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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Rovers glory over England glory every time for me.
  2. That’s just a bit silly. Judging by the content of your post, I’d say you were more in agreement with a lot of posters on here and their main criticisms of the manager, to be fair.
  3. Absolutely no problem with what he has said about Chapman, just the fact he has said it to the press. He should have used a bit of tact, IMO.
  4. Sheffield United was the same last night!
  5. He’s absolutely obsessed, I wouldn’t take it personally. It really is so cowardly to give someone no right of reply.
  6. People are re writing history again and this time it’s about Bradley Dack. He’s the best player at the club, but he happens to be out of form at the minute. The numbers he’s posted since being here back this up. I think it’s a combination of needing more from him and also setting the team up to enable this.
  7. Thought we played well today, to be fair! First half ours, second half theirs. Some heroic defending from both sides at times. (And some awful defending from us, which luckily went unpunished). Only downside for me with us at the moment is Dack. We need to find a way to get more goals from him. (And the rest of the team, in reality).
  8. I’m sure that he takes your observations into consideration each time he picks his team....
  9. Lewis Travis is fast becoming my favourite player for us. The levels of graft and enthusiasm are unrivalled. If he adds more goals to his game, I fear he won’t be with us for much longer!
  10. There’s legitimately no truth in any of that.
  11. It is unbelievably cheap, yes! I go in there before matches. As I said to clarify and evidently need to repeat, whilst I don't drink Foster's, I can't remember the last place I paid under £4 a pint, to be fair! If anyone knows of anywhere else that operates such pricing, let me know, as I'm clearly being ripped off!
  12. Because he was good in league one and less effective in a higher league. It's not that complicated, to be fair.
  13. 1024 pages on that thread! And we complain about the transfer thread on here!
  14. The first one. I can't be bothered scrolling back right now, but needless to say, I disagree with their sentiment.
  15. I've actually seen a couple, to be fair.
  16. He got it right tonight, no doubt. I just feel Bennett at full back 'has got a mistake in him' every time I see him play there and so it proved tonight. Luckily, Hull failed to capitalise.....
  17. Not really, me personally? I would rather we played a full back at full back to be honest.
  18. Very happy with the performance last night. Not sure what I can say that hasn't been covered by numerous posters, to be honest, but that was a very good victory indeed.
  19. I thought we’d gone past referring to people’s opinions as hyperbole. I guess not. Shame really. I actually thought the board had been more united than ever in recent weeks after a turbulent summer, shall we say!
  20. I can’t remember the last time I paid less than £4 for a pint of anything anywhere tbh. (Granted, I don’t drink Foster’s).
  21. You know when Danny Graham scores goals, do you still cheer?
  22. £8 for two pints isn’t a rip off.....
  23. Choosing between Foster’s and Dark Fruits is like choosing between a punch in the head or a punch in the groin. Bottles of Heineken on the concourse will do, of course! I don’t think Rovers’ prices are necessarily a rip off, but, there could do with being more imagination!
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