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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Can’t honestly describe how pathetic we were today. A total embarrassment. They’ve brought shame on the football club today. They don’t care, like, but I do and I’ve spent £45 on ticket and travel before considering the amount spend on food and drink. Just an all around shit day.
  2. The players don’t bother turning up, so why should we? Honestly, today was absolutely shameful and every last one of them should be embarrassed.
  3. Ennis is a fat shithead that doesn’t bother turning up, so am I, so I won’t see you NYD. I’d apologise, but those useless pricks won’t, so why the fuck should I?
  4. Debating leaving the club tbh. What’s the point of turning up, when they don’t?
  5. I’d just like to shout out to Rovers for bottling it yet again and properly ruining my Christmas after having a solid attempt on the 23rd. You absolutely pathetic surrender monkeys, go and play on the motorway. Embarrassing. You are completely unfit to don our colours. Shitheads.
  6. My real worry with JDT is that he’s so welded to his style of play, that he won’t even abandon it to win in favour of pragmatism, on principle. Surely, winning is the name of the game? Im starting to have concerns that we’ve no hope any more, based on the above.
  7. Add no talent or urgency into the mix, too, Absolutely shamblolic. I’d legit love to know what the plan is.
  8. Comes back to short memories on here again. They’re both not good enough.
  9. And who is that that employs Broughton and controls the purse strings??
  10. It feels like we’re absolutely convinced that if we just keep knocking it about with no purpose, we’ll score. But, I go to more games than I don’t, during the season and I can confirm that we won’t.
  11. Definitely think your memory is playing tricks on you. That’s not to let Moran off the hook though, he’s been bang average IMO.
  12. Would like to caveat this with me being a big JDT fan, but I feel like we’re too slow in either attack, or defence. Urgency seems to be seriously lacking.
  13. Curious what’s ‘detestable’ about him? Can’t say I’ve a view, either way, he’s just another team’s manager to me 🤷‍♂️.
  14. Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks to all the posters for your regular contributions and thanks to everyone in the background for all the work you do. It doesn’t go unnoticed, let me tell you! Have a great day with whoever you to spend it with. COYB.
  15. Probs not, tbh. I’ll be going still, even though we’ve lost the last 7 away games I’ve attended…..
  16. No supremacy whatsoever, I don’t blame anyone leaving their local area in search of a better life for themselves! Still, it’s strange you picked that one line and ignored the rest of my post!
  17. Can tell you don’t get to matches very often. Fair enough, leaving early is out of frustration, but if we concede late, the game is typically done. Got to also take into account how fed up people are with the same thing happening time and time again. Someone posted a stat about how many late goals were conceding and it’s a big problem. (Yes, I’m well aware we’ve got injuries, an inexperienced squad and Venky’s are shitheads).
  18. Not sure about equal, but certainly some. But then, if the owners had backed the manager properly, they wouldn’t have to. It’s not that deep tbf.
  19. Unfortunately, in football, you have to take the good with the bad. You cost us goals, it’s going to be highlighted. Just like when you do good things, you receive praise. Has anyone actually slagged the bench off, though?
  20. We robbed ourselves mate. I agree they have a better bench though.
  21. It’s like farting to mask the smell of a steaming pile of dog shit at best.
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