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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. 78 minutes against the bottom side. 1 shot, 0 on target.
  2. Fair play to Max Power’s parents, they’ve clearly got a good sense of humour.
  3. I think you are confusing this match with the one that sent us down from the prem. It happens.
  4. Would have helped if he’d had some service. One of the best and most creative midfielders in the world in KDB and he was left on the bench….
  5. I suspect their fans won’t be bothered if it was a good game or not. I think they’ll be more concerned with three points against the top of the league team that had only lost once before Saturday tbh.
  6. In hindsight, if Liverpool got rid of Salah, cashed in while his stock was at his highest and kept Mane, it would have been the best shout. Granted, it would have been unthinkable at the time. As It’s gone, Salah has been poor and Liverpool have been awful. Their midfield has no legs and it exposes TAA and VVD by offering them no protection. Strange set of circumstance all around tbh.
  7. New manager bounce for Wigan, we know how this one plays out.
  8. I think we’ve established that they’d miss it anyway. Problem is, I’d get really frustrated and really have a massive go. Sorry for any forum members reading this too, I’m just all over the place with the most recent news. What an absolute shambles.
  9. Why are you so keen on missing the point all the time?
  10. March 13th, I looked that up today. I’m debating handing in my resignation for that after today though. I just can’t believe what has happened.
  11. Probably cause the whole administration have been absolutely shite on the whole for, oh, I don’t know, about 12 years?
  12. Gates have fallen, by loads. Maybe the wrong tense was used, Jesus.
  13. But now we are in them, we don’t fancy it? Must be the only club in the country that thinks that way and it’s pathetic.
  14. If the focus from the club isn’t the play offs when we are in them and have been all season, I just wonder what the point is?
  15. I’ve never really buzzed off his live shows, as they all seem to be formulaic as you say. I can’t fault his TV productions though- Phoenix Nights for one is absolutely class.
  16. Not been online all day, as signal is well shit at work. Got 9 pages to trawl through, but it looks like there’s plenty of people moralising about calmness, patience and just slagging other posters off. There’s some concern that is pretty justified and some over the top, but such is life. It’s not helpful for message board harmony to slag the place off so much though, I can say that much. I’ll never understand why people who apparently hate the site continue to post and view it. I’ll tell you what though, what bothers me the most is the self-defeating attitude of the club which is seeping into the fan base. Instead of finding reasons why we can get promoted, people just look for reasons we can’t, shrug their shoulders and say ‘oh well’. We’ve been in the play offs all season just like we were last season, so we should be aiming to finish there at a minimum. Anything else is a failure, project or not. We’ve got 36 hours to get our shit together anyhow, Lord knows we need reinforcements!
  17. There must have been something more to that Sheff United red card, as I couldn’t see a thing on the replay…
  18. Every chance Sharpe could be wrong as well tbf. It does happen. It’s silly season, owt could be happening… But rest assured, as it’s Venky’s, whatever is happening, will be happening slowly, as they are terrible owners.
  19. I’m open minded about any transfer, I’m not writing anyone off and certainly hope the rumoured striker is a success. I think people have the right to be concerned about his goal record, but we may be able to get more from him, than he’s shown so for for most of his career…
  20. Hell of a finish for the Brighton winner, that.
  21. He’s only ‘the whipping boy’ as he’s been playing shite. It stands to reason that fans will observe that and pass comment, to be fair….
  22. Lad’s an embittered shit stirrer and does not need any validation or to be made relevant or current. Feck him.
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