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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Does anyone reckon there is any danger of our lads showing any character at some point? I hope they do. Actually, who am I kidding? It’s about as likely as the manager picking the right players.
  2. Funnily enough, Puma and Adidas were started by two brothers falling out! Adi Dassler did Adidas and his brother did Puma. At one point, it was a way of how gangs in Germany identified, by the trainers they wore!
  3. And nah, re the second point. But will be making that happen next week...
  4. We know, you keep repeating yourself. Can you stop please? We heard you the first time.
  5. We owe those gimps a good hiding. Let’s hope we deliver, as the fans will do our bit and turn up, let’s hope the players do the same!
  6. Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five- Step Off
  7. Bedouin Soundclash- When The Night Feels My Song
  8. Losing at home to the only other club looking as poor as them. Surely, there's no way back now?
  9. Frustrating result last night. For all his criticism (including some from me), Bennett made some great blocks last night. Armstrong actually played well and looked dangerous all game. Got a bit lucky with his goal, but he was in the right position at least. Thought Graham wasn't great, maybe a bit of ring rust. Dack, bar the pass for the goal was quite poor. Travis gave the ball away more often than usual, bit concerned that he seemed to be looking sideways more than usual last night, instead of getting his head up. Still not sure what Gallagher is bringing to the party, but at the very least, he needs to not be out wide. Rothwell and Holtby need to be starting every game, no matter what.
  10. That's certainly our strongest XI to my mind as well. Absolutely zero chance of TM selecting it though sadly!
  11. Goal music is appalling in my view. Absolutely no issues with hearing The XX before kick off though (or ever), even if it isn’t the most uplifting tune...
  12. We have two, but the manager doesn’t pick them...
  13. So what? That’s their opinion. I don’t agree with it either, but it is what it is!
  14. 
  15. What an absolutely vile, cretinous dickhead this man was. Thank goodness he’s out of our club. Prick.
  16. Burnley’s wage ceiling is £50k a week apparently, so they’ll only be subsiding a maximum of half.
  17. Can we have less of the first bit in bold please, Joe? Thanks.
  18. I don't want anyone to misunderstand me, as I want nothing more than for Brereton to be a roaring success, (believe me, nobody cheered more loudly than me when he bagged against Bolton last season), but it's looking a long way off that at the moment.
  19. How long are we supposed to wait though? Thing is, if he’s not getting in the match day squad at the moment and the money could have been used better on other areas of the pitch, it can’t really be said that it was money well spent though, can it?
  20. Without wanting to take this off topic, he was banned (not permanently), but he isn’t now.
  21. Interesting theory. It would hold some weight, that is, if I hadn’t permanently banned someone previously described as ‘negative’ at the weekend. Said poster sent me an angry inbox message, calling me a hypocrite, for not banning a different poster, previously described as ‘positive’. The best part about it was, that poster had actually received a ban, from me no less! I do wonder why I bother giving up my free time to this place when my such messages land in my inbox and my impartiality is questioned.
  22. Why does everybody have to belong to a brigade? Can't we just view it as different people with different opinions? It's a shame, I thought we were past all this 'positive vs negative' nonsense.
  23. I’d say he’s far better than Gallagher tbh.
  24. It’s a travesty that he’s not already the best paid player at the club, as he’s certainly the best player.
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