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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Should be a second booking, the cheeky prick trying to say it’s not even a foul!
  2. Oh aye, interesting that nobody appealed for it though. Without VAR, it would have passed the game by…
  3. Must admit, I thought that was a harsh penalty, but do I care? Do I heck!
  4. There’s twenty minutes of build up time left, there’s time for us yet…
  5. You wanna try getting in at the Parkers Arms, John. Thought I’d have a birthday meal there (May), in January, it was fully booked!
  6. There was definitely not an encouragement of a price hike, believe me!
  7. It was on his instagram story. I’d suggest it’s a storm in a teacup tbh. He went to Moorland School, where both Rovers and City academy products go. He probably knows some City academy products who he went to the game with, so it’s most likely not all that deep…
  8. I’d need to see it again, but it looked like their goal slipped under Pears quite easily from here…
  9. Oh dear. I was worried those missed chances would come back to haunt us.
  10. On Twitter though, he’s on his own time, he should be able to say what he wants. On MOTD, if he said that, fair enough, it breaches impartiality. Otherwise, he’s paid well, but they don’t pay him to be a robot…
  11. You’d be correct. I think that’s why it’s not been on this part of the forum. It’s a difficult one, as I think it would be very quick to descend into politics, which we don’t allow on this side of the forum, but I guess it is mostly relevant….
  12. Fair enough if you don’t like the fans forum, but I’ve said time and again if anyone wants anything to be raised, to contact me directly and I’ll raise it for you. No need to be rude.
  13. Why though? Both are true if you’re referring to English clubs/managers…
  14. I’ve had far more reports than I’d like from this thread. Get a grip guys, for goodness’ sake.
  15. Doubt Forest could be assed suing us tbh, they’ll probs just move on. Lewis O’Brien is the biggest loser in this whole saga.
  16. League position, I think that’s it. To be fair though (as much as it pains me to admit it), Burnley are well clear at the top of the league, so surely they’d be a shorter price than the other Championship sides…
  17. It was on BBC Breaking News last night ‘Vincent Kompany’s Burnley to face Man City in the FA Cup’.
  18. To be fair, I don’t like them either, but it’s not scabby if it happens all the time…
  19. I wonder why we are baiting for a reaction when we’ve just had one of our best performances in years? Pretty unnecessary.
  20. Everything about tonight has been unreal for the club. The performance, the result and getting into the next round. Buzzing for the fans that went down there on a grim Tuesday night and everyone that watched at home. Proud as punch of the lads and JDT tonight.
  21. We haven’t lost yet and Leicester have far better players than us. If they scored this was bound to happen.
  22. Szmodics and Dolan getting a lot of joy here. We’ve had good chances, just lacking power on the finishes.
  23. Unfortunately, phone signal at work is awful, so it looks like a poster has been on a fishing trip. I’ve told this to them as well, but if anyone thinks that suggesting we hold a guard of honour for our local rivals isn’t trolling, then I’m afraid you’re mistaken.
  24. They were doing really well, then United scored against the run of play and since then, they’ve just dominated Newcastle tbh.
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