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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. The phone-ins are good to listen to if you want an ego boost. Blatantly obvious that the ‘pundits’ just say outlandish things to bait people, people then ring in and get aggy. The cycle repeats. Talksport continues to get paid and be a going concern. I must admit though, O’Hara and Agbonlahor from what I’ve seen, seem to be some of the dimmest pundits I’ve ever heard.
  2. End of the day, they shouldn’t give it out if they can’t take it when it comes back their way…
  3. Can’t say I’m sad for Wigan fans at all. They were quick to dance on our grave when they sent us down from the PL. You reap what you sow….
  4. I think Rovers would give Chelsea a game at the minute, they’re an embarrassment.
  5. It’s easy for people to forget just how good he was at one point, just because his form tailed off massively at the end of his career.
  6. An Uber driver in LA nowadays, apparently…
  7. You think he’s better than Jacob Ramsey and Curtis Jones? He may be in time, but at the minute he definitely isn’t…..
  8. Pears might be able to pass it about at the back better, but, if the players give it away further up the field and there’s a 1 on 1, I’d much rather Kaminski was in that situation than Pears…
  9. Why on earth would anyone not be results or outcome based? 🥴.
  10. 2 Italian teams in the semi adds weight to the theory it’s on its way back….
  11. Be interested to see what bets he’s being banned for. If he’s been betting on games he’s involved in, then fair enough, if not, I don’t get why footballers aren’t allowed to bet on footy tbh. Trippier’s ban was effectively insider trading and not as long as this, so it must be bad….
  12. As long as you’re alright, eh? What about everyone else?
  13. I’ll be honest, it’s gone just as bad the other way. He’s gone, his time was up, it’s as simple as that. I honestly couldn’t care less what he does now that he’s not here any more….
  14. When Arsenal conceded the 2nd goal, he barely even reacted, then when he eventually did, he sounded gutted. Time for him to step aside, every dog has its day.
  15. The obvious one of dropping the price (more than the £50!), mentioning what other clubs were doing. (This is what I recommended personally, I’d have to try and find the minutes of the meeting, for anyone else’s input).
  16. Just to be clear, on point 1- there was a consultation, several recommendations were made, but I don’t think implemented!
  17. The guy and the podcast definitely have a lack of understanding of the locality in common then…
  18. He’s gone and he’s not coming back mate. Best just to move on….
  19. Do we really need to be shutting down debate by calling people ‘negative’? I don’t think that’s something we need to re visit. (Neither is dismissing people as ‘happy clappers’, on balance).
  20. He gave us some very good moments during his time with us and signed off with a bang. If he’d actually bothered at least once in the second half of the season, before the last day, it would have made the world of difference. As it stands though, that will leave a bit of a bittersweet taste in the mouth for me.
  21. It’s getting to be an obsession for some, for sure!
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