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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. It’s not total bullshit to claim that the new managers have to work with existing coaches, it’s a fact, as Lowe and Benson are still here. Venky’s not paying the wages in the past again is fact, do you remember Owen Coyle’s appointment? If things are different now to how they’ve been in the past eleven years, then just explain why, instead of rudely telling people they’re talking rubbish every day.
  2. Probably would have helped if this had happened a week or so earlier, then we could have afforded to keep Lenihan… In all seriousness though, good player when fit, but never actually fit. Get him gone though for me.
  3. In a word, no. Someone should have gotten in there first with a new thread. To be fair, the longer it goes on, the more relevant it becomes….
  4. Motion carried, please can we use the report function and not start replying to all the politics threads. Or ideally, just don’t mention politics on this side of the forum at all please? Ta.
  5. It’s your choice, but I tend to prefer probability and previous behaviours. I find it more realistic tbh. Venky’s are human beings and human beings are creatures of habit. I’d love nothing more than them making some great decisions that get us promoted. If Rovers win, nothing makes me happier. Problem is, the two opposing forces have been Venky’s past failings and poor decisions vs what I want to happen.
  6. Nixon in hedging his bets and not saying anything shocker. Fair play to him for still reeling people in, though many of us saw through this a long time ago.
  7. Jim’s spot on. I’ve been in Clitheroe for a couple of years and never been happier, but it certainly is more expensive.
  8. The Blackburn Rovers reporter for the LT isn’t expected to hold the club to account? What else is he supposed to do on a working day then? No wonder the club are allowed to take the piss when the local media have been treating the club with kid gloves for so long.
  9. I always maintained Orr was a bell end and he’s just cemented that view point.
  10. There’s a fans forum meeting in just over a month, I’m concerned we may still not have a manager by then tbh.
  11. It’s not really that simple though, is it? If people think they’re having the piss taken out of them, then they won’t renew out of principle. While yourself and others will renew no matter what. Nobody is better than the other, but people need to be respecting the views of others. It’s a shame I’m having to say this for a second time in a week tbh.
  12. Just to be clear- if people want to renew their season ticket because their love of the club is greater than their dislike of Venky’s, this is fine. If people don’t want to renew out of principle because they don’t want to feel as though Venky’s are mugging them off, this is fine too. What’s not fine is not respecting other people’s points of view. Every single human being on the planet is different and makes decisions on what is best for them. You aren’t a better fan if you do either, this isn’t a competition.
  13. I’m in Portugal for a wedding, so missing all the scenes back home. Prince Andrew couldn’t have timed that Covid better, could he? Mad how that happened….
  14. ‘Bearing in mind how much expert knowledge there is on BRFCS, surely someone must have made it to the top 8 or 9’. Yeah, I think that’s a dig to be fair. We all need to be aiming not to do that.
  15. To be fair mate, we’ve done all we can though….
  16. Good football is winning football. Give me a stoic, well drilled side that grinds out 1-0 wins over nice football that results in nowt. Football is a competitive sport.
  17. The evidence that the managerial search isn’t organised is Venky’s tenure so far and the fact he’s been gone nearly a month and we haven’t appointed anyone yet?
  18. Hopefully not many more as it’s tiresome reading a lot of these posts. Usual story, no meat on the bones, but plenty of telling people they’re talking complete shite. More of the former and none of the latter would be the dream ticket….
  19. It’s Venky’s, there was never a plan and I think Mowbray leaving pulled the rug from under them. When they act, they’re never quick, they’re always slow. Whatever the process in place for hiring and firing, it’s absolutely abysmal, let’s be honest.
  20. Reminds me of a video of an absolute man mountain in a gym who got tasered and just carried on like it never happened. Some people are just built differently!
  21. That’s the most blatant penalty you’ll ever see. Shameful that a professional referee and linesmen missed it.
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