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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Hull attacker through on goal, Pickering hauled him down. No complaints on the red from me.
  2. If he thinks Wahlstedt is better than Pears, then get him in. I imagine he does tbf. Hope to see him this afternoon.
  3. USA is massive on women’s football, it’s probably more popular than it is over here.
  4. Having heard the wording from Man United, I think they’re laying the groundwork for his return. He is innocent in the eyes of the law, that’s true. He’s also had a child with the victim, that’s true as well. But, I’m not okay with that voice recording or the photos of what he did to the victim. For me though, it’s excusing domestic violence and violence against women because someone is talented at football and that doesn’t sit right with me. It’s alienating lots of United fans and the women’s team too, all for the sake of money and glory. It’s a real low point for football, I think.
  5. This would have been a decent thread without the slagging the fans off for having high standards. Shame, really.
  6. Wolves still can’t score goals and they’ve no money to remedy that problem. I think they’re going to be in for a very long season indeed.
  7. This kind of comment looks a bit silly when they’ve been in the PL for 6 years now and been steady away. Luckily, football is a meritocracy and not a closed shop…. Thank goodness for promotion and relegation and teams not being content with standing still. Mad what you can do with good people at the top!
  8. 100%, we batted very well tbh! A comprehensive win by 120 runs or so and a sun kissed day- a good time was had by all!
  9. At Blackpool today to watch our fine county! Looks like I’ve been fairly lucky with the weather….
  10. Funny old game, football. Thought we looked very poor until we bagged, then two shots and two goals in less than two minutes! Me at the start of the season- ‘I can’t see where the goals are coming from’. Rovers- ‘hold my beer’.
  11. I don’t watch wrestling nowadays, but I’ve been following an account on Instagram called ‘pipe bomb news’ and they brought this back into my life:
  12. I can’t make it today, sadly. But just to add to the comments of praise really. Thanks so much to everyone involved in making a real effort. You’d like to think the club would try and replicate this during the season (on a Saturday game!!), but I’ll not hold my breath like.
  13. Shall I get you a cushion, so you’re comfortable while sitting on the fence? 😏.
  14. When you’ve gotta be on site for 12, but got a match at 3…. In all seriousness, I like it.
  15. Not sure why the tea cake chat causes so much confusion tbh. Currant teacake- contains currants. Teacake- contains no currants.
  16. Or, it could be that everyone else has opened their mind enough to think it might just not be as straightforward as Bazball is bad and the solution isn’t to sack the captain and coach?
  17. When you think everyone else is wrong, it might just be you that’s actually wrong….
  18. If you don’t think we deserve better ownership than Venky’s, then quite frankly I’m not convinced you’re a Rovers fan.
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