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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Don’t think we need yet another thread on our former manager, I’m merging this with one of the other existing ones….
  2. You assume correctly. I don’t pull any punches myself! I’m already asking some questions a poster has raised with me today and if anyone else has anything they’d like me to ask- DMs are open….
  3. On balance though, it was noted that instead of attending their own team’s open top bus tour, our resident Burnley fans logged on here….
  4. It’s been covered already, but the ‘it’s never too soon to get to the PL’ line was the kicker. The polar opposite of what he said when here, when the club wanted to get promoted in their own time… That said, I don’t think that guy is the word you suggested. He’d gone stale here and a parting of the ways was the best all around, in fairness.
  5. Civility and no goading, please. Thanks.
  6. I suppose the irony of our season, we were near the top of the league when probably not playing that well. But then when we played a lot better and cohesively, it ultimately led to a lot less points…
  7. Unless City lose their minds and do a sentimental appointment, Kompany is about 10 years off managing City, I’d say.
  8. In all seriousness, it would explain the silence and the missing in action for the last few months (bar today). (Though I do doubt he’d go there).
  9. Adam Wharton passed it right to him first though. Granted, Pickering stands off him.
  10. Gifting them a second goal now. Playing like we don’t want to be in the playoffs. Absolutely fucking diabolical.
  11. I agree Kaminski should be back in the side, but you can see Pears shouting for that ball, that goal was 100% on Pickering.
  12. Top communication between our Left back and ‘keeper there 🙃.
  13. Yes we have. I’ve no issue with the views raised, but it’s a preventative measure as it could very quickly descend into politics and as we all know, we don’t have that on this side of the forum.
  14. Some big tunes in there! A solid idea, that. I’ll raise at the next FF, but I’m not optimistic of take up like….
  15. As much as I think pundits definitely say things to get people talking, ring into Talksport fuming etc, I wonder if Carragher still thinks Haaland is holding Man City back?
  16. PNE can’t make the play offs, no matter what they do next week?
  17. We’ve under twenty minutes to save our season, but you wouldn’t know it. We’ve focussed so much on defending and passing it around at the back that we’ve neglected the main point of football- scoring goals. No worries though, at least it adds value to the players 🥴.
  18. Well, we need to do what we haven’t done all season and come back from a goal down. 35 minutes to save our season…
  19. Proud that we showed some fighting spirit that was so sadly lacking in November. Pardon the phrase, but the chickens from the January window catastrophe are coming home to roost tonight. This really is the lowest I could possibly feel re Rovers, with that lot winning the league at our place. Going to take a break from here now, I’m absolutely done.
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