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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. I’m not getting ahead of myself about the season, but we have been absolutely sensational today. Yes they had ten men for most of the match, but you can only beat what’s in front of you, and we’ve annihilated them, let’s be honest. Harvey Elliott is an absolute gem. Brereton has had a blinder. We’ve just been brilliant to watch. Now I’m off out for a substantial meal and several pints. Happy Saturday.
  2. Stream just spinning for me at the minute....
  3. Fair play to Mowbray, that’s probably as good a team as he could have fielded. Over to you now lads!
  4. Mate went to see him three times on his last tour, three different venues. Said it was three completely different sets each time, proper long sets too! What a showman!
  5. I don’t really rate him either tbh, but I wouldn’t wish injury on the lad....
  6. So, just to confirm- you don’t rate Derrick Williams?
  7. For me and I think many others- our best front three would be- Elliott, Arma, Dolan. However, let’s assume that TM still believes in the ‘2.5 attackers’ thing, I can’t imagine him being that risky. With a strong enough midfield behind them though, I think that’s the way to go. As ever though, our problem is at the back, rather than at the front....We do seem to ship a lot of goals! Only early days like, but if we get our best players out there and defend better, we should win more than we lose....
  8. A few from a few posters have been- replying to already hidden posts.
  9. Also- We are all annoyed we’ve lost, but can we all simmer down, stop bickering and point scoring please? Thanks.
  10. Desperately disappointing to lose tonight, however well we may have played. The bottom line though, 6 games, 3 defeats and 2 defeats in a row. Whatever the situation, we need to turn things around and quickly. That includes picking our best players and not relying on players who have let us down time and again any more.
  11. Still confusing seeing people post line ups with Gallagher on the wing. Unless you’re trying to predict what Mowbray May do, you must have seen that it simply doesn’t work by now?
  12. Indeed. Assumed it was Tuesday, but I forget we like to be edgy and have games on different days!
  13. Was out walking yesterday in a place with no signal, so only caught up with the score later on. Frustrating to lose in the 90th minute, but, I suppose if nothing else, the result highlights the fact that we desperately needed those new signings! Tough game Tuesday, too!!
  14. As much as I’d love to see some of the new boys in action tomorrow, I imagine they will get short cameos at best. Still, it bodes well for next time out, of nothing else!!
  15. Just here to add my tuppence worth on Trybull’s wife. What a woman.
  16. Also, even as someone that is viewed as being on the ‘negative’ side, I’d say we’ve had a strong window. Just as long as Arma doesn’t get injured like....
  17. Can tell you live in the RV.... They love a set of temporary lights in Langho!
  18. Harry Wilson would be one hell of a signing, but I can’t see us being able to afford him. Which is fair enough to be honest, I’d rather we spent the cash we have on players we need, rather than luxuries. Plus, I’d have thought he’d be holding out for a PL move, having played there last year.
  19. I don’t understand why it had to be brought up so many times. The fans of any club would be fuming if their best players were sold and replaced with inferior ones. We are hardly unique in that regard. As for the timing, well, I was working until after 7, then played football from 8-9, so I only managed to catch up just now.... Could not care less about ‘snide’ likes, or any other kind of likes in reality.
  20. Please can you stop trying to provoke people into a reaction? You’ve said this about five times and it’s getting a bit boring. Imagine the fans of a club selling their two best players and being angry that they’ve replaced them with two inferior players. Almost like our fans are unreasonable and that’s a quality exclusive to our fan base....
  21. Absolutely no denying he’s a nice lad and he’s well liked around the place. The thing is though, our best eleven simply doesn’t contain him and quite honestly hasn’t done for a while. Can’t fault his attitude though!
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