, you’d make a double sub. Clearly Mowbray doesn’t fancy or trust him, questions need to be asked if he wanted him in the first place.
  12. I’ve got no real understanding of the ins and outs of it, just going off what I was told by someone at the club a number of years ago. I’d guess that the gaps between the corners in the other parts of the ground are too small to allow emergency vehicles the requisite access.
  13. There is, or certainly was, a model showing Jacks reimagined view of the Riverside in the Ewood boardroom. Plans were approved but shelved due to relegation. With regards to the walkway at the front of the Riverside, there is presently nothing we can do about it. This is the grounds access point for emergency vehicles. There has to be room for fire engines to do their stuff in case of an emergency. They’d have to do something to ensure this access still remained as part of any renovation. I don’t recall what this looks like on the plans from the late 90s. Personally I love the Riverside how it is, and I think I can safely say most of the other fans who sit in there feel the same. The obstructed view is not a factor, just a slight head movement required, and I’d take an obstructed side on view over a behind the goal view all day long. Nothing wrong with the toilets, and there is also the concourse and food/drink outlets in the rear of the stand.
  14. Basically that Venky’s should stay away and leave the running of the club to the people sat there.
  15. To summarise... Fans are viewed as customers by the board. The players do seem to appreciate them though. No interest in improving relations with fans unless there is money in it. Everyone hopes we can keep hold of Dack. I’m really glad Fish said what he did, and I hope it’s taken on board. Despite all on the top table towing the Venky line, it’s very clear our owners just don’t get it. They never will, and for that reason re-engaging a lot of the fan base will by nigh on impossible.
  16. I decided I was boycotting in the middle of the 2014-15 season. Had a season ticket but stopped going. I’ve been on quite a few games since then, but usually when someone had a spare. I have only bought a ticket 2 or 3 times since. My hatred of Venky’s remains, and at the start of this season I felt quite torn as to whether or not I should get a season ticket this year. My stance against the owners meant, as futile as it may seem, that I didn’t want to buy one. All the while I felt I was cutting my nose off to spite my face, particularly as I’d go with my Dad and Brother, which I miss. I’m really happy with the players and management, and want to support them. But there is the Venky’s cloud. I still care a lot, but truthfully I’m out of the habit. I do miss going, but I don’t feel the way I used to about it. It was for a long time what my week was all about. I used to attend more regularly when I was living and working in Holland than I do now. What would entice me back? Well Venkys are going nowhere soon, but the following would help: Take down the Venky’s advertising hoardings. Seriously. That’s one of my major gripes. They piss me off to what many would deem an irrational level. Improve the pre game experience. I get that the club has to cater to the masses, but some rubbish karaoke singer in the “fanzone” isn’t my cup of tea. Just play some decent music over a properly functioning tannoy. Man Utd tweet out a playlist before games. Rovervision effectively killing off Radio Rovers spoilt the pre game experience for me. Hate when they show early kick off games on the big screen. Again this might sound petty, but I’d see it as a change and it would peak my interest in going. I used to like the pubs round Ewood, many of which are gone. Safe standing would bring me back immediately. I am firmly in the AMF camp, and I have a tendency to get misty eyed about how it used to be going on Ewood. Maybe I need to “reconnect”. As someone who, depending on how you view it, is either very sceptical or bashes the club at any opportunity, I have to say that the cost is not a factor. I’ve managed to have a ST during periods where I’ve been in pretty serious financial difficulty. And we offer a very fair deal, particularly on season tickets. The surcharge makes sense to me and would not factor at all in my decision making. If I’m able/organised/not too lazy I can save a couple of quid. If not, no big deal. In all honesty, if I bit the bullet and started going again, I wouldn’t stop (save for another Venky masterstroke).
  17. Apparently Venky’s read everything from a distance... NEVER come back. Unless it’s at that point when you are completing the paperwork to sell up. Waggott seems to be doing alright, Mowbray is doing great. Your presence is certainly not needed or wanted. Some people might be trying to give you a free pass, claiming you have been duped - this let’s you off far too lightly, and besides, rank incompetence shouldn’t be any excuse for the damage you have caused. PS. Apologise.
  18. To the tune of My Name is Jack by Manfred Mann: His name is DackAnd he’s on the attack at his Blackburn Rovers homeWith goals I will rememberWherever I may roamAnd his names DackAnd He’s on the attack at his Blackburn Rovers home And he shags all the girls We all love Dack And He’s on the attack at his Blackburn Rovers home And he shags all the girls Da da da da da dada dada da
  19. Not heard anything from her as yet. There was a recent celebration party they threw to mark her re-election, and I think parliament is now in recess, so she should now be working locally and meeting constituents. she did indeed promise an audience with the sports minister. I will be chasing her up on this over the next week or so. On a related note, I'd be really interested on people's views on whether or not we should continue with the political protest idea... basically, I have two ideas (one of which I'm leaning towards: 1) Register a "Venky's Out" party and contest elections locally (whether general, local, council etc) the pros are that we put across a really clear message as to what our aims are, the main con is that with the current prevailing mood amongst a large section of our fan base, it would be met with apathy ("You did this last time, didn't get anywhere") or outright hostility ("things are looking up, don't spoil it")... in all honesty some of the comments I've seen, primarily on social media have left me absolutely flabbergasted. Personally I will never forgive and forget, I despise Venkys and want them gone. I feel I may be in the minority presently though. 2) Launch a "Football Reform" party, encouraging candidates to unite together and try and push a political movement. We could contest more local seats either way, but this would allow us to gain a lot more exposure and support. Obviously the message would have to be wider than Venkys Out, so maybe we'd lose some of the local interest. I could see candidates supporting other clubs all over the country getting involved. Probably the single most difficult aspect of the campaign was being so limited in what I spoke about. I tried to remain fairly politically neutral, but this excludes you from a lot of debate and discussion, and potentially lessons the impact and can make you look like you are simply playing at it... while it was only ever a publicity vehicle, there is a really serious point to be made about the state of the game. I felt a little hamstrung at times, and having a party line to follow would be easier - we could get the common points across while still allowing individual candidates from different clubs to focus their campaigns on their individual agendas... Thoughts?
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