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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. They’re keeping the club going? Low bar, that. Shambles after shambles, reduction in budgets, players leaving on frees, but yeah, they’re keeping us going….
  2. Under their ownership we have: Been in more debt than any time I can remember, been under transfer embargoes, been down to the third division for the first time in years, gone from the model of good ownership to the model for bad and many more besides. But yeah, it’s not quite as disastrous as some are suggesting 🥴.
  3. Of course it’s relevant- it’s an explanation for why they have to do the funding we should all be so grateful for. I’ll never be grateful to owners for only doing the bare minimum tbf. It’s like all this FFP business in the news today. If key players hadn’t left on free transfers, it wouldn’t even be a discussion point. As ever, all roads lead back to Pune.
  4. Probably because we’ve been over it numerous times over the years. I think it’s more like £20 Million a year and that’s only the case because of their own mistakes.
  5. Is it entitlement though? Or is it just fans expecting higher standards from the owners of their clubs? I think this is an awful take from you Eddie, I’ll be honest.
  6. That man’s voice completely vindicates my decision not to get on Twitter. Christ.
  7. As has been already advised numerous times already- the FF and WATR raised the issue of the BBE closure at their last meetings!
  8. One hell of a save from Raya just then, jeez!
  9. I’m not interested in us being ‘unlucky’ yet again. I just want us to score goals and win a match. Hard luck stories are for losers. I think already, we’re ‘enjoying’ the fruits of our Labour from the January window…
  10. Can’t speak for other meetings, but at the FF, there was plenty of push back on the BBE closure. It’s bullshit and I vehemently disagree with it and I’m obviously not on my own. But ultimately, if SW wants to close a stand, he’ll do it. I’m probably crossing the line here as a member of the FF, but he’s previously shown he’s out to feather his own nest and to hell with anyone else, tbh.
  11. Worried about this one now. Not to worry though, we’ve only got Leicester after that. If that ends up being three successive defeats, it will not do the players heads any good.
  12. Venky’s reduced the budget by 15%, but I guess that’s not their fault either? It’s absolutely incredible to me that you’ve got 20/20 vision for the mistakes of the staff at Ewood, but see like Ray Charles when it comes to their bosses.
  13. Commentator on Rovers TV ‘we were wondering if Rovers would be made to pay for those missed chances’. Find it hard to believe he watches us every week, asking that question!
  14. Good players but not a good manager. If they get a new manager they’ll be there or thereabouts IMO.
  15. Hang on a minute, it was raised and the club were given a hard time from a few members of the forum. We can’t help Waggott not being there in fairness.
  16. He wasn’t at the last Fans Forum, but as reported in the minutes, the club said it was cost cutting.
  17. Just the kind of game United have been losing in recent times. Any team knows that if you get stuck into them early days, they can easily crumble and concede 2 or 3.
  18. We don’t have the most fickle fans in the league, in fact I think we have some of the most patient, given what’s happened over the last 12 years. What is unique about Rovers fans seems to be how many are quick to blame our fans for being annoyed and not the owners/administration for annoying them. Very strange indeed.
  19. Of course people would mind, but it would be less of an issue, as we’d still sell tickets owing to a bigger pool of people to draw from. I’m not sure why this is so hard for you to grasp. Also, it does you or anyone else no favours just labelling any criticism a meltdown. Just comes across as another attempt to shut down discussion…
  20. Bigger catchment area, more people to draw from- therefore, more demand.
  21. Yep, can mention the first part. The second part, happy to raise this again, but believe me, I’ve mentioned it before and I agree for what it’s worth. Wait times seem to have improved in Jack Walker upper, can’t speak for other stands, though!
  22. I get why they would do that, but I just think people should take some comments with a pinch of salt on here. People can always be impulsive during the match, but it fundamentally doesn’t matter. Everyone has a right to their opinion, no matter how daft it may appear. I think the bigger issue is the lack of contrition a lot of the time. There aren’t many ‘you know what, I got that one wrong’ posts. Pride comes before (and after) a fall and all that…
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