Another suspected power struggle? Who would have thought it? It's not like these power struggles have been going on since the rat and his instructor polluted the air. That's just me with my conspiracy hat on, though.
Shebby v Shagnew.
Shelfy and the Berg situation.
Warnock or Coyle as the new manager in 2016.
JDT/GB v the car salesman and his shadow buddy.
"Sustainable Premier League Club" v "Erm, Just stay up mate and develop the kids".
This morning Gestede states how we are going to look to loan young Premier League players again as we are good for player development. This evening, we hear Park has gone.
Park or Gestede? Which one of those is likely to find promotion aiding/winning signings based on their knowledge and experience of recruiting players?
The one who is championing signing young players on loan and repeating the party line to the LT about patience, amongst other things, is still here. That says enough for me. We've been waiting 12 years, Rudy.
You aren't the problem here, but you are pushing their narrative. Those of us who still have a pulse and see through the bullshit, have a major issue with these owners and will continue to do so until they sell up. These owners have made no attempt in 12 years to restore the club to where they found us.
We have seen them twice ignore us being in the top 6 for two consecutive January's, we have seen them piss JDT off and so much more over the 14 years of garbage, yet they think we can be fobbed off with empty words about patience every year? Bollocks.
None of this comes as a surprise to us here, as Park has something about him and isn't going to put up with the likely shitshow that is coming in January.
The important thing, imo, is finding out who the parties are to these seemingly recurring power struggles. Some suggest it is Mr and Mrs D v the blinged idiot and pals. It could be, it could be something else too. Whatever it is, the message remains the same:
Venky's Out!