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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. I was saying to my dad the other day about the 4th official, it's almost like a security guard in a referee's outfit that gets berated by managers. Still have no idea of their purpose....
  2. I thought the exact same. I would say he's one of the worst refs, but I can't even think of a good one.....
  3. Why is this in the 'heaven' section, surely there needs to be an equivalent 'hell' one for this to fit?
  4. K-Hod


    I had the privelege of meeting him once, whilst I was at uni in Leeds he was doing a coaching school down the road while he played at Garforth town. Really nice guy, R.I.P.
  5. Just a heads up mate, you can't post streaming links as they're illegal!

  6. I really want to send a card with messages of condolence to the family, though Gary never played for Rovers I've found myself genuinely upset by the news. Such a well-liked guy, and the model pro, a massive shame he had to meet such a tragic end. R.I.P
  7. Stunned by this news. Thoughts with his family and friends. Huge loss.
  8. K-Hod


    Afternoon all, K-Hod has become a bit of a nickname, many who post on here that I know have worked out who I am from it already! Anyway, 27 years old, from Accrington, love the Rovers, big tv shows, films, music, djing, vinyl the usual stuff I guess! Coached football in the USA for 2 summers in 2007/2008 and it's something I've not closed the door on, but not done anything with since!
  9. Good. Though I'd obviously rather it was Kean....
  10. K-Hod


    I posted on your profile about this mate, tried to send a PM but don't think it was having it...
  11. Hi,

    About the flag- could you send me a picture to djkenny77@hotmail.co.uk and I'll let you know if I'm interested. Cheers.

  12. K-Hod


    No, it wasn't. I sit in the DE :-) Will probably get it for the next/first away game I go to!
  13. Hi all- I was wondering where or how one would go about getting a flag made, just like the standard English flag, with some sort of message like the above on it? I checked ebay, and there didn't seem to be anything. Has anyone bought/had one of these made before?
  14. Back on topic, it really is pure tosh in Blackburn, such a shame as when I was at college and first started on the sauce properly, it was such a terrific night out on a Wednesday and on a weekend, so many bars have since shut it's tragic. Liquid/Envy is awful and many have boycotted it, Jazzy Kex/Barzooka are still open but dead quiet when I've been over, I believe the cellar bar has re-opened? But under a different name, but there's just no options at all. I really wish it would get some investment, Bolton/Preston are the best bets locally, obviously barring Manchester! This song just about sums it up these days- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WhhSBgd3KI&ob=av2n
  15. Peep show started well, but tailed off rather badly towards the final couple of series'. I've seen snippets of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and I must say I did enjoy it a lot. I'm just working my way through 'Oz' at the moment, and I'm almost at the end of the 4th season, terrific thus far. But once it's done, I've plenty to consider, cheers for these recommendations!
  16. I've seen BB, and can't wait for the new season, forgot to mention that above!
  17. I know there's a 'last night on telly I watched' thread, but this is a touch more specialised, so please bear with me on my debut thread! I've been watching a lot of the big TV shows over the last year or so since finishing The Sopranos and Prison break, and I've watched 24, Lost, The Wire and am currently watching 'Oz' as a friend of mine who recommended The Wire said it had a few actors from The Wire and The Sopranos in it, and it hasn't disappointed! I'm halfway through Oz now and it's really been good! Can anyone recommend any other TV shows of similar length, that really take you on a journey?
  18. Never really venture off the football forums here, but hearing some good recommendations I'll have to check! Cheers! The last restaurant in the area I went to was The Waddington Arms- definitely a venue I can recommend!
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