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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Please can you stop calling it Soccer? Thanks.
  2. The following issues are what really irk me about our man in the dugout.... Playing Elliott Bennett at left back and shoehorning him in to any position going to ensure he is on the field, when our strongest eleven doesn’t contain him. Playing Sam Gallagher on the right wing Playing Lewis Holtby as a false 9 (Neither of the above have ever played in those positions before signing with us) Complaining about FFP when he waxed £12 Million on Gallagher and Brereton. Selling the ‘keeper with currently the most clean sheets in the league for £3 Million and replacing him with an inferior signing on loan. Giving Richie Smallwood and Sam Hart contract extensions when they won’t play for the rest of the season. Sam Hart won’t even get in the squad when we have two left backs our injured and an emergency one out also. Refusing to play actual wingers. Saying defenders are coming, then only signing them on loan, so at the end of the season, we are back to square one. Talking our play off hopes up, then bottling it whenever we get near. (I accept that’s not only his fault, but the buck stops with him). There are probably other things, but these are what immediately came to mind.
  3. Are you just being argumentative for the sake of it now? Amo explained why it was a bit rich to say you don’t trust Venky’s to source a replacement, but you clearly trust their judgment in backing Mowbray....
  4. Shame he didn’t think about that before he waxed £12 Million on two strikers that don’t score and plays one of them out wide. While leaving wide players on the bench. Then, he has the brass neck to crack on about FFP!
  5. Frustrating that it is observed that we have no money, but no observation of why. For anyone that is in the dark, allow me to shed some light- we spent £12 Million on Gallagher and Brereton and neither of whom have delivered.
  6. I’m not a betting man, but I wouldn’t bet on us winning a game in what remains of this season. We look terrible.
  7. Can’t see that there would be many buyers. But I agree, not good enough.
  8. This post really made me laugh. Thank you, I needed that!
  9. They’ll just get extended then, for being good humans.
  10. For the third game in a row, we’ve been dreadful. Not sure what these commentators are on about.
  11. I don’t mind maths like, but in my own time, not when it interrupts footy!!
  12. Not sure if anyone else can see this, but I keep getting a series of numbers rolling across different parts of the screen. Like I’m looking at the matrix...
  13. Gallagher continues to amaze with his poor finishing.
  14. Patrick Bamford has scored 15 goals this season and cost the same amount as Ben Brereton.
  15. So sure, you said it twice. Even though I think you’re a troll. Bye.
  16. Prepare to be disappointed mate, I can’t imagine a scenario where he wouldn’t be picked....
  17. That must be double figures for the amount of times you’ve mentioned Phil Brown in the last 24 hours. Have you got a confession to make?
  18. It’s difficult for me- my mum is from Wigan and their fans are gigantic whoppers that revelled in Dack’s injury and celebrated our downfall... In spite of the above, I don’t like to see the fans of any club suffer, never mind a north west club. Particularly not in the alleged circumstances. Feck the EFL.
  19. Lockdown has been a great time to be folically challenged tbh. Nowt changes for me, just get my mate to buzz my dome every fortnight as usual....
  20. A couple of things don’t sit right with me. Whilst I fundamentally agree that Venky’s are more than capable of appointing someone worse, I don’t think it’s a good idea to just plod along with Mowbray and hope for the best. No manager should be ‘unsackable’, as we all know! What are we measuring success against? Surely if he doesn’t meet his targets, then he should be relieved of his duties? Any considerations re FFP or having no money to spend can largely be placed at the manager’s door, in my view. How can anyone have the gall to complain about money, when they’ve spent £12 Million on two strikers that haven’t delivered enough? Not to mention short term fixes (loans) at the back and in goal. ‘Defenders are coming’ * *=only valid for twelve months....
  21. Hiya Chaddy, can you leave the moderating to the moderating team please? Ta.
  22. Even if Mowbray doesn’t meet the points target of 70 (don’t get me wrong, I don’t think he will), do we really think this is something Venky’s judge him on, or set him themselves? I’ve got my doubts....
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