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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. The players are backed in the stands, that’s a given, but they need to give us a lift and at least look interested. There needs to be some more lung busting runs, crunching tackles, or going full on into a 50/50, instead of trying to just nick the ball off the opposition. If you’re down in the dumps, you can work hard to get out of it first and foremost. Slow, one paced football won’t win football matches.
  2. Mowbray under achieved here, but let’s not re write history. Mowbray’s sneakiness isn’t in the same solar system as Kean’s sneakiness in hoodwinking football fans in general.
  3. I think I’d rather us be mid table all season, than get our hopes up and be in the top 6 for the most part, then fall away. Particularly, if it happens for the second consecutive season. Whilst the transfer window wasn’t JDT’s fault, I don’t think we are playing as well as we could be though. We don’t help ourselves with the goals we concede. They’re always from our fuck ups, rather than being undone by moments of magic. It’s so frustrating to see us losing, then not being fully committed to 50/50s, loose balls with the keeper and just having loads of possession and doing nothing with it. We don’t have a great squad and it obviously needs reinforcements badly, but we don’t look like a team of grafters either. It almost looks like JDT is waiting for the summer to start again, whether that’s here or elsewhere.
  4. Rovers don’t turn up and Burnley get promoted. Good Friday indeed 🤮.
  5. Don’t be bitter mate. Saying that, BBD did live near to me until more recently and I’d often see him walking his dog…
  6. I don’t boo myself, but Christ, how else are they meant to know how dreadful they were today? It was an embarrassing performance devoid of fight, passion, spirit and forward passes. Not exactly going to yield cheers from all sides of the ground, is it?
  7. Pathetic today, absolutely spineless. Can’t believe how little character we show or how little commitment we show in 50/50s. Any loose ball is Norwich’s. Commitment and effort are the bare minimum, but we don’t do that. There’s no spine in any of them. Gallagher going half assed into a 50/50 with their keeper sums him up. Get rid immediately, no excuse for not going in full blooded. I can forgive a lack of ability, but never a lack of effort.
  8. Might as well go home lads. Also might as well cancel the season. We’ve absolutely bottled it here, yet again. Thanks for raising our hopes for a second consecutive season only then to bottle it again though lads. Absolutely no spine whatsoever in any of them.
  9. We are making this far too easy for Norwich. Their keeper looks an absolute liability, so when he gets the ball passed back to him, what do we do? A token jog towards him. Only Szmodics has charged at him. Possession for possession’s sake that actually goes nowhere. All in all, a bit shit so far.
  10. We all know what happens when we go 1-0 down. All the ingredients are there for a bottling today. Big crowd, sunny day, a need for 3 points. Come on Rovers, prove me wrong!
  11. I was on the bevs, so not moving quickly, otherwise I’d have done him tbf. My mate (also a blue) only told me last night he’s taken a few parcels in for him lately too. I didn’t ask him if they were books on finishing, before you ask 😊.
  12. Not sure if Jack Vale is injured or not, but given the size of the takeaway he walked past me to collect last night, I imagine he’s not in the squad…
  13. Who’s abusing him? Or is this criticism being rebranded as abuse?
  14. He obviously has some quality, but we need a different type of midfielder to him right now.
  15. My mate observed yesterday that our subs were reactive and I do agree. We were absolutely over run in midfield and Morton does love the safe 5 yard pass. Rarely does it ever go forwards from his boot. I’m sure his passing stats are unreal though and that’s apparently what matters….
  16. No idea in the final third, buzzing it took me four and a half hours to drive here though. Thanks for showing the same commitment lads, appreciate it…
  17. Get Morton out of this fucking Club immediately. Guy has no fight in him.
  18. Had to be him, didn’t it? All can be traced back to Morton fucking a corner up. Liability.
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