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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Thing is, we have a lot of possession, but very little penetration in the final third. Previously very effective players like BBD and Dack are firing blanks. We’ve no creativity in the middle of the park and players like Adam Wharton come in, play really well, then are never seen again. It’s just not good at all at the minute. Yes, I know we are third, but can anyone really see a good sustained run coming on? We’ve been missing in action since the Burnley match, with the exception of the Norwich game.
  2. Performances, not learning from mistakes that cost us goals and points, persisting with shite players that have shown nothing- take your pick.
  3. If this was at 3pm, I’d probably go, but a 12pm kick off New Year’s Day isn’t going to happen for me. It won’t matter if I don’t turn up anyhow, as the players haven’t bothered for ages.
  4. Gaslighting isn’t tolerated, nobody is gaslighting anyone from what I can see. I have to say though, if anyone thinks Hirst has any strengths, I’d love to know what they are, as they’ve been completely missing in action so far. The lad has offered absolutely nothing to justify his signing. He’s been abysmal. I hope he improves for the club’s sake, I really do, but he’s shown me nothing so far to suggest he will.
  5. I think this is the crux of it, whether we as fans want to admit it or not, anyone with two working eyes knows Burnley have a far better squad than us. What we don’t need, is Burnley fans coming on here, being cocky and rubbing our noses in it. We are happy to have Burnley fans on here, as long as you respect the house you’re in. Don’t think any Rovers fans would have gone on a Burnley forum at our height and rubbed our noses in it and lasted long. You’re lucky we are a patient bunch on here.
  6. This bit right here, can’t be insulting posters, never mind en masse! (It’s against the rules). Also, any queries about hidden posts in future, need to be in ask admin, or sent via private message to a moderator.
  7. Still had PTSD from losing in the 90th minute at Sunderland, having set off at 7am Boxing Day to get there tbh. (That and my mate I usually sit with wasn’t there tonight).
  8. I’m almost a bit ashamed to admit this, but as soon as we went 2-1 down, having gone down to ten men, I walked out and back to my car. I didn’t want to waste any more time in the cold watching the inevitable unfold. I walked out early in the PNE game too. Before this season, I’d always stayed until the end. They’ve finally managed to find a way to break me I think….
  9. Have a day off lad, Christ. That sort of thing happens all the time and I’ve never seen anyone sent off for it before.
  10. Anyone want to update us on what that red card was for? Couldn’t see anything worthy of a red from here…
  11. ‘Keep it tight for the first 35 seconds after half time lads’.
  12. Bit of a strange half, this. Thought they were well on top until we scored, then that really deflated them until pretty much when they hit the bar. We have definitely been a lot better than Boxing Day though thankfully. I’d expect a big improvement from them second half though, they won’t be that poor again.
  13. Why wouldn’t he say something like ‘we’re ahead of where I thought we’d be, but I’m happy with that and of course I’d love us to get promoted this season’. The negative attitude of him writing us off can’t be good to hear as a player….
  14. I’ll tell you why. JDT said himself ‘we aren’t in the promotion picture this season’ the other day. Almost like us being third is an inconvenience. Is the project more important than our league position? Is adding value to players more important than winning matches? I support Blackburn Rovers football club, not our balance sheet… If promotion isn’t the aim, when we are sitting in third, I start to question what the point of us being a professional football club is, I’ll be honest.
  15. Finally stopped stewing after that shower on Boxing Day. I started thinking, if Hirst was first choice, who the hell was second choice? Imagine how bad they must be!
  16. You seen any of the matches or results recently? We are third for now, but the season finishes in May…
  17. Performance over results, yet they’re both shite at the minute….
  18. What a way to run a club. Chance of promotion, which is the point of being in the competition in the first place- ‘no thanks mate’.
  19. It doesn’t have to be a transition just because the manager says so though. We could actually show some ambition as club for once and say ‘we are third and the aim is promotion’. Instead of dismissing defeats due to us being a young side and saying it’s a project. Where’s the ambition at? What’s the point of football if we are just in transition all the time and not aiming to actually go up. It’s always tomorrow with this lot.
  20. Playing with Hirst is like playing with ten men, he’s had four months now and he’s still absolutely useless. Send him back. All this talk of a ‘project’ and just batting away another limp performance where we have loads of the ball, but never really do anything with it bar the goal, it’s awful. If we aren’t even bothered about getting promotion, but we are more bothered about a ‘project’ or adding value to players, you start to wonder, what’s the point?
  21. There goes the voice of someone that didn’t travel 2 and a half hours to get there and has a 2 and a half hour journey home.
  22. No point turning up to away games as the players don’t bother either. Useless pricks.
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