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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. All football fans deserve their club to be run well, with transparency. What makes us so special is a number of things. Our lopsided stadium, being the most successful town team in the country, our colours and numerous other things.
  2. This old school of thought rearing its head again. Of course we have no divine right to be in the PL- but as fans, we deserve better than what our owners are offering.
  3. If we’d lost 5-0, you’d have a point, but we haven’t. It’s not as deep as writing off Bazball and as other posters have opined, it yielded a lot of wins before this series. I do agree on the comment about The Ashes being the biggest though.
  4. Tell you what, that’s a much better day than I could have ever hoped for tbh!
  5. They aren’t banned? Happy for you to create a Women’s Football thread tbf. Not happy for anyone to be sexists or misogynists though.
  6. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11681/12923886/aleksandar-mitrovic-reluctantly-joins-fulhams-pre-season-tour-but-striker-never-wants-to-play-for-club-again Proper dick move if this is true. Given how they backed him after he shoved that ref especially….
  7. Gav, I think you and Jim are forgetting you’re not in WDWY. This area is moderated….
  8. You’re not right in saying that. I represent BRFCS on the forum and have asked for people’s questions and points to raise regularly.
  9. I think we’re pretty fair unless people start being dicks and I stand by that. I’m away this weekend, so I haven’t been on much and can’t comment on the thread being hidden, but can certainly look into it…
  10. Just cheered out loud, lovely shot to finish there.
  11. To be fair, I think most people on here are Rovers>England, but Roverandout is England>Rovers. I can only speak for myself, but if Rovers lose, I’m absolutely wounded, but if England lose, it’s a short dose of frustration, then I crack on with my life….
  12. I don’t think many people are ever thrilled to be in Accy in fairness…
  13. Spare a thought for those Rovers fans that now go and watch Accy Stanley. Must be a truly confusing day for those turncoats….
  14. That football community page is for absolute simpletons and you’re right, it’s all absolute clickbait nonsense.
  15. Far too many dropped catches this series. Then, think about how many no balls. Us not doing the basics is far more of a problem than Bazball, for me. They say it’s the hope that kills you- there was me, thinking we were on, with getting Warner, Labuschagne and especially Smith out….
  16. Absolutely no wonder so many people are getting dodgy fire sticks, let’s be honest.
  17. He was so keen to retire, he left here and took another job….
  18. I don’t think it’s a simple as writing off Bazball in its entirety, despite the last two matches, which were close run things really. I also don’t think it’s as simple as just observing that Australia have a better side. I don’t think we are a million miles away, but I don’t think we will win The Ashes, though I don’t think it will be a whitewash.
  19. Just picked my folks up from Lytham, they stopped over after attending last night. They absolutely loved it and raved about Sting. I’d have been keener to watch Blondie myself, but they loved the both of them regardless. Sounded class.
  20. I’m not necessarily against Bazball, I like the front foot approach in many ways. Only thing is, I think over this series so far, we seem to have given a few wickets away cheaply, dropped too many catches and there seems to have been a lot more no balls than usual. Fix those little tweaks (which can be done with practice fundamentally) and I think things can look a lot better moving forward.
  21. At 2 weeks’ notice? In the middle of the school holidays? Has nobody got children where you work?
  22. Round of applause for them doing the bare minimum 🥴.
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