some excellant posts frpm Capt, Pabby and Bob. Out of the regular ST holders I knock around with only 1 from 10 has renewed. They have other interests, the atmosthere has gone, they have been made redundant, or they are sick of watching overpaid posers who do not put in the effort.
I've started to watch Rugby League: brilliant skill, great laugh with the crowds and players who don't argue and get up after 30 seconds and two broken legs.
What really naffs me off is ppv. I realise that this is out side of Rovers control, but Sky made their announcements after all club season tickets went on sale. I allready miss 2 games due to hols, now I will miss 3 to 6 due to the late kickoffs and my being at work at 6pm.
I almost cancelled my ST's last week and asked for a refund. I won't this season and i'll loan them to someone who cannot afford to go...but what incentive is there for me to continue with a ST: non apart from blind loyalty which is becoming rather strained at present.