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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Plastic Liverpool fans that I have to endure on social media are the absolute worst. I can’t stand Liverpool. (Not the city, or Klopp actually, they’re sound, just the football club).
  2. It’s a message board, every post is someone’s opinion. It’s a given and doesn’t need to be clarified. This definitely isn’t something that should be triggering people.
  3. They haven’t appointed a top class manager because they’re terrible owners, to be fair.
  4. Relax lads and lasses. Nixon just wants some attention.
  5. I’d sooner City won than Read Madrid or Liverpool, but sometimes you’ve just got to admire how Real manage to dig out victories out of nowhere, time after time.
  6. If people don’t want Dyche for tribal reasons, I suppose that’s on them. I just want a manager that is a proven success at this level. You won’t get many better examples than that former Burnley manager….
  7. When you say Tesco, are you on about Waggott? If so, how come?
  8. If there’s no scope for teams moving through the divisions, what’s the point in competition?
  9. Needed a win to keep any hopes alive and as with our form since February, we bottled it. Shameful. Don’t worry though, we get to see the team that overtook us into second enjoy themselves though….
  10. That defending, hell fire. POTY has gone to JPVH’s head today.
  11. You know what I found really bizarre? When Mowbray was talking about a work/life balance and never seeing his family. I get that must be difficult, but when he took on the Blackburn Rovers job, he must have known where we were based. It’s been in the same town for nearly 140 years in fairness.
  12. I’m well aware of the owners being a massive problem, but Mowbray had us second as recently as February and it’s not even May and we’re all but out if it now and that’s on him. Playing players out of position, tactical balls ups and a stubborn refusal to change what clearly isn’t working is on him. Shit owners don’t absolve him of decisions he’s made himself. If our collapse wasn’t gut wrenching and incredibly frustrating to you too, I’m not sure what to say to be honest.
  13. People have seemingly redefined criticism to abuse to suit an argument. Some of the criticism definitely crosses a line, but most of it is anger and frustration that we were 2nd in February and now we are 8th and as good as out of the race. I’d say it was weird if any Rovers fan wasn’t angry about that collapse tbh.
  14. I know loads of people that support other clubs and not one of them has ever said to me that they think Rovers fans are entitled. But you obviously wouldn’t be making that part up, would you?
  15. Highs- League Cup win in 2002 and all the promotions, even the one from league one! Lows- relegations and quite a few under Venky’s, I think we know which they are. Sublime- how could I look any further than 1995. What a side. Even as an 11 year old, it was one of the best days of my life. Thinking about it now still makes me beam with pride.
  16. Because there’s this thing called courtesy. You might have heard of it? If any of us had been somewhere five years and our contracts were up and we were in the dark about what was happening when they ended in about a month’s time, we wouldn’t be happy….
  17. In fairness, whilst anywhere else he would have been sacked and should have been sacked here, it’s pretty shit of the owners not to let him know what’s happening next season one way or another.
  18. I’m not sure there was a giant pool of candidates in reality. I’m a bit torn on this one. Stokes is a great cricketer, but I do think it’s a bit unfair to ask him to be captain with his recent mental health difficulties. It put him in a difficult position and it was an opportunity he couldn’t turn down.
  19. They’re only tolerant as they don’t give a shit and it allows them to keep doing the bare minimum without any noise from one of their underlings.
  20. Glad Reece James got man of the match, he had an absolute stormer. He deserved that curling shot after Mount’s lay off to go the right side of the post!
  21. Mowbray has taken a bit of stick on here the wider internet, some of which has perhaps been over the top, some justified, such is life. Football is vitally important to supporters and this collapse since January has been incredibly frustrating and gut wrenching to witness. He probably does deserve better than a few negative personal comments, but then again, we both deserve better than these shit owners. We also deserve better than Mowbray repeatedly making the same mistakes, costing us points and completely derailing our season. (Yes, I’m aware the players aren’t guilt free, but the Buck stops with the manager, he picks them). As DE touched on, he has certainly been treated shabbily, but he’s also benefitted from the owners’ abysmal running of the club, with them having a completely hands off approach. Anywhere else, he’d have been sacked off after one of his many terrible runs since taking over. What a total shit show.
  22. Has anyone actually said this? All I’ve seen is posters agreeing with you and being annoyed and frustrated in equal measure?
  23. Ben Whiteman isn’t our problem and irrespective of the pressure being off or not, in isolation, Buckley gave him a torrid time and it was good to see a Rovers player play so well. Mad what happens when you play players in their favoured positions.
  24. For goodness’ sake, I’m trying to find some joy in celebrating us beating PNE by saying one of our players has had a good game. Why would you have a problem with that?
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