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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. K-Hod


    Forgot it was April Fool’s Day tbh, so thought the link might cause a bit of an issue with posters. An honest mistake.
  2. K-Hod


    That would be me, good morning.
  3. ‘Not expecting a big pot of cash to spend’. He’s already had that to be fair....
  4. Watched this last night. Christ, that was tough! You wonder about Crewe and Dario Gradi by the end, too.
  5. I agree that Pope is a better ‘keeper, Pickford seems to make howlers for days at club level. I honestly think though, as I don’t immediately recall him messing up for England (happy to be corrected if my memory is letting me down), Southgate will stick with him....
  6. Christ, that is a bad do! Only the WMC next to the ground left now!
  7. Southgate was in the media today, saying Henderson is doubtful for the Euros too....
  8. Right, but that’s not the exact same as Mount playing further back.... Anyhow, I would actually not mind that, anything bar the two sitting midfielders. If they were more box to box, it wouldn’t be so bad, but they aren’t really attacking at all!
  9. To be fair, I don’t think I’ve seen you suggest that. I’ve seen you suggest Mount ahead of Maddison, Grealish or Foden, which I don’t agree with at all, but that’s up to you obviously. I feel like I mention this too often, but two defensive midfielders is overly negative.
  10. He’s got a record of 1 in 2 at Club and international level in his entire career, baffles me why he gets slated tbh.
  11. Two defensive mids. Against Albania. Christ.
  12. Why can’t we compare him to two players who have had slightly less of a chance in this league than he has?
  13. Portakabins on’t car park. You know like the ones they had at school that were temporary in year 7, but still there in year 11?
  14. Finished watching ‘hip hop evolution’ on Netflix. I’m a massive fan of the genre and like to think I had a good knowledge, but there were a few revelations in there for me too! Some of the styles I wasn’t as bothered about, but, I have new found respect for some acts I never thought I would!
  15. K-Hod

    Laughing emoji

    We got rid of that and the other reactions as people kept misusing them to troll other posts. I still think that was the right call tbh.
  16. Is it? Can you quote one post relating to this please?
  17. Him and Brad Lyons. Why make a big effort to buy a player from NI, only to play him in the reserves? Bizarre.
  18. If we are going to be aggressive lads, I’m not asking you not to be yourselves, but can we just not be like that on here please?
  19. No issue with that, but when some people are seemingly being contrarian just for kicks, it can be frustrating.
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