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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Thought we’d get smashed, so glad we didn’t, but still, disappointing to only draw after leading for over half of the game.
  2. Good to see Dolan back, but I’m concerned at our centre halves vs Watford’s attackers.
  3. @chaddyroversLet’s just say for a minute, that City end up suffering all these expected sanctions. If they feel wronged and the Super League end up dangling a massive financial carrot, you not think they’d be tempted? Then they go, start signing the best players, get even richer, then there would be temptation for other clubs and so it goes on.
  4. Given how many transfers they were able to successfully conduct in the summer, I’d say they were experts in getting deals over the line tbh….
  5. I don’t need to watch a video, money talks. They’ll all find ways to get out of their obligations via legal loopholes paid for by legal teams we could only dream of affording. It’s just reality, people often say one thing and mean another.
  6. Fair’s fair, Mowbray said similar and rightly got pelters. ‘I don’t look at the results, I look at the performances’. They’ve been awful too! Our only goal threats have been nullified by this shite ‘style’.
  7. This would make them even richer. If the money is right, they’ll go. This idea isn’t dead.
  8. It was when Steve Waggott retorted to my comment about our season ticket sales, with ‘I bet they didn’t make as much as us thought, did they?’ I’m worried that those in the corridors of power don’t get the fan base at all and the lack of even considering lowering season ticket prices was odd. They mentioned that they’d ‘done a cheap ticket offer for the Birmingham cup game’ and there wasn’t much take up, so cheap tickets don’t always work and all this sort of thing. I highlighted that the 3rd round FA Cup is always poorly attended. I think my main worry is that they give up too easily and hide behind easy excuses of parachute payments and all that. Like ‘oh well, they get more money than us, so we might as well not bother competing with them. It’s the seemingly defeatist mindset that I just can’t get on board with tbh.
  9. It’s respectful, but people get stuck in I suppose! Some things said recently (all minuted anyway, I’m not giving away trade secrets) have concerned me greatly though, I can’t lie.
  10. Because Man United have benefitted from winning everything in sight since the advent of Sky TV, expanded their fan base and taken the cash that comes with it, the only way to get close to them is by spending boat loads of cash. If not, we’re just stuck with other clubs with huge fan bases and revenues winning it or competing every time. Shite for the fans and the contest as a whole.
  11. I’m more than capable of removing myself and I’ve definitely been that way out since the window.
  12. We actually do and you wouldn’t believe how much time we spend moderating the site to be honest. People slag off the site all the time, but they’re still here, so it can’t be that bad!
  13. We won’t, but he didn’t and we’ve checked, so can you stop saying it please?
  14. Difference being, his project was to win and win quickly. Some ambition from those above… Something that’s a dream according to the man our dugout….
  15. First time I’ve ever thought about not renewing my season ticket for next season. No ambition, no plan and no clue from those in charge. Well done to all involved, over 30 years of being a fan and you’ve managed to break me…
  16. Reminder, as it seems people have forgotten, or just trying their luck, but politics in the other forums and football in here please, thanks.
  17. He’s not the only one. Luckily, he doesn’t have to pay to watch the shite his teams serve up.
  18. Well, you wouldn’t. But you’ve got 20/20 vision whenever he misplaced a pass like.
  19. Come on ref, blow the final whistle, so I can go to bed.
  20. He’s just a pantomime villain. Guy couldn’t knock out a wank.
  21. First time we’ve seen a bit of spirit with that mini brawl.
  22. Probably because even when he scores or plays well, it doesn’t count in your head.
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